View Full Version : Imminent Cargo Revenues

Air Profit
5th Mar 2012, 23:31
Thought everyone may be interested in this piece of news. I'm sure mention of this will be in this Friday's telex....

Air Freight Rates From China Skyrocket As Apple Buys Up Space For iPad Shipments

Apple (http://www.businessinsider.com/blackboard/apple) has bought up a ton of air freight space over the next few weeks to make sure the next iPad (http://www.businessinsider.com/blackboard/ipad) is available in the United States soon, according to reports.
This is placing a squeeze on other companies who want to ship material from China.
MacRumors reports one shipper says freight rates from China have risen 20% (http://www.macrumors.com/2012/03/05/apples-ipad-3-launch-putting-squeeze-on-freight-shipments-from-china/) in the last week. Another says his company has been scrambling to find space for shipments.
Separately, Apple Insider reports that DHL is preparing to handle massive shipments (http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/12/03/05/apples_massive_ipad_3_air_freight_deal_with_dhl_shaking_up_s hipping_rates.html) this week, driving up shipping costs from Asia to the U.S.
With $100 billion in cash, Apple can easily afford to buy up as much space as it needs to make sure that iPads get to hungry consumers on time.
Apple is expected to launch the next iPad at an event in San Francisco on Wednesday. It is reportedly going to be called the iPad HD (http://www.businessinsider.com/ipad-hd-2012-3) and feature a very high resolution Retina Display, which first shipped with the iPhone 4 (http://www.businessinsider.com/blackboard/iphone-4) in 2010.

broadband circuit
6th Mar 2012, 09:09
What a stupid rubbish story. Everyone knows there's no money in freight.

6th Mar 2012, 16:55
What a stupid rubbish story. Everyone knows there's no money in freight.

So why are so many freighter flights being cancelled?

6th Mar 2012, 22:29
Originally Posted by broadband circuit View Post
What a stupid rubbish story. Everyone knows there's no money in freight.
So why are so many freighter flights being cancelled?

The freight is out there...other airlines still fly freighters to HKG. CX just have not been successful in flying all of it themselves.

7th Mar 2012, 14:23
So why are so many freighter flights being cancelled?

So why are we ordering all these 747-8Fs, 777Fs and building an immense cargo terminal? :}

7th Mar 2012, 18:35
So why are we ordering all these 747-8Fs, 777Fs and building an immense cargo terminal? :}

No idea, you tell me? :confused:

7th Mar 2012, 19:19
I'm guessing it isn't for charity... my bet is that there IS money in freight after all, just not for you and I :ouch:

7th Mar 2012, 20:30
I know its a different business than CX, but Fedex and UPS are making $$$ with Apple shipments. Of which the majority are straight to customer whereas CX, SQ, KE etc. do the large bulk shipments to the warehouses and retailers.

Fedex can deliver a iPhone/iPad/Mac from the factory in Shenzhen to a house in 2 days straight.

Shenzhen to HKG via truck.
Same day departure to MEM (non-stop) on the B777.
Quick early morning MEM-DEN (MD11)

And then out for delivery.

8th Mar 2012, 13:13
Have NR and the Cargo Boys heard of South America, or perhaps Africa, which is larger than the US and China and most of Europe combined? Nah, there couldn't possibly be any call for freight into, or out of, there, right?:confused:

8th Mar 2012, 15:33
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_between_U.S._states_and_countries_by_GDP_(nominal )

Bigger in size but not in GDP. California has more GDP than the top 10 African nations combined.

That said, I believe Nairobi was in the pipeline and Brazil is very interesting. We shall see.

8th Mar 2012, 17:01
China is Brazil's largest trading partner. That is pretty amazing when you consider the logistics (freight shipping) between South America and Asia being more than twice the distance to the US, still the worlds largest economy.