View Full Version : Danish Air Transport . pay to fly?

18th Aug 2011, 16:13
Is there anyone here on the forum who works or has worked for Danish Air Transport, or know someone who does?
Can anyone confirm or deny that the officers pay to fly their pax and their cargo?

Thank you!

19th Aug 2011, 16:54
I am wondering if they would hire JAA pilots with over 1500 jet time but not rated on MD.
Recently I have sent my application, but quite everybody ask for TR, (Airbus, Boeing, ATR..) so probably they give priority to TR pilots.
No idea, but not really optimistic, sometimes looks like experience on the "wrong" TR its not experience anymore.

Keep sending CV s everywhere around the world, hoping to get any job, I miss flying:(

19th Aug 2011, 17:22
Its just rumors and googeling around the web. Made me curious... Nice to hear the opposite! So what does a typical F/O schedule look like? And do I have the guts to ask what the pay is?

Thank you!

24th Aug 2011, 11:14
I work for DAT. Since I started more than 10 years ago there has not been anyone flying without being paid according to standard terms and contract.
BTW - I also know that we will soon receive new low time first officers on full bonding.

Where did you get the idea that we have first officers paying to fly?

Hello Foursstripes. I was wondering if you could answer me a couple of questions about DAT.

Firstly, you say that you will soon receive new low time first officers, what amount of low time are you talking about?
Secondly, what aircraft would a new F/O typically start on.
And lastly, what is DAT like as a company to work for :)


Blue system
30th Aug 2011, 22:25
Fourstripes....you are incorrect!
I know for fact that there has been pay to fly schemes at DAT
during the last 10 years.....
Just ask Jesper (aka Mr Fivestripes).......

8th Sep 2011, 22:19
http://www.flygtorget.se/Forum/images/anmal.gif (javascript:void(window.open('/Forum/Abuse.aspx?ID=58145',null,'height=700,width=1002,status=yes, toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=y es')))
SV: lön på DAT
Danish Air Transport, DAT, har i dagsläget 9 flygplan i drift.
Planen som kommer att trafikera Sverige och flyga Skyways resenärer är av typen ATR-72 och har 68 flygstolar.
Det danska flygbolaget har för övrigt två stycken MD-plan (MD-87 och MD-83) samt ytterligare sju ATR-plan i sin flotta.
Antalet anställda piloter är 70, plus fem med frilanskontrakt.
DAT har 17 svenska piloter, men de flesta anställda är danskar (54 stycken). Sedan finns det piloter i Norge (2 stycken), i Tyskland (1) och i Frankrike (1).
Flygkaptenerna som flyger ATR-planen tjänar 52.012 danska kronor i månaden och kaptenerna som flyger MD-planen tjänar 63.338 danska kronor i månaden.
Styrmännen tjänar 24.879 danska kronor i månaden, oavsett flygplanstyp.
I löneuppgifterna är pension, semesterersättning samt traktamenten och liknande inte inräknade.
Källa: Danish Air Transport
Enligt gällande kollektivavtal får en styrman inom regionalflyget mellan 22.091- 40.307 kronor i grundlön.
En flygkapten tjänar mellan 29.618 - 49.887kronor i månaden. I löneuppgifterna är inte traktamenten och andra tillägg inräknade.
Källa: Svensk Pilotförening

17th Sep 2011, 16:01
I started at DAT more than nine years ago, and at that time the short lived first officer training programs were all terminated and the pilots covered were on permanent contracts. So the FOT programs happened a decade or more ago.

The pay scale at DAT you can find on PPJN http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/Danish_Air_Transport (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/Danish_Air_Transport) , and it’s very accurate, just missing a few new improvements http://www.dat.dk/ATR_Pilot-34383.htm (http://www.dat.dk/ATR_Pilot-34383.htm)

DAT has hired non type rated on both ATR and the MD the last 2 years

18th Sep 2011, 15:03
Hi Lymangood, what about SF34, is there any chance for a TR pilot with enough time on type? :\

18th Sep 2011, 16:09
Hi CHECHE, sadly both of the Saabs are up for sale so no vacant positions :-(

18th Sep 2011, 17:42
Thanks for the info!!

:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh: :ugh::ugh::ugh:

10th Nov 2011, 13:20
Hey Guys,

Is there anyone who would have some information on what to expect in an interview with DAT? It would be nice with some feedback to "home in" on what to prepare for.

28th Dec 2011, 06:58
pretty interested in DAT.
Currently flying for an airline in new caledonia, but I d like to come back in Europe.
1400 TT ( 1000 on ATR).

Some questions about the payscale in order to be sure: "basic" wage is based on 30hrs per month.
If flying more than 30hrs, the rate for a FO is between 100 and 125 DKK?
What is the average flying time for a FO?
what about the upgrade? When can we expect to be upgraded on MD for example?

Thanks in advance


19th Jan 2012, 14:19
May I ask which airline in New Caledonia?

23rd Jan 2012, 14:18
Any news about DAT and the Dash-operations?

24th Jan 2012, 16:29
Anyone know if DAT also uses seasonal flight crew?

Nick Figaretto
24th Jan 2012, 18:42
Kleppa bryter anti-dumpingregler (http://www.frifagbevegelse.no/arbeidslivet/article5847759.ece)

26th Jan 2012, 10:56
Air Caledonie

16th Feb 2012, 13:15
Dette vil gjerne jeg også ha svar på!

16th Feb 2012, 14:17
Meg bekjent ansetter ikke DAT nordmenn i det hele tatt. Vi er sikkert for kravstore i forhold til andre når det kommer til T&C.

Nordic Spirit
16th Feb 2012, 17:21
Jeg har pratet med flere norske styrmenn i DAT, men det er sikkert ikke så mange av dem.

17th Feb 2012, 07:49
Betale for en ATR rating uten engang lovnad om jobb???
Det er jo værre enn Ryanair! :ugh:

drag king
23rd Feb 2012, 17:15
Does anyone know how to update an application with these folks?


DK :ok:

21st Jan 2015, 19:45
See they are now recruiting for A320 :-)

14th Aug 2015, 17:06
I have an interview with DAT. Has anyone been to an interview? What can I expect?

Johnny Bekkestad
19th Aug 2015, 12:03
How did the interview go, i have one coming up?
What kind of information did they provide you, was it for the ATR?

19th Aug 2015, 12:48
I haven't been to the interview yet. It is on Airbus :)

7th Jan 2018, 09:00
Hi all. Do DAT pilots have to live at base? I understand its Billund or Copenhagen last I read. Can you commute in from other places, do they provide crew rooms or something?

Michael S
8th Jan 2018, 07:52
Hi all. Do DAT pilots have to live at base? I understand its Billund or Copenhagen last I read. Can you commute in from other places, do they provide crew rooms or something?

Lots of pilots commute. Company has a crew house in BLL and a hotel nearby. You can discuss the matter on interview.

8th Jan 2018, 17:21
Thanks for clarifying that. :)