View Full Version : Jet Blast II

17th Aug 2001, 01:03
I would be very delighted if any of the TRI/TREs of this board can enhance my knowledge about this board. While changing to a very far down on the forum selection field mentioned favorite, I accidentially found this most interesting Hell and Damnation promising Jet Blast II forum.
Used to play with buttons of all kinds I had to test this one and was horrified to death with the response of the opening page.
What is the secret behind this....please, I need to know! :cool:

17th Aug 2001, 08:19
I thought that the description on the forum index was self-explanatory... :)

Due to the sometimes adult content of the Jet Blast forum a private, members only forum has been set up. Access is only available to registered members who have paid an access fee of £50. The content may be of an extremely adult nature and may be offensive to some people. You must be over 18 to apply for access to this forum.

JB2 was setup following an outburst in JB1. Go to JB1 for more details and comments.

Mutt :)

Kermit 180
17th Aug 2001, 12:44
You can go and merely hurl abuse at yourself for 50 quid. :( Or you can spend the 50 quid on some flying :)

Kermie http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/aircraft/stuka2.gif

17th Aug 2001, 21:59
I believe the final trigger (although there have been a few breakages of the JB hotel lobby rule recently)was a popular thread highlighting previous posts from Snaily - PPrune Towers gave 1 hours notice pre closure and in that time Danny set up JB2. I assume that in future all 'dubious' threads will be sent there, as I believe there have been parental complaints to Danny re adult content

21st Aug 2001, 19:26
well i loved my snaily thread :(

Capt PPRuNe
21st Aug 2001, 21:26
Well, you could fork out for a membership and have the thread live forever in the new JBII forum. It would appear, however, that most people are not prepared to come up with the 'mulah' for this exclusive forum.

I am still thinking about the best way to go forward with this idea. It would have to be an exclusive members only forum and because of the administration time in setting up membership access and the extra work involved I have to be able to use the funds generated to offset the costs of running PPRuNe.

So far I am thinking that maybe an introductory offer of £25 for a lifetime membership for the first 25 applicants. :eek: Once the momentum is going I would imagine it will be irresistable for the rest of the hard core JB'ers to ignore this important forum where such weighty matters can be discussed, especially when threads that are considered too 'hard' for the plain vanilla JB are swiftly moved to the exclusivity of the Hell & Damnation forum.

What do you think? :confused:

22nd Aug 2001, 00:21
dunno.....see pigs fly....get confused....

22nd Aug 2001, 18:11
Does lifetime membership means life time service? Almost certainly not.

It seems that JBII is very similar to afterburn or whatever the two versions were called. These were subscriber forums that featured the ecxpected how long is your d**k, and how many times per hour can you dio it, with graphic detail. However, boredom or lack of ongong creative thought brought the ventures to an end. There may have been outside pressure because of the explicit content.

Capt are you prepared to see the same sort of stuff on JBII?. What sort of stuff is JB/JBII compliant or not. The rest of us will not see it as it is a closed forum. Or is it going to be a forced payment JB, by stealth by the administartors switching interseting stuff into the pay up JBII?

22nd Aug 2001, 21:31

If you are going to get people to fork out the dosh, perhaps you need to offer some more "perks" on top of simply the use of the forum. What these perks are of course is up to you, perhaps 50% off a PPRuNE badge? Maybe 50% off access to the bashes? Something of that nature. I think what is putting people off is that they think they are paying £50 for the use of just 1BB and nothing else.

Just an idea