View Full Version : From East to West

7th Jan 2012, 09:08
Hi you experienced people
I am thinking about going to the ME sometime in the future but like probably most of you not forever.
So is it at all possible after a couple of years in Dubai or Qatar to come back to the NATS or DFS or maybe skyguide?
Let's say I go with 35 and want to come back with 40. Will they take me?

Now in my case, are there any other Gemans from the DFS in the Middle East?
Thanks alot

16th Jan 2012, 05:51
There are two parts to the question:

1. Will you be accepted in the ME? The answer: It depends on the specific contract (amlost evey airport/ACC/contract is a different ANSP/authority).

2. Will NATS/DFS take you back? Can't answer that question, sorry. Yes some do go there for a few years and come back later. I can't tell you if they got back with their previous employers and what the terms of their employment was afterwards. You will have to ask NATS/DFS.

If you have a European passport then you have many options to go back to in Europe.