View Full Version : Malaysian JAA ATP to in the EU countries...HOW CAN I DO THAT?

12th Oct 2011, 08:58
Hey ya~! First of all I would like to let all of you know that I've just signed up for this forum and it is really helpful for me~!! Let's start off....I'm currently a cadet pilot in Malaysia taking up CPL/IR with ME rating including 'Frozen' ATP under the JAA syllabus and about to finish. I would like to know:

1. Is it possible for me to work in the EU countries when I feel like to?
2. What are the procedures that I need to do?

I hope that all of you here could help me out with this. Feel free to reply here! Cheers~!! :ok:

12th Oct 2011, 11:10
You need to hold a passport that gives you unrestricted rights to work in the EU!

12th Oct 2011, 16:45

Welcome to the Wannabee forum! You will find many experienced professional pilots here who are only too happy to give a Wannabee a leg-up - but they do expect you to do a bit of research yourself first.

Try using the 'Search' function and you will not only find that your questions have been asked and answered many times before. You will also learn a lot about the industry you have chosen to enter!

In the meantime I'm closing the thread