View Full Version : Ethiopean airlines pilot jobs - Warning

19th Nov 2011, 10:57
This is a warning to all pilots thinking about employment with Ethiopian Airlines.
Ethiopian Airlines is offering what appears to be a great commutable contract. For expatriate pilots from all over the world the deal is for B777, B767, B757, B737 & MD11 crews paying $7000 per month, working 20 days on and 10 days off OR 24 days on and 14 days off, plus $60 per day expense allowance.

Although the money isn’t the best deal about, the commuting roster makes up for that and has proved a real plus in the past , on the face of it, a very attractive deal for many. However, the rules have changed and I believe that corruption has infiltrated what was a great deal.

The first thing anyone interested in this job needs to know is that you won’t get paid. The new deal is that you don’t get paid until you finish your ‘Training’. A process that used to take anything between two and four weeks, now takes anything up to three months!! You see the longer they can keep you in the training program, the longer they don’t have to pay you.

After finishing the simulator and classroom work you will go into line training. Since the new rules were invented, no-one has finished the line training. Every excuse is made to give you another sector and now it has become a requirement to line check pilots on every route. In short they will use you as a pilot on a commercial flight with fair paying passengers and not have to pay you a bean, until you eventually wake up to find the handle on your back and’ MUG’ across your brow! As no doubt someone is creaming off your pay for their own wallet!

OK, I have no proof that corruption is behind this, but the clues are there. It’s not every office you walk into these days that has an ‘Anti-Corruption Suggestion Box’ taking pride of place in the entrance to the office block.

They pay for the Hotel for the first 20 days and then you are on your own. The per-diem payments $60 a day are supposed to help you with your living expenses after that, particularly as you are not going to get paid during training which can take up to three months. Don’t be fooled by this promise either, I never received a penny in per-diems and faced with the prospect of being destitute in Addis Ababa, I had to leave, a total waste of time!

The fact is that the Ethiopian People are nice people, or maybe that’s part of the scam, I don’t know. The airline has huge potential and deserves to be great, but the rot has set in. In the month I was there 12 pilots left, some having seen the light half way through the training, others having completed the training, to get as much as possible out of the company in lieu of not getting paid. Some even took the Boeing OPT laptop computers in lieu of payment. Another guy from the UK left with his last $8. Not only did they refused to pay him they also refused his ticket home because he would not sign a contract that in no way resembled the terms and conditions on his letter of appointment agreed before he went out there.

Even their own engineers are leaving for better pay and conditions as well, leaving the company in a dangerous and precarious condition with all engineering experience walking out the door.

This company has failed rule No.3 of business management. “If you don’t look after your staff………….”

There is something sick about a country that spends fortunes on jet airliners, new B777s, launch customers in Africa for the B787, while their own people starve. Just one B777 could transform the lives of millions for years.

So if you’re looking for a job, and are considering Ethiopian Airlines as a possibility, my advice is STOP! REJECT!.... Everyone should boycott this airline until they see the error of their ways and to stop other airlines from following suit and taking us all for the MUGs we’ve been in the past for going along with this sort of garbage in the first place.

Warning, Warning…… more fool you if you fail to heed this Warning!!!!

19th Nov 2011, 11:56
I had heard some of what you say, but hadn't realised it was THAT bad.

Thanks for the heads-up, hopefully it saves some others making an expensive mistake.
I heard that a few people "used" (in the eyes of the airline) Ethiopian for a few months to "get current" & left, hence the cancellation of pay during training, but this will achieve far more radical results than getting rid of time-wasters, this should , in short time, dry up completely the potential candidates, the stories that exist about their training regime won't help much either.
As you say, a real shame, as , in spite of the money, at least the roster offered a life. I never saw the 24/14 option, only saw 20/10 or 25/12, but it is wholly irrelevant if they don't pay full salary from day 1,as I am not yet a "registered charity".

19th Nov 2011, 12:23
Indeed, I forgot to mention, that the 20 days on and 10 days off roster also only starts after training as well, so you can't go home until training has finished AND you have completed you first 20 days after training. So don't think you'll be home for Christmas!

19th Nov 2011, 12:33
Would you like to share with us what agency you worked through (or you were direct hire ?), what you were told to expect before this fiasco became evident, and the agencies reaction subsequent to events.
We all know which agencies advertise this post, and it is very important to know which ones offer NO back up when it all goes down the toilet (well, that covers about 90% of agencies in my experience)

19th Nov 2011, 13:12
Story can be corroborated as two former colleagues of mine, from different continents recently left Ethiopian for similar reasons.

These two upstanding lads gave notice in accordance with the terms and conditions of their contracts. They flew up to the bitter end of their termination notice. In their last two weeks of service I advised them ensure the company issue certified irrevocable travel passes, signed by both officers of the airline and operations, to their home countries. During their time remaining, they were treated with the utmost disdain by management, and operations. Their first officers were encouraged by both management and operations to write up any infractions observed by these two captains. They are still trying to obtain their pay for their final month of service given to the company:mad::{. They can pretty much write off their final pay as a hard lesson learned.

They are now at new airlines, one in the Middle East and one in China. One can only hope that management and or operations will not fabricate stories on these two which may affect their employment at their respective carriers. Fortunate they have copies of their records from start of training to their last check rides. After all as legitimate as Ethiopian may be:yuk:, I’m sure they would never provide prospective employer or aviation agencies with falsified records:hmm:.

Two things an employer should never interfere with are quality of life and compensation.

19th Nov 2011, 15:35
I don't wish to name the agency at the moment as I am pursuing some legal action. I don't wish to jeopardise my position, save to say the agency was as much in the dark as I was about the changes to the T&Cs. It does not let them off the hook in my opinion and is an issue between them an the airline. I still have some issues with the agency regarding Gross Misrepresentation and indeed the fact they did nothing to help. In law I have to give them the oportunity to right the wrong. Watch this space and I will keep you all updated as soon as there has been some kind of resolution one way or another.

19th Nov 2011, 18:43
OK understood, good luck with that.

Wonder how long Ethiopian think they can pull this stunt for before it becomes common knowledge. Given that they have been advertising for quite some time, and the same scenario a year ago, one would have thought that good business sense might have involved recruiting & retaining the best they could, for the slightly underwhelming package on offer. Instead someone has decided to make a quick buck.

This one should make its way to the thread in the Africa Forum " You know you are in Africa when. ." ( it is not reasonable to expect to be paid for the first 3 months work )
Line check to every destination, Wow! I am impressed :D, what high standards, how diligent they are :yuk:
Perhaps the agencies still advertising this gig should be appraised of the situation, & given the opportunity to withdraw the vacancy, perhaps then the idiots down there might ultimately understand " No Bucks no Buck Rogers"

20th Nov 2011, 14:48
Why would any pilot even think about taking a job where you don't get paid during training?
This race to the bottom can be stopped if there is no takers for this sort of B.S.

21st Nov 2011, 09:53
I don't wish to name the agency at the moment as I am pursuing some legal action.
Thats sounds like Brookfield to me...

21st Nov 2011, 11:15
It does indeed, or Rishworth , or any number of agencies many of us could "recommend to a friend" :hmm: the most recent to advertise it however (and still a current vacancy 3 days ago) were FCI & Sigma.

21st Nov 2011, 18:47
FCI tells you the pay is 8900 us including per diems... the Sigma ad says salary is negotiable...go figure. I had an interview with them some time ago, the guys flying the line there were not unhappy (however ready for a change, especially on the 75/76 mostly night flights) but the situation now seems VERY different than what I experienced...

21st Nov 2011, 22:12
IMHO Ethiopian is considered to be a bottom feeder operation. Avoid like the plague.

28th Nov 2011, 11:47
Thanks all, for keeping this post alive, which I think is very important if we are to alert all pilots currently looking for a job. I heard another airline went broke in the UK the other day and the guys there may be tempted by the Ethiopian deal, I hope they see sense and give the company the 'cold shoulder'.

It's clear by the replies to this post that pilots are very cynical about the agencies and just how much they do for us. We need to keep everyone informed about what these companies are like and what they do when it all get's a little 'pear shaped'. These forums are essential for this and all we need is to encourage pilots out there to speak out regarding their experiences and thus help others avoid the same pit fall.

Ultimately it is important, even if you have little to say, to keep the post 'alive' and on the front page for as long as we can or as long as it is deemed to be necessary. I therefore urge everyone who reads this post to reply to it even if you just say 'I agree'. That way it's like voting. Together, we can boycott this airline and others and agencies that try to stitch us up. They all need to know that if they piss any one of us off like this, they piss us all off and they shoot themselves in the foot.

Solidarity my friends!

28th Nov 2011, 12:10
I agree Zubenelgenubi:ok:.

Pilot Unions should be proactive and advising and warning their unemployed membership to avoid, not only Ethiopian, but every bottom feeding airline.

28th Nov 2011, 12:25
Would be nice to hear what the two agencies still advertising for candidates reply if asked some "leading" questions Ref pay during training/length of training period etc.
Perhaps someone bored at home would like to give it a go & make a "speculative" inquiry, might even do it myself in an idle moment (of which I have many at this moment) :rolleyes:

3rd Feb 2012, 15:34
Better late than never. . . . . . . .

Response from Sigma was "Ethiopian make no secret of the fact they do not pay salary till training finished. They are trying to make this as short as possible (Yeah Right, by checking you out to every destination :hmm: ) & Computer Based Training can now be done at home. It should take a "maximum" of 2 months. Employment contract is signed & salary paid only after completion of training"
"During this time you are paid 60¢ a day per-diem and hotel is provided throughout training" (some here have suggested they had received NO perdiem whatsoever & that hotel was only provided for 20 days)

I declined the "generous" offer, some may wish to try, if you do, well Good Luck, & be sure to take some money with you, just in case the hotac is canx after 20 days & the Per Diem doesn't materialise. Otherwise you will end up looking like a Local by the end of training :}

Flight Crew International currently advertise "Salary+ Per Diem (at base, layover & during training)" I asked them to clarify if what they perhaps meant was "Salary + (Per Diem at base, layover & during training)"

They got back to me with "training typically takes 3 weeks (REALLY ! ? ) although can now take 5-6 weeks due to the number of candidates going through training, but no-one has informed us it took 8 weeks" & confirmed only Per Diem + Hotel OR accommodation allowance till training complete.
They also confirmed that Ethiopian provide candidates the training login details so they can complete the computer based part of OCC at home prior to going to ADD.
Maybe I should email back & ask if I can claim perdiems & accommodation allowance whilst "working" from home completing the OCC ;) :D
Will be interested to see how you anyone can complete an OCC & get checked out to ALL destinations in 3 weeks :rolleyes:

Hope everyone can refuse this cr@p, & then maybe it will improve, but I suspect some will still go for it.

3rd Feb 2012, 23:37
I thought they were only looking for people with current type ratings. Why such long training?

4th Feb 2012, 08:16
I thought they were only looking for people with current type ratings. Why such long training?

It's called man power plannng, or lack thereof:ugh: As pointed out before, if IOE is to be included in training, then it's free labor while the airline makes money of the sweat of your brow!:mad::=

22nd Aug 2012, 17:07
You people are the most clueless bunch I've ever seen. You misread their mentality sooooo much it's pathetic! You're still thinking in terms of the neat and tidy contract work you're used to elsewhere. Forget it! This is a different world and you're doing a disservice to anyone who would benefit from working there.
If anyone out there is serious about the airline, here's some real insight you can use instead of the vitriol I see posted: Ethiopian, or as the literary genius Zubenelwhatever calls it, "Ethiopean," is a government-owned enterprise with profit being only one of its many motivators. It has survived decades of political subversion, mismanagement, wars, civil wars, disasters, countless hijakings and coups-galore to become a respectable outfit in Africa. To think that your pompous threat of "boycott" will pain the airline is comedic delusion at its best! Just mind boggling, laughable cluelessness!
Do yourself a big favor and get it through your heads that you'll go without pay for training- so don't come broke and threaten them with a story that you'll turn into a beggar if they don't pay you immediately- they don't care. As far as they know, living on the edge of bankruptcy is your own problem. Know that you have to be patient with EVERYTHING while there. Everyone is delayed and given the run around, including the locals, not just you. Save your patronizing as no one will accommodate your workers' rights philosophy, neither will they play the role of satisfying your unemployment needs. The fact that you get paid 3 times a local captain will make your indignation seem out of place at the office. They're proud, and you appear as just another in a line of know-it-all foreigners with a chip on their shoulder, so consider your attitude before you try to join- a friendly one will get you much farther than pounding on some agency contract or a lecture on labor laws. They dictate the terms. They're liable to change them. Take it, or leave it- for a better airline if you can.
That's reality, so you either know about it and make it work, or you can spend your time debating the virtues of the Magna Carta- your choice. One will lead to a job, the other to frustration. Some are satisfied, some are not. Most expats are level-headed and know enough to get the maximum out of their circumstances. Others are incompetent boobs who slip through the cracks and pray their next screw-up doesn't cost them their job. Or if they get rejected, spew trash and fumble around forums to boost their fallen ego. If you do make it through training and come to appreciate the work, like some of the more balanced expats there do, you'll have a variety of destinations not found at most other places, great hotels, time in one of the safest capitals anywhere, and a chance to see a unique culture.
It's hard flying, but think for yourself and don't listen to the poison spouted like the "starvation versus shiny jets" brain-fart, and the "bottom-feeder airline" nonsense. The third-world shortcomings come as a great revelation these knuckleheads. The easier it is for you to realize complaining won't change the culutre, the sooner you'll adapt.
Those uninformed should get a better grasp of the reality of the world they live in, stop acting the prima donna and first try to understand what they're getting into before becoming online crusaders.

26th Aug 2012, 05:44

Biggest load of tripe I have ever heard. Unbelievable. :ugh::ugh::ugh:

In no way are any of the events described above acceptable in any job, let alone the aviation industry, in which outside factors like not being paid/boarded/treated fairly, can contribute to a work environment that is less than safe. The number of incidents in history that have shown is are too numerous to list.

I find your attitude shockingly abhorrent. In no way will it lead to the said airline rising in the ranks on a world stage. Good luck to you.....

26th Aug 2012, 11:37
Respectable? Never had any association for them from a working point of view but thought that they were the best in Africa.

Until their reaction to the Beirut accident report proved that they are just another dangerous, crappy African airline. Stay away as a passenger. all respect lost.

26th Aug 2012, 13:03
Do yourself a big favor and get it through your heads that you'll go without pay for training

No I won't 'cause I won't be coming.

Get it through YOUR head that if they want to compete on the international market for qualified, experienced Pilots, they have to offer Ts&Cs that will make people want to come.

26th Aug 2012, 13:54
Bottom feeders ala Ethiopian continue to attract typical whores who are willing to sell themselves out as well as lower the bar for the rest of the industry.

That said, at the end of the day, if there are enough of these miscreants beating a path to the doorstep of Ethiopian Airlines to fly shiny NGs, then what's their incentive to improve their T & Cs?

26th Aug 2012, 14:25
Strontium, as I understand it they pay nothing (much) during training because of the number of people who banged out , either during, or shortly afterwards.

The reasons I have been given for this "disloyalty" were
A - a change in policy requiring experienced Commanders be line checked by paid (of course) Line Trainers to every destination, thereby paying the local & delaying paying the foreigner. I have heard stories that this (and the accompanying unpaid period) can drag on a very long time, something even some of the agencies will admit to.
B - Training Capts who thought they were Gods Gift to Aviation & spoke/treated experienced Commanders in the same fashion that they seem to get away with treating their own FO's, whilst failing to provide clear SOP's that they then lambast candidates for not knowing.
C - Whether it is 3x what the Locals receive or not, the package is cr@p & therefore if people get a better offer they will of course jump ship.

This info has ben posted by enough ex employees that I seriously doubt it is just sour grapes, & I also had personal contact with 2 individuals who confirmed these stories & a few even less savoury ones besides.

The Ethiopians are known as very proud, they count themselves as something above the average African.
This may well be, however, to be treated as something more prestigious, your behaviour has to merit it.
From what I have heard it doesn't, perhaps if all the above issues were addressed the problem of new crew jumping ship could be solved, & they could start to offer normal terms & conditions from Day1.

If you are happy with it, either because you found nothing better, or you enjoy to be used as unpaid labour initially, & then get paid peanuts, well, good luck to you.

However, please do not come on here & try to sell sawdust as gold dust, it just isn't.

26th Aug 2012, 15:08
You people are the most clueless bunch I've ever seen. You misread their mentality sooooo much it's pathetic! You're still thinking in terms of the neat and tidy contract work you're used to elsewhere. Forget it! This is a different world and you're doing a disservice to anyone who would benefit from working there.
If anyone out there is serious about the airline, here's some real insight you can use instead of the vitriol I see posted: Ethiopian, or as the literary genius Zubenelwhatever calls it, "Ethiopean," is a government-owned enterprise with profit being only one of its many motivators. It has survived decades of political subversion, mismanagement, wars, civil wars, disasters, countless hijakings and coups-galore to become a respectable outfit in Africa. To think that your pompous threat of "boycott" will pain the airline is comedic delusion at its best! Just mind boggling, laughable cluelessness!
Do yourself a big favor and get it through your heads that you'll go without pay for training- so don't come broke and threaten them with a story that you'll turn into a beggar if they don't pay you immediately- they don't care. As far as they know, living on the edge of bankruptcy is your own problem. Know that you have to be patient with EVERYTHING while there. Everyone is delayed and given the run around, including the locals, not just you. Save your patronizing as no one will accommodate your workers' rights philosophy, neither will they play the role of satisfying your unemployment needs. The fact that you get paid 3 times a local captain will make your indignation seem out of place at the office. They're proud, and you appear as just another in a line of know-it-all foreigners with a chip on their shoulder, so consider your attitude before you try to join- a friendly one will get you much farther than pounding on some agency contract or a lecture on labor laws. They dictate the terms. They're liable to change them. Take it, or leave it- for a better airline if you can.
That's reality, so you either know about it and make it work, or you can spend your time debating the virtues of the Magna Carta- your choice. One will lead to a job, the other to frustration. Some are satisfied, some are not. Most expats are level-headed and know enough to get the maximum out of their circumstances. Others are incompetent boobs who slip through the cracks and pray their next screw-up doesn't cost them their job. Or if they get rejected, spew trash and fumble around forums to boost their fallen ego. If you do make it through training and come to appreciate the work, like some of the more balanced expats there do, you'll have a variety of destinations not found at most other places, great hotels, time in one of the safest capitals anywhere, and a chance to see a unique culture.
It's hard flying, but think for yourself and don't listen to the poison spouted like the "starvation versus shiny jets" brain-fart, and the "bottom-feeder airline" nonsense. The third-world shortcomings come as a great revelation these knuckleheads. The easier it is for you to realize complaining won't change the culutre, the sooner you'll adapt.
Those uninformed should get a better grasp of the reality of the world they live in, stop acting the prima donna and first try to understand what they're getting into before becoming online crusaders.

Welcome to the forum, Ethiopian management pilot.

cockney steve
28th Aug 2012, 17:01
It wasn't so long ago that all the begging TV adverts were for the "famine- starved Ethiopians"....we (the West) sent aid.....this arrogant post by "strontium" is your thanks.

how the hell does an impoverished country afford new shiny jets?

Disgraceful.....no doubt the mods will consign this post to the wastebin

28th Aug 2012, 21:48
They may be the first to total a 787. Odds, anybody? I'll give them a year and a half.:suspect:

29th Aug 2012, 10:45
As some posters already put here: as long as there people willing to accept such crap there's no limit to conditions/dignity degradation.
We pilots are our worst enemies.
This is frustratingly disgusting.:eek:

Likes as Strontium as just management a....s lickers which shouldn't be taken seriously.

"Respectable outfit in Africa" ???
give us a break...:ugh:

29th Aug 2012, 22:34
"Bottom feeders ala Ethiopian continue to attract typical whores who are willing to sell themselves out as well as lower the bar for the rest of the industry.

That said, at the end of the day, if there are enough of these miscreants beating a path to the doorstep of Ethiopian Airlines to fly shiny NGs, then what's their incentive to improve their T & Cs? "

I cannot agree more with you!
Shameful outfit.

30th Aug 2012, 10:35
That post by 'strontium' is strangely reminiscent of the appalling posts that used to appear in Ryanair threads from the chap that thought the sunshine emanated from MOL's rear end. Nom de plume escapes me at the moment but regular readers will know who I'm on about. Perhaps he has decamped to Addis Ababa?

30th Aug 2012, 16:44
Wasn't his username an anagram of. MOL himself? Leon something or Hairy camel? Or was that his nemesis?

30th Aug 2012, 16:46
In fact that's it. Leo Hairy Camel. No?

31st Aug 2012, 06:58
I just want to add a note: The pimp and the whores work together on this.

A Agent contacted me if I would be interested to fly B777´s for them. After asking for more details what the patterns are, the routes and the rest of the conditions I asked them if we are back in Apartheid the other way. The Expats on the B777´s fly the cargo only, PAX operation stays reserved for Ethiopian Pilots only. Same game with the salary, not getting paid until the "training" is over, that can take ages as we learned here.

Resume: Prostitution is not illigeal in some Countries, pimping is mostly. Today " Mama-San " is now up in the Gentleman level and called Manager......

Needless to say that I had the levy not to take any further persuings on the offer.

31st Aug 2012, 11:20
Hopefully there are no more whores to serve the pimp!

Boeing Europe
31st Aug 2012, 16:07
Ha ha I found this very amusing it turns out Leo Hairy Camel has a facebook page with only 3 friends and lo and behold one of them happens to be Peter Bellew , he could be the real MOL ha

31st Aug 2012, 21:20
He isn't . . . . .

8th Sep 2012, 04:39
If he is in trouble with his agency , it does not surprise me if it`s brookfield.

The most crapy agency ever.

9th Sep 2012, 11:36
It is you that needs to get a better grasp of the world. There is nothing wrong with expecting to be paid for the work you do, including during training. The vast majority of world airlines do NOT treat their employees in the disgraceful way that Ethiopian do.
You are a complete clown to come here and berate the wider pilot community for not accepting your airline's crass and substandard behaviour, and you are either a management lackey or a complete idiot. Probably both.
Enjoy it.:ugh:

15th Sep 2012, 03:33

Good for you! :ok: At least someone has the ball$ to stand up to this madness!!!! Who do they think they are dictating what we expats can and cannot fly at their own national carrier? How dare they want us to fly something junky like this:

JetPhotos.Net Photo » ET-APS (CN: 41846) Ethiopian Cargo Boeing 777-F6N by billiam (http://www.jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=7439320)

No way will they force jobless pilots to fly that flying disgrace!!!! :}:p

On a serious note, the terms sound awful (complete slap to the face of professional aviation) and withholding pay until all routes are hit in training is ridiculous - but the type rating and experience could be useful down the road if you look at it from a long-term perspective... Unfortunately, as economies ebb and flow worldwide, aviators need to view themselves as traveling mercanaries these days. :{:ugh::eek:

15th Sep 2012, 16:39
On a serious note, the terms sound awful (complete slap to the face of professional aviation) and withholding pay until all routes are hit in training is ridiculous - but the type rating and experience could be useful down the road if you look at it from a long-term perspective... Unfortunately, as economies ebb and flow worldwide, aviators need to view themselves as traveling mercanaries these days.

This kind of thinking turned us into cheap whores and wiped off any dignity in this career.
Global economics isn't an excuse. We are our worst enemies.:ugh:
Of course it isn't a "serious note".

15th Sep 2012, 18:04

First, I mentioned that the terms are ridiculous for this type of position - a slap to the face of any professional pilot. Not sure if you got that.

Next, I mentioned that with world economies ebbing and flowing, unfortunately, pilots may have to take the long view and collect type ratings and experience that will serve them well throughout their careers. You have to weigh the costs and benefits. I know pilots at AF and LH who are not certain about their once-protected "careers" due to future economic uncertainty. Some are actually leaving aviation. I guess just because you want to be a pilot and you want to make 350,000 Euros per year you will actually get it - because you have control over the situation. You live in a dream world. The old legacy careers are in jeopardy and you can either be proactive about your career (if you want to remain a professional pilot) or you can be reactive.

I am not advocating that anyone take a job with Ethiopian. I am suggesting that you need to weigh the potential positives and the potential negatives - especially if you are jobless or about to be furloughed. Of course you can pass on the job with Ethiopian, but we all know someone else will take it. That is, unfortunately, the nature of the airline business these days. Not good for any professional pilot - especially those who amass debt to pay for their own training and ratings.

18th Sep 2012, 22:23
Strontium - Do you seriously expect this attitude to be accepted. Check out the Airbus and Boeing long term forecasts for pilots and you will find that the airline you manage will very shortly get what it deserves. I'm out of work in November but I'd get a job in a fast food joint before coming to work for you and yours!

17th Nov 2014, 06:41
Hahaha, 8 years in :mad: Ryanair and yes, I had exactly the same feeling when i read the post from Strontium. Pathetic. I was considering this deal but now i would not go even if they would pay me during training. Forget it !!

12th Feb 2015, 04:37
Any more recent updates on ethiopian 767 flying?

8th May 2015, 10:29
I can see they are still looking for B777 rated Cpts.
Anybody there who can give an update about how the situation is in there?
Did it get any better from how it was some time ago?

Hamrah returns
8th May 2015, 12:36
No change. Still the same.

14th May 2015, 13:22
I have been accepted to commence on the 777 shortly
Any expats currently flying 777 willing to share advice/experience would be greatly appreciated

14th May 2015, 20:20
Ethiopia has an airline ? They are proud? Of what exactly? Something must be wrong. And they don't pay you while on training...ah ah ah!! What looser or substandard idiot would accept that ? Strontium..as an half italian..beside the metal do you know what you nick means in my father language? It sure sounds appropriate.

15th May 2015, 18:00
Still hoping a current 777 expat capt can give me a headsup on the situation with Ethiopian and living in Addis today. Like how you rate life at Ethiopian on a scale from 1 to 10. Really would appreciate your feedback, preferably by email.
Thanks to anyone who cares to help me out here

18th May 2015, 05:55
Big S.
I want to highly congratulate you on having the guts to say it like it is.Addis is AFRICA, which must be put in context (except perhaps Sough Africa).Ethiopian NEVER FORCE ANYONE TO GO THERE, this is a personal pilot decision to keep income rolling in to say, feed a family.I worked there for a few years on the 767 and was always paid on time sometimes $15000 usd a month, like clockwork.

I worked extremely extremely hard flying-wise but I absolutely love this as I became a pilot because I love the sensation to of flying so much, its such a priviledge.Its just awesome.The training, inspite of my being a 757/767 TRE with nearly 20,000 hours and 13000 hours on type, was not easy.They have many many difficult destinations and if it were up to me I would make sure the PIC can handle them with ease.Bravo Sir.

18th May 2015, 07:20
Any psychiatrist around?

18th May 2015, 08:02
What do you truly mean by this silly not-helpful statement?

de facto
18th May 2015, 08:51
No worries piratepete,cucuotto has obvious issues...maybe hit on the head too often when a kiddo..or maybe still, and no one wonders why he loves to insult behind the comfort of a computer.

18th May 2015, 10:48
Sorry De Facto,
You are 100% correct regarding cucuoto, reminds of that famous Airbus saying "retard".....very low form of wit.Ethiopian isnt the best airline, but which one is? You name one and I will gave you dozens of examples of their stupidity including the always gloating QANTAS.I have been to Asean flight safety meetings when the Qantas Chief Pilot asked for the recording equipment to be switched off.I was bewitched, saddened and highly shocked by what I heard next from EVERY MAJOR AIRLINE SAFETY CHIEF in Asia.......

Ethiopians main drawback is its isolation, its SOPs are 1970s-style.Terrible.Apart from that they have a very high standard indeed, I was impressed while I was there, and im not easily impressed.Pete.

24th May 2015, 17:33
I am thinking there are not too many tripple expats currently active on this forum, as the response to my querries have been a resounding zero!
Wasting my time here I guess.
Good luck to all

4th Jun 2015, 21:49
I have a 777 CA friend just joining.
He is happy with the stress free Sims.
There is some clause about not being paid during training...but getting the pay for training once checked to the line, which is only 4 line flights if you are 777 experienced.
I believe ET is a fair outfit. They have been used in the past by pilots just getting current and leaving immediately.
so perhaps their terms are understandable.
They have introduced a policy of taking 1600usd a month from your first 6 salaries (10k), which they pay back to you on your 3rd anniversary. Essentially a guaranteed training bond to prevent them losing money on training people who leave soon after. Most airlines do this. Emirates holds you to the grind stone for five years now! So in my opinion ET is just protecting their investment.
I hear the long term guys find their groove. I don't think you can complain about a fair job these days. I'd take it.

Flying Clog
5th Jun 2015, 03:02
I smell a mole in our midst :suspect:

5th Jun 2015, 05:53
All I've heard is that guys are desperate to leave. They work very hard and pay is below industry standard for this type of operation.

5th Jun 2015, 06:59
People are desperate to leave from everywhere. Every thread you find in this forum shows pilots willing to leave.
Ethiopian is for sure not the best place on earth, but the company is stable, reliable, the pay is always on time. There is the training issue caused by many of us who came there just to renew the licences. After all, many airlines have a bond even for rated pilots. Eth doesn't, and anyway they will pay all the money from the beginning of your contract but at the end of the line training.
The salary is low. Yes it's true, for several reason, mainly political. but it has been increased over the years as well as the commuting roster. It's a true 20/10 or 25/12 with 100% free business class seat to and from your destination of choice.
The working environment is very nice, not at all the pressure you find in the gulf. No call in the office if you rotate at 3.5 degrees per second instead of 3.2 or if you forget your hat at home, And let me say, this is a plus.
The issue with copilots is real, especially on 737 and Q400 (entry aircraft). They do MPL training and get the right seat after only 70 hrs of real flying, you cannot expect anything different until they got some experience.
Addis is one of the ugliest and most polluted city in the world but is extremely safe and still cheap (except house renting), but you will stay there for 5-6 days a month, being in flight for most of the time.
Since a lot of aircraft are coming in the coming years They will probably have to increase the package or they will struggle to find enough pilots but until then, It could still be a good alternative place to work without the need to move your family with you.
Ah last but not least, No stupid tricky test during assessment, interview, Documents check, Sim check and medical, that's i think another bonus.

5th Jun 2015, 12:13
Sorry to disappoint you but I was the one hitting not being hit. And that is why I'm appalled. The pay is :mad:, the terms even worse the operation sloppy the city a dump...and you try to sell this as a good option...:mad: unbelievable. I specially like the part about no stress in the SIM...ah ah ah !!! Be sure I'll never put one feet on board an Ethiopian airplane as a passenger imagine working there...

5th Jun 2015, 20:31
Very strange. We were supposed to exchange honest info on this site. Better get the actual info. As I am working for Eth. I fail to see what advantage the company will have by having you fly for months in line training if finally you have to get your back pay. This is totally wrong and inappropriate to post such a false information. If you had such long line training you must have some real problem in your flying.
According to what I know,when they stop paying for your hotel they give you the housing allowance which is more than enough to continue in the hotel if you choose to.
The statement on the starving people and 787 does not merit a comment. Why are poor people working. The man who builds the rich man's house before building one for him or a driver who drives the rich man's kid to school while his kids have no shoes.
Try Ethiopian and I assure you you will not be disappointed if you are competent and un corrupt

29th Aug 2015, 19:07
All these recruiting agencies are not telling the truth and the worst of them is FCI out of Dallas, Texas stay away from these wannabe cowboys there bunch of liars that will do anything to try to get you to interview with Ethiopian Airlines.
1. they make you pay $ 10,000 USD training bond even if you have the type.

2. They say they will reimburse you for your entry visa $ 150 which is also false five of us got left on the hook.

3. Pilots are having to work 130 hours a month therefore they are busting regs due to them being shorhanded.

4. the training dept is a hot mess the B767 sim has been broke four months and they are still letting pilots fly past there annnual.

5. The B737 NG sim is junk it is no longer Level D its down to a level B..

This place is worse than jet airwys another incident waiting to happen

29th Dec 2016, 09:37
Xmas came with the Change of Procedure for Commuting to the Expats with Immediate Effect... no questions made, no reason given, no explanation, no nothing, but a legitimate BRIDGE of CONTRACT from ET's Expat Office and COO.

Old Procedure and ACTUAL Contract term:
C Class to/from ADD - Home with your name on the GD, you travel with Uniform and full Bss Class Service and seat will be provided... untill before Xmas it was PERFECT and kept all of us Happy.

New Procedure and BRIDGE of Actaul Contract term:
Y Class to/from ADD - Home with Civilian wear, NO UPGRADE, NO RESERVATION and NO SEAT ALOCATION, you come as you go after we send you a ticket confirmation number (Y Class) and that's it.

So, Gentleman we are called TO LEAVE ET ASAP!
They do not need or want our help and this is their way to ask us to move along.

If you are in talks with ET HR office and or Agency, I ask you to have this NEW RULE in writing since our Contracts READ something else and it has not been RESPECTED by ET's COO and Expat Office Managment.

Safe Flts!