View Full Version : JOC in Spain.

5th Sep 2011, 14:02
Hi guys,Anyone knows where I could get a JOC done in Spain, or the nearest one to Spain? I do have an MCC but many companies are asking for JOCs.Thanks.

5th Sep 2011, 16:58
FTE Jerez, great location, 737-800ng sim, not full motion but the chair wobbles a bit :P

Fantastic instructors and very friendly students.

All the best.

5th Sep 2011, 20:20
Thanks Rithalic. Approx. €7000 for the JOC. I have heard of FTE's reputation but anything cheaper than that...:/

6th Sep 2011, 14:06
check your pm

6th Sep 2011, 20:19
I'm also interested. Any info will be welcome!

7th Sep 2011, 20:01
I've just checked OAA. 2245 pounds for 6/7 working days. Anyone can comment on this? I've been trying to find how to get there...which is the nearest airport to it?

7th Sep 2011, 20:31
....oxford airport would be a good bet

7th Sep 2011, 20:50
FSB Berlin quoted less than 1000€ and one day.

8th Sep 2011, 06:13
But no airlines fly into Oxford Airport. What would be my nearest airport?Regarding FSB Berlin...I sent them an e-mail as they don't mention anything about a JOC on their website.More suggestions are welcome.

8th Sep 2011, 13:54
Okay I have done a search and come up with the following:- OAA: 2245 pounds- CRM Aviation: 660 pounds- European Skybus Limited: 688.80 pounds- FTE Jerez: 6116 pounds- FSB Berlin: 850 eurosWhich one should I choose?

8th Sep 2011, 15:57
Sharklet, it depends what you want out of your JOC. If you do some more research, you will see that some JOCs are done on a full motion simulator, but some are done on a much more simple piece of equipment. Some will be 16 hours in the sim, and some much less (like 5). Some will last a week, and some will last a day or two.

Do you just want a certificate? Go with the cheapest and the easiest to travel to. Do you want to use a generic FNPTII or do you want a full motion 737 sim? There is a reason why prices vary.

8th Sep 2011, 16:58
JOC conducted in our JAR-STD3A (FNPT II MCC) B737-800W NG simulator:

27 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction
44 hours of simulator training

Thats why FTE's JOC is very exspensive.

8th Sep 2011, 20:01
Well to be honest I just want the JOC certificate however if I could get a good quality price factor I wouldn't mind paying that little bit more.

8th Sep 2011, 20:09
If you just need the certificate then I assume you plan on applying for jobs that require / prefer a JOC?

If so, tread carefully. I know of at least one operator that requires the JOC to have a minimum of 16 hours sim. Watch you don't end up paying for a course that is not recognised or accepted.

Do your homework (as it seems you are).


8th Sep 2011, 21:17
if memory serves, and it rarely does. there are no official guidelines/requirements laid down on the contents, structure or length of a joc course as there is for a mcc.

i may of course be wrong so i stand to be corrected. so i would imagine doing the course boils down to what you're doing it for. if its to better your skills and get a good idea and flavour of what handling and operating a jet is like then the more expensive option is probably best. if it is simply to fulfil a requirement of an airline's hr department and insurance company then do it as economically as possible.

of course if an airline is stipulating "a joc course consisting of at least xx hours" then at least fulfil that requirement.

9th Sep 2011, 10:43
Add another 4 hour detail onto that and you could have yourself a type rating!