View Full Version : 60 duty hours pr. week

10th Sep 2011, 09:21
Hi - My part A chapter 7 says: max 60 hours pr. 7 day - OPS tells me that 12 hours SB only counts for 6 hours - very vaque discription in my part A .... right or wrong ? Thanks.

10th Sep 2011, 13:57
Under what regs do you operate?

10th Sep 2011, 15:59
OY ...... Denmark ....thanks

13th Sep 2011, 18:53
EU-OPS 1.1100 & 1.1125 quote(s) the following;

1.1. Cumulative duty hours

An operator shall ensure that the total duty periods to which a crew member is assigned do not exceed:

(a) 190 duty hours in any 28 consecutive days, spread as evenly as practicable throughout this period; and

(b) 60 duty hours in any seven consecutive days.


2.1.5. The counting of standby times for the purposes of cumulative duty hours shall be defined.

Now, i believe that this means in the case of 2.1.5, that this is subject to local authority approval as a variation (see OPS 1.1090, 5.1), meaning that for example, a local authority (as in the case for the UK) can approve a situation whereby for a Standby Duty carried out during a local night (22:00L to 08:00L), that the duty period as part of the cumulative totals (in this case your query with 1.1 b above) can be reduced by 50% if the subject is not called for duty or disturbed.

Hope all that is clear as mud ! please note, I have referenced EU-OPS and also detailed what happens in the U.K. - may be slightly different depending on the rules you are under.

Oh, and if you have any doubts as to the correctness of duty periods that are being kept for you, or you believe that the duty periods being defined for cumulative periods are incorrect, you are fully entitled to ask for a copy of your cumulative totals (well, under EU-OPS rules). Section to refer to in Subpart Q is OPS 1.1135.


14th Sep 2011, 09:10
Many thanks. Twin2040