View Full Version : Can you have a level bust in class G

25th Feb 2012, 08:45
No. I have not had one. I was asked this question and dont know the answer.

Need some expert advice.

If I was under deconfliction on approach to X in class G. And went to say 3000 instead of cleared 4000. Is that a bust.

Been reading cap493. If not a bust. Is it a bust if i enter into an 'agreement'. How do you do this or is it assumed.

Thanks in advance.

25th Feb 2012, 09:23
No it's not possible to "bust" anything in G-airspace. You mentioned reading back "cleared 3000 ft", which is also an impossibility, since you aren't "cleared" for anything :-)

However the traffic information other aircraft receive about you will not be correct if you tell us the wrong altitude, so you would be assigned some/all "blame" by the AIBN if you were to collide having stated the wrong altitude... But I reckon that wouldn't matter to you since you'd be raving around in another dimension by then :)

25th Feb 2012, 09:47
'raving around in another dimension'. Reminds me of my youth.

Anyway, thanks for reply. Sorry, 'cleared' was a slip.

Does this apply to 'agreement'. I'm still a bit still a bit fluffy on that.

Andy Mayes
25th Feb 2012, 10:02
I'm still a bit still a bit fluffy on that.

You really are 'still a bit fluffy'!:E

25th Feb 2012, 11:05
Still hungover

25th Feb 2012, 13:32
Yes you can have a level bust the UK in class G airspace, if you're in receipt of a deconfliction service, and you depart the assigned altitude or level by 300 ft or more. (Probably applies if you're in receipt of a procedural service too, but my non radar brethren will clarify I'm sure)

Also applies if you've accepted a level, or a level band restriction for 'Co ordination purposes' on a traffic or basic service.


25th Feb 2012, 13:58
As above. Usually happens when the pilot has gone for a pee ;)

25th Feb 2012, 15:29
Yes it also applies if you are in receipt of a Procedural service. The obvious difference you have, is that the first you know about it is when the aircraft reports reaching,passing or leaving a level.

Andy Mayes
25th Feb 2012, 19:48
The obvious difference you have, is that the first you know about it is when the aircraft reports reaching,passing or leaving a level.

Or when someone reports a TCAS RA!