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10th Oct 2012, 10:05
MCAS Yuma will eventually be home to 88 F-35Bs — five squadrons each with 16 aircraft, and one operational test and evaluation squadron of eight aircraft — with the first aircraft arriving later this year.



12th Oct 2012, 16:21
Vigilance control system set to be tested on Merlin helicopter | News | The Engineer (http://www.theengineer.co.uk/sectors/military-and-defence/news/vigilance-control-system-set-to-be-tested-on-merlin-helicopter/1014214.article)

Gives timescales for delivery too - No tendering on this one?

peter we
13th Oct 2012, 17:30
I thought there was a tender already out for Crowsnest?

Milo Minderbinder
13th Oct 2012, 18:53
Please accept my apologies for the thread drift, but a bit of advice for Courtney re his phone question...

show her this phone app, and then tell her that it comes on Androids, and that they're cheaper

Courtney Mil
14th Oct 2012, 11:04
Android it is then. :ok:

david parry
24th Oct 2012, 07:44
defence.professionals | defpro.com (http://www.defpro.com/news/details/40600/?SID=1a621ff794d1ac32d73a71c539ee48c5) don't think any of our friends in light blue,will be volunteering to join the Wafus as flight deck ground crew onboard the flat tops. Any time soon;)

24th Oct 2012, 08:38
Speaking of 45,000 ton flat tops.....

Navy’s Newest Assault Ship Moonlights as Pint-Sized Aircraft Carrier (http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/10/navy-mini-carrier/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+WiredDangerRoom+%28Wired%3A+Blog+-+Danger+Room%29&utm_content=Google+Reader)

America-class amphibious assault ship (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America-class_amphibious_assault_ship)


david parry
24th Oct 2012, 09:01
What's that skimmer next to the flat top ??? Looks awesome:cool:

24th Oct 2012, 09:13
Looks like the USS New York, built from steel from the WTC.

Courtney Mil
24th Oct 2012, 09:15
That's a San Antonio class amphibious dock/ship thing, DP, like the one that bumped into a submarine in the Strait of Hormuz a couple of years back. Pretty impressive IMHO. I'll hazard a guess at USS Arlington?

24th Oct 2012, 09:27
More impressive in pictures than perhaps in reality. The most problematic class in recent USN history - including LCS. Check the link below - scroll down to the "Is this acceptable?" header and gawp at the pictures....

Maritime News and Comment Oct-05 (http://www.coltoncompany.com/newsandcomment/news/2005/10.htm)

david parry
24th Oct 2012, 10:12
Yep San Antonio class :ok: my bad .... to big to be a skimmer ;)San Antonio class amphibious transport dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Antonio_class_amphibious_transport_dock)

idle bystander
25th Oct 2012, 08:23
defence.professionals | defpro.com (http://www.defpro.com/news/details/40600/?SID=1a621ff794d1ac32d73a71c539ee48c5) don't think any of our friends in light blue,will be volunteering to join the Wafus as flight deck ground crew onboard the flat tops. Any time soon

In the article David Parry quotes, I really like Lightning II jets embarked with pilots from both Services, providing a step-change in capability compared to the Harrier fleet

A "step change" taking 7 years to complete! Does anyone actually think about these things when they write them?:{

Courtney Mil
25th Oct 2012, 08:29
More of a gently-inclined ramp change, then?

25th Oct 2012, 09:41
Looks like the USS New York, built from steel from the WTC.

7.5 short tons (6.8 t) of the steel used in the ship's construction came from the rubble of the World Trade Center; this represents less than one thousandth of the total weight of the ship.

The steel was melted down at Amite Foundry and Machine in Amite, Louisiana, to cast part of the ship's bow section. It was poured into the molds on 9 September 2003, with 7 short tons (6.4 t) cast to form the ship's "stem bar" — part of the ship's bow.

The shipyard workers reportedly treated it with "reverence usually accorded to religious relics", gently touching it as they walked by.

Cheers, mate.

31st Oct 2012, 11:11
Let us at least try to have some good news (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/30/us-lockheed-fighter-helmet-idUSBRE89T1KE20121030)

31st Oct 2012, 13:57
Good news indeed!

"Lockheed Martin Executive Vice President Tom Burbage said that night vision performance was the "only real question" left on the helmet"...

Sadly, that happens to be about the only thing that the amazingly complex WonderDome does, that the much lighter and cheaper Dash, Targo, JHMCS, Scorpion et al don't do already.

31st Oct 2012, 18:17

http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/media/epubs/AFI11-2F-35AV3.pdf (0.5Mb)

John Farley
31st Oct 2012, 19:04
Extract from the above doc

4.1. Display of Endorsed Primary Flight Reference.
4.1.1. Anytime flight conditions (illumination, visibility, weather) or procedures (National Airspace System) require flight by reference to instruments, the pilot MUST select and continuously display an endorsed primary flight reference (PFR). The Standby Flight Display (SFD) and Helmet Mounted Display are not endorsed PFRs. Currently approved single medium PFR displays are heads-down, either: Helmet Mounted Display Virtual Heads-Up Display (HMD v-HUD). Note that under some flight regimes, the horizon line and pitch ladder collides (coexists) with the airspeed, altitude and heading symbology, causing potential readability issues; or, Full-color Electronic Flight Instrument (EFI). When using this display, pilots are prohibited from using the pop-up data entry keypad overlaid on the EFI.
4.1.2. The primary unusual attitude reference is the HMD v-HUD. Do not use the HMD or SFD to recover from an unusual attitude or when executing lost wingman procedures except when no other attitude reference is available.

Back in the 80s I wrote a paper that was later used at an AGARD confernce that was entitled:

Modern flight Instrument displays as a major military aviation flight safety weakness.

History is great stuff.

glad rag
31st Oct 2012, 19:44
Ice, ice baby....

31st Oct 2012, 19:58
F-35—AIRCREW TRAINING 13 September 2010
AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 11-2F-35A, VOLUME 1 Flying Operations

http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/media/epubs/AFI11-2F-35AV1.pdf (0.7Mb)

AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 11-2F-35A, VOLUME 2 Flying Operations

http://www.e-publishing.af.mil/shared/media/epubs/AFI11-2F-35AV2.pdf (0.6Mb)

1st Nov 2012, 00:39
Generic NATOPS advice about HUDs.


Natops Instrument Flight Manual (http://www.scribd.com/doc/54516351/Natops-Instrument-Flight-Manual)

14.2.1 HUD Limitations
HUDs not endorsed as a Primary Flight Reference (PFR) may be integrated into the normal instrument cross-check, but concerns about insidious failures and its use in maintaining attitude awareness and recovering from unusual attitudes preclude its use as a sole-source instrument reference. Improvements in information integrity and failure indications have increased confidence in the reliability of HUDs; however, the combination of symbology and mechanization enabling their use as a sole-source attitude reference has not been incorporated into all HUDs.

14.2.2 Global Orientation
Many HUDs are incapable of providing intuitive global orientation information because of the small sections of space that they represent. Also, because many HUDs provide only a partial picture of the aircraft attitude, a pilot who tries to use the HUD to confirm an unusual attitude may see only a blur of lines and numbers. In a fast-moving environment, the pilot may not be able to differentiate or recognize the difference between the solid climb lines from the identical, but dashed, dive lines in the flightpath scale. Any confusion or delay in initiating proper recovery inputs may make recovery impossible.

Unless your HUD is endorsed as a PFR, do not use it when spatially disoriented, for recovery from an unusual attitude, or during lost wingman situations; use the heads-down display anytime an immediate attitude reference is required. Typically, heads-down displays are inherently easier to use in these situations because of the larger attitude coverage, color asymmetry between the solid ground and sky, and reduced interference from the outside visual scene (glare, optical illusions, etc.).

14.2.3 HUD Field of View
HUD symbology may also obscure objects within the HUD field of view. When nonessential HUD information is displayed or when the HUD brightness level is excessive, the probability of obscuration is dramatically increased. Proper HUD settings (including elimination of non-task-essential information and adjusting the brightness to the proper level) are imperative to prevent potential hazards to safe flight.

14.2.4 Conventional Cross-Check
Pilots should remain proficient in the conventional instrument cross-check for their specific aircraft. Regardless of the type HUD you have, it is important to fly an instrument approach or accomplish a level-off occasionally without using the HUD so you retain your proficiency in the event of a HUD malfunction. Using HUD information incorrectly or at the wrong time can actually increase pilot workload, but timely, proper use of it can help you fly more precise instruments on a routine basis."

3rd Nov 2012, 18:34
The F-35’s Race Against Time By John A. Tirpak 2012 Nov
Vol. 95, No. 11 Air Force Magazine Executive Editor

Article: The F-35 (http://www.airforce-magazine.com/MagazineArchive/Pages/2012/November%202012/1112fighter.aspx)


0.5Mb PDF: http://www.airforce-magazine.com/MagazineArchive/Documents/2012/November%202012/1112fighter.pdf

3rd Nov 2012, 18:36
So if one was to say RAF Marham, circa £270ish million on infra, 4 sqns (12ac each) and 1 OCU (10 ac) with a total proposed buy of 75ac; you would all say?

I'd say...

Marham...!!!! It's a fecking ****hole. Why do we continue to shut/rundown decent stations and base things in remote isolated ****pits?

3rd Nov 2012, 20:13
I remember copping a lot of flack from the experts here when I told of the f-35 supercruising at M1.25, appologies will be accepted

I just thought you would like to know that a dry thrust speed of M1.2 has been confirmed
The F-35 (http://www.airforce-magazine.com/MagazineArchive/Pages/2012/November%202012/1112fighter.aspx)

no doubt there will be more surprises to come

Just This Once...
3rd Nov 2012, 20:18
Further flack inbound as it still does not supercruise and you sir cannot read!

3rd Nov 2012, 20:39
No doubt the eurocanard fans will arc up...but it supercruises at M1.2 as per the euro definition...the f-35A was at M1.25
also at the time no one made the point that dry M1.25 isn't LM supercruise and that M1.5 was LM definition

3rd Nov 2012, 23:20
Downsizer - because the locations are cheaper. 'Nice' locations earn more from property developers... and the MOD is busy asset-stripping itself.

4th Nov 2012, 00:30
DD - I'd say that suits BAES very nicely thank you as they have plenty of employees in the area after Tornado gets cut. That means that the BAES workshare in F-35 continues, MoD continues to support British Industry, and the taxpayers money gets vaguely recycled rather than going into Fort Worth's banks.

It also may mean a European logistics hub in East Anglia with any USAF F-35A force at Lakenheath and maybe the Dutch too (if they end up buying more than the one currently flying).

Shorter flying time to the Carriers in Portsmouth, although the East Anglian airspace is not ideal for training in from what I understand.

Much better than a Scottish base, which may be an independant country by the time we get the F-35B force into the UK!

5th Nov 2012, 08:09
As to the source of that AF Mag story:

www.defensenews.com | Printer-friendly article page (http://www.defensenews.com/print/article/20100203/DEFSECT01/2030307/Singapore-Airshow-Lockheed-Reacts-F-35-Firing)

"He was confident that the defense giant will be able to deliver production jets to the Marines, Air Force and Navy in time to reach their respective initial operational capability dates of 2012, 2013 and 2014."

Heathrow Harry
5th Nov 2012, 12:41
letter in todays Times suggesting a mix of 30-33 F-35A's and F-18's and a cats & traps carrier would cost less and be more effective than the current plan

Obi Wan Russell
5th Nov 2012, 16:08
Before everyone else points out the obvious flaw in the article, the F-35A is a landlubber plane and can't operate from a carrier, of any flavour:eek::ok:

5th Nov 2012, 18:19
The F-35A has never been a Joint Strike Fighter, and IMO was a bad idea from the get go. The B and C can operate from land or sea .... hence possibly joint.

But I am grinding my axe again, so I'll just sit down and stew about the powder blue goons ...

5th Nov 2012, 21:12
LowObservable - you better than most know that the slipped IOCs have been as much to do with the US Govt deferring money and production jets as any technical difficulties that have arisen. :hmm:

JSF Fan - Just shut up - you don't do yourself or your cause any favours! :suspect:

Heathrow Harry
6th Nov 2012, 09:12
yes but buying the A would give us a decent -ish strike plane and the F18 would allow interoperability with the USN and the Frogs

6th Nov 2012, 12:02
yes but buying the A would give us a decent -ish strike plane and the F18 would allow interoperability with the USN and the Frogs

Whose AAR asset shall we use for the projected strike mission?

6th Nov 2012, 13:39
re: Whose AAR asset shall we use for the projected strike mission?

The F/A18E/F does quite well in the tactical refueling role. In the "5-wet" configuration it can pass quite a bit of fuel, keep up with the stirke package and is still fully carrier capable. The F-35 will likely have a buddy capabiltiy down the road.

6th Nov 2012, 14:37

Lj101s point, I think, is that the 35 A is useless to us in the UK as we have no organic capability for its AAR

6th Nov 2012, 15:13
And hence, why the C and Super Bug would work as a fit, but not the A.

Lowe Flieger
6th Nov 2012, 19:15
USAF maintainers are apparently happy with F35 at this early stage, according to a Flightglobal item:

US Air Force praises early performance of Lockheed Martin F-35 (http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/us-air-force-praises-early-performance-of-lockheed-martin-f-35-378578/)

I was especially taken with one remark on fixing the jet:

"...occasionally, we will have some issues with it on the ground," he says. However, this is usually easily fixed by shutting the aircraft down and then restarting it..."

Works for me each time my laptop falls over too. Those $trillions future operating costs are going to come tumbling down.


6th Nov 2012, 20:02
Standard Windows reboot procedure. :E

However, all they need to do is switch to Linux with a Windows emulator and all will be well. :8


29th Nov 2012, 10:35
Progress: First UK pilots begin training to fly F-35 (http://www.nwfdailynews.com/military/top-story/first-u-k-pilots-begin-training-to-fly-f-35-1.54133)

Lt Cdr Ian Tidball of the Royal Navy discusses the F-35 program
during a recent interview at Eglin Air Force Base

EGLIN AFB — Last week, the first two United Kingdom pilots started training to fly the F-35.

They join an elite rank. Only 30 pilots in the world have been or are in the process of training to fly the new stealth fighter jet, which is still in testing phases.

“It’s an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Royal Air Force squadron leader Franki Buchler, one of the two pilots. “I feel very privileged and lucky. I hope I do the aircraft and the Air Force justice.”

Buchler and fellow pilot, Royal Navy Lt. Cdr. Ian Tidball, have joined the U.S. Marines Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, which is conducting initial training and instruction on the F-35B at Eglin Air Force Base...

29th Nov 2012, 11:05
HMG hasn't compleletly closed the door on an eventual F35A purchase, but the official position is that any consideration of it will be in the context of Typhoon OSD. In the meantime the assumption seems to be that 5 Typhoon sqns and a slack handful (2? 3?) of F35B sqns will suffice when Tornado goes - unless the rumours of 1 or 2 extra Typhoon sqns (Tranche 1s retained) come to pass...

29th Nov 2012, 11:38
Reference probe and drogue and F-35A

A: O’Bryan: “We anticipated a number of the operators would want probe-and-drogue refueling in the F-35A and we kept that space empty on the F-35A to accommodate probe and drogue refueling. We‘ve done a number of studies – funded studies, not projects – funded studies to evaluate that, paid for by the countries who want that to happen. It’s a relatively easy … doable change.”


Baron 58P
29th Nov 2012, 12:32
This article appeared in the New York Times today 29 November. A clue as to what is to come?


29th Nov 2012, 14:12
Nice to see The Gray Lady hitching up her bloomers and making a last-moment leap aboard the rapidly accelerating clue-train...

29th Nov 2012, 15:08
Complete with anti-F35 rent-a-quote from Winslow Wheeler. Quelle surprise.

15th Jun 2013, 08:28
Sukhoi PAK-FA spin recovery footage (http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewline/2013/06/sukhoi-paf-fa-spin-recovery-fo.html)

15th Jun 2013, 09:59
We're Doomed

15th Jun 2013, 15:42
Do we think it was spinning or just yawing? There was no roll component and IIRC to get into a flat spin you have to fly through someone's 'jetwash', be in asymmetric blower and be 'heading out to sea'.

It's spin recovery seemed to be 'stop yawing'. Must keep the FRCs simple.;)

It looked to me to be a high alpha yaw authority demonstration.

15th Jun 2013, 19:53
What you blokes said :ok: I think it's a nice looking aircraft though.:rolleyes:


Heathrow Harry
16th Jun 2013, 08:57
wasn't that yaw (or flat spin) the thing that pulled the tail of early F-100's??

Very impressive I thought

On the other hand it can't be as stealthy as the F-22 - no sign of special coatings along the wings or filling the gaps in control surfaces -but it's probably a lot cheaper to buy and run......