View Full Version : numeracy tests

23rd Sep 2011, 17:30
You are descending from FL180 to FL100 at a rate of 2500 fpm, how long will this take you? The answers were multiple choice.
with the question are you ment to times the difference in FL by 100 to turn it into feet before dividing it by the speed? many thanks im practising some maths for my assesment. any other maths i should practice? or any websites with good practice questions on. thanks again

23rd Sep 2011, 18:35
FL180 to FL100 = 8000ft of difference

8000ft / 2500 fpm = 3,2 minutes, or 3 minutes and 12 seconds

You can find some practice questions for general math - non aviation related - here: Algebra Practice Questions for Test Takers (http://www.testprepreview.com/modules/algebra1c.htm) and on the other pages of that website.

25th Sep 2011, 00:23
Blimey, just had a go on that IPAS aptitude thingy, never done one before and it was much easier than I thought. My only weak area is the maths, which I know is my worst area.

Doing it on a net book with a touch pad rather than a mouse and a small squashed screen so I couldn't see everything at once, and I still scored a satisfactory over all at my first attempt, and that was whilst watching TV at the same time !!.

Anyone know where you can practise for the compass tests?