View Full Version : Pluna with Avionco

18th Dec 2011, 14:21
Hi, I have received an offer from Avionco to fly for Pluna (Uruguay) for 6 months. Has somebody information about these two companies?

19th Dec 2011, 21:43
stay away from Avionco!!!
you have to fight to get your money!!!

16th Mar 2012, 06:21
They still owe me a month's pay from 2008.

12th Apr 2012, 02:14
Anybody have any useful info on Pluna besides pay issues? My current company has pay issues so that is not very helpful, although i can understand the frustration regarding that and not trying to downplay it, just interested in hearing more about the company and working there. I have heard that it is not required to speak Spanish for the 6-month contract, is that true....? Thanks.

Tommy Tilt
12th Apr 2012, 05:02
Anybody have any useful info on Pluna besides pay issues?

What further information could you possibly need other than THEY DO NOT PAY PILOTS FOR THEIR SERVICES.

If you want to do volunteer work, try your local charity shop!

12th Apr 2012, 14:10
Wow, gee, thanks. Great answer. Exactly the kind of answer i i was asking for. Have you worked or do you still work there Tommy? I should have known better than to look for USEFUL info on pprune....

Tommy Tilt
12th Apr 2012, 17:11
Here’s an alternative great answer for you;

You were given information on Avionco by two separate pilots, one had difficulties receiving salary and one has yet to be paid for services rendered. Sadly, you stated this was merely a “frustration” and implied you would proceed with Avionco based, in part, on confirmation of not having to speak Spanish!

By proceeding, you will condone and effectively assist this crooked agency (Avionco) to steal wages from former employees. The poetic justice is that you too will probably become a victim or, as they say in Spanish, una victima.


13th Apr 2012, 04:58
I'm frustrated? You gotta be kidding me. I'm not the one that sounds frustrated. Their posts weren't the problem, yours was. Hence my disparaging comment regarding pprune. If you have nothing constructive to add, then why don't you stay out of it. I don't work for charity, nor do i plan to. My wife is from Buenos Aires and i had heard about this gig and was simply looking to find info on the whole thing, to satisfy my wife's curiosity and not get some sh*thead responses. Go stir the pot somewhere's else. Oh, and pardon me for suggesting that not getting paid could possibly be frustrating. I'm not sure what adjective you would use, but you must have a better one than "frustrating" i gather. And I did not even come close to "implying" i was gong to go and work there just because one is, or is not required to know Spanish. I don't base my career decisions on such criteria. I have a good-paying job and good seniority and am not planning on jumping ship on a whim. I was simply asking about knowing Spanish because I have not been able to find out the answer. But i guess that was just crossing the line for you, right? You certainly have not said whether you ever worked there or not, so unless you have, i'm not interested in your flaming messages.

Tommy Tilt
13th Apr 2012, 13:32
Reading the tantrum tone of your post it would be difficult to accept that you were anything other than frustrated. I suggest you put the kettle on, posthaste.

Having made disparaging remarks against this website and by association those who contribute, you have returned to the site to use it in a failed attempt to admonish me, made even more pathetic by your use of unsavory language and implicating your wife.

There is no prerequisite of having worked for the airline and/or agency in order to respond to this thread, just opinion, comment or, as in your case, criticism. A post was made and YOU chose to engage me further thereby soliciting my response.

Once again; having been informed from two separate sources of the facts that Avionco either does not pay, or only pays its pilots after a lengthy fight, YOU declared this to be only a “frustration”. I am certain readers are bemused as to the exact criteria on which you base your career decisions.

As you are gainfully employed, you may wish to redeem yourself and inform Avionco that you are unable to work for them due to their reputation for tardy and non-payment of salary to fellow aviators. Perhaps your Argentinean wife could translate such a communication into Spanish for you.


13th Apr 2012, 17:22
Reading the tantrum tone of your post it would be difficult to accept that you were anything other than frustrated. I suggest you put the kettle on, posthaste. Frustrated, like not getting paid? That is what you mean right? And your suggestion that i shall be, or need to be placated, as do you, by a spot of Earl Grey or the like is insulting.

Having made disparaging remarks against this website and by association those who contribute, you have returned to the site to use it in a failed attempt to admonish me, made even more pathetic by your use of unsavory language and implicating your wife. I am quite certain that most of the readers on this board will get past my solitary remark regarding this site. Mainly after reading your posts, they will understand my supposed frustration, since they will all, undoubtably, be familiar with your M.O. as am i. And i will thank you kindly to leave my wife out of this and refrain from referring to her, as only i have earned the right to bring mention of her. I demand satisfaction Sir! Pistols at 20 paces at dawn!!

There is no prerequisite of having worked for the airline and/or agency in order to respond to this thread, just opinion, comment or, as in your case, criticism. A post was made and YOU chose to engage me further thereby soliciting my response. Well Sherlock, you contributed naught to this thread, other than to post something which basically did nothing more than to incense me and elicit a certain response from me, which is what you wished for and received. There is nothing in the forum rules that says that i am not to criticize someone's inflammatory post which serves no other purpose other than to allow the pompous arse to read his own words.

Once again; having been informed from two separate sources of the facts that Avionco either does not pay, or only pays its pilots after a lengthy fight, YOU declared this to be only a “frustration”. I am certain readers are bemused as to the exact criteria on which you base your career decisions. Yes, I would term it a frustration. Because it would seem to me that not being paid would tend to cause a "deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs". And i am sure that when other readers do in fact become "bemused", they shall chime in their 2 cents worth as you have, and will probably still have something more constructive to contribute to this thread other than trolling for and provoking "frustrating" and "tantrum tone"-like responses in threads within which you have no obvious connection, which you are then able to use to justify your many disparaging remarks. I highly doubt you have ever contributed anything "constructive" to any post on this website....

As you are gainfully employed, you may wish to redeem yourself and inform Avionco that you are unable to work for them due to their reputation for tardy and non-payment of salary to fellow aviators. Perhaps your Argentinean wife could translate such a communication into Spanish for you.
No need for that. As I had stated earlier, another point which you have chosen to ignore, I am purely looking for information. And seeing as how this is a RUMOUR website, it seemed fitting to submit a post requesting such information. And the expectation is to indeed receive useful information and not to be chastised for any attempt to further learn about a particular issue, even after certain facts have been revealed. It would be foolhardy of me to end my quest for knowledge based on two very brief and limited posts. As to the translation work, you obviously have the Spanish language mastered, seeing as how you are familiar with the term "una victima" (a virtual tip of the hat to you Sir :D), so i would be a fool to accept my wife's translation over your obvious, natural ability to converse in Castellano, not that i would not be able to manage on my own. No soy tan boludo....

On a tangential note, I will go ahead and answer the question which you refuse to answer, and that is that you never have worked for Pluna. **SHOCKING** My guess is that you are gainfully employed at Cathay Pacific, based on your location of VHHH and your snot-nosed tone with all that you choose to engage. (Disclaimer: That is based purely on RUMOUR of course and is no way intended to generalize anything at all about Cathay pilots, seeing as how i am well acquainted with a Cathay pilot, and he utterly lacks the personality and tone of Timmaaay Tilt, and since Timmaaay will most assuredly seize on that previous sentence to further belittle me and comment on my personal attacks of members of pprune. So please accept my apologies in advance for that statement! Well, that should cover it.) Please advise me kind Sir of your next round through Atlanta Hartsfield and I will go and put a kettle on. Posthaste....

Tommy Tilt
14th Apr 2012, 04:02
A slightly entertaining but mostly insipid retort from you, nevertheless, my gratitude to your spouse for assisting you with your proficient highlighting of the criticism stated in my post.


14th Apr 2012, 05:26
Oh Tommy, don't you know that the only insipid posts in this thread belong to you? All you seem to be able to come up with is referencing my wife, which i asked you not to (I even brought up pistols at dawn man! And it is somewhat puzzling that you seem fixated with her...), indirectly insulting my intelligence, or rehashing your lame criticisms. Surely you can come up with something more worthy of your supposed intellect! I am quite enjoying our little repartee and becoming rather fond of you Tommy. I am actually beginning to hope that you do take me up on my offer to swing by the ATL so that we may enjoy a lovely cup of tea and perhaps a scone or biscuit!!

Tommy Tilt
15th Apr 2012, 08:44
Due to my empathetic disposition and the pathos of your gluttony for humiliation, I have decided to conclude this unequal exchange with one final point; Despite your kind offer to socialize with you and your partner, I cannot envisage ever visiting the state of Georgia, not least because I have no sisters I wish to marry.


15th Apr 2012, 13:39
Bravo Tommy, Bravo. :D In your final feeble attempt to insult me, you have failed yet again. I am not a native of Georgia, but instead hail from the great city of Chicago (with which you no doubt will find something to rail on) and have no connection to the Peach State other than it is where my current base of employ lies. And although you did not insult me, you did choose to insult the residents of the state of Georgia, as well as the entire Southern US i imagine. If i were you, i would not show my face in that portion of the US either. And for the record, i do not enjoy the humiliation of others, however, in my estimation, you had it coming. Perhaps next time you will choose your words more wisely when replying to a post such as mine, for i am sure others do not appreciate your tone either. If this is indeed the end, then i wish you nothing but blue skies and happy landings.... Farewell my brother, fare thee well.... :sad:

19th Aug 2012, 14:30
Pluna is now bankrupt and parking airplanes. No more jobs there guys. At least Avionco won't have a chance to rob anyone else on this job anyway. But if you are Hell-Bent to work for Avionco, you can try your luck in Garuda Indonesia with them. Rishworth also contracts pilots for this job if you want a viable choice.