View Full Version : File not modifyable

5th Jan 2012, 16:42
I have a friend trying to open and use a program I made using Filemaker Pro. I have tested the file on several computers and it works fine for me but when he tries to use it, by selecting from a drop-down box or entering data in one of the fields, he gets a message "this file is not modifyable". I had him check that the file is not marked read only, and the permissions are all correct, etc, but somehow it does not work. He is using W7, whereas all I have to work with is XP and Vista, but he normally does not have trouble with legacy programs.
Has anyone seen this type of error message, and could suggest an answer please?

5th Jan 2012, 16:59
Given that Filemaker Pro is commercial software, could your problem perhaps be licensing related ? Only a wild guess... it's been so long since I've used Filemaker Pro, I'm surprised it still exists !

6th Jan 2012, 06:18
Hey, they are into Version 12 now, and they have it for Mac, Ipad, everything. It is a great database tool, I wish I understood it better.
A lot of Filemaker users have the same problem I brought up, so I guess it is a Filemaker one rather than a PC. Although most of the problems happen when the user has a Mac, not a PC. This friend says he is using a PC but that might not be the case.

6th Jan 2012, 06:43
Don't worry, I'm not dissing it, it's a handy little "my first database" type tool, a great step up for for people who are poorly mimicking a database using Excel spreadsheets.

I forgot to ask, are you both running the same version of Filemaker, with all updates applied ?

6th Jan 2012, 22:45
Yes, and I got a call from my mate a couple of hours ago, he tried laoding the file again from a stick instead of as an email attachment and it worked. I was thinking the problem was one involving the original permissions on the data he had sent me initially, and it was probably that. Anyway it is all running well now. Thanks.
The latest version of FM7 is 11 or 12, and they finally added charting, which I sorely wanted. I will have to go and buy that one now.

6th Jan 2012, 23:47
The penny drops.

Before a file from any prog can be modified, the attachment must be save first. The same goes for Excel, word powerpoint etc, it cant be edited as an opened attachment.