View Full Version : Aeronautical Engineering master's degree

19th Aug 2011, 08:45
Hi to all,
I'm a foreign military pilot, both fixed and rotary wing have about 2500 hours total,thinking about quitting military and transitioning to airliners, i have an opportunity right now to study AE in Ohio AFIT, the question i have in my mind is "does committing 2 years to a master's degree give me any advantage in return for the job interviews or is it just spending 2 valuable years for academic study and being away from flying?"
I wanted to have your opinions about this, anything is welcome, thank you:ok:

20th Aug 2011, 19:46
degree is good but not in aviation.

do a degree where people will need you.

I would not advice young people to go school anymore. Smart people don't study and keep their money in bank, buy gold,or invest in a fuel service.... have more chance to get a job, because they have no degree.

This world is filled with thousand of youngs with degree and debt who want too much money.Paying people is finished...sad but true!

you must be cheap, so stay cheap!

21st Aug 2011, 17:52
I appreciate your answers, thanks a lot for giving your time. The thing is I won't be paying anything for the degree, cannot decide whether to spare 2 years away from flying instead of 500-600 hrs of flying. AE degree will be a slight advantage i suppose for recruitment process but maybe not worth it?