View Full Version : Jetstar Asia abItio programme

17th Aug 2011, 12:25

Has anyone applied for The recent opening for the cadet pilot program by Ctc aviation ?

Anyone had gotten replies from them ?

19th Aug 2011, 03:50
not yet, i just heard from you
how to apply did you applied?


20th Aug 2011, 08:38
already confirmed and will start training in October

20th Aug 2011, 09:59
any idea when is the nxt interview be held pertaining to the one that was held in June by OAA?

was actually selected for interview in June this year, but did not attend due to the money($400) to be paid initial and forking out the whole course fees after which.

kinda regret now, and should hav went for it.:(

Have actually send em another cv recently but yet to receive any replies..

Hoping for your reply Stallon.

20th Aug 2011, 11:00
How to apply & from where

21st Aug 2011, 16:38
OAA not sure when coming back

apply for the CTC one, i heard they coming back between Oct-Dec

21st Aug 2011, 17:03
Any big diff between ctc and oaa? OAA holds its groundsch for the atpl papers here in sg, while ctc heads off to england, am i right? I'd also suppose that one would pay about the same fees if he takes either option?

25th Aug 2011, 14:43
Any big diff between ctc and oaa? OAA holds its groundsch for the atpl papers here in sg, while ctc heads off to england, am i right? I'd also suppose that one would pay about the same fees if he takes either option?

OAA - 18months
CTC - 20months

OAA - UK -> Melbourne -> Hong Kong
CTC - UK -> New Zealand -> UK

OAA/CTC - fees wise about the same at AU$140k

25th Aug 2011, 15:15
Jetstar Asia Schemes | Oxford Aviation Academy - OAA.com (http://www.oaa.com/pages/schemes/jetstar_asia.php)

But the site says for OAA the groundsch is in sg? And just to sidetrack, does anyone foresee aussie dollar going down/ sgd up in a couple years?

26th Aug 2011, 03:05
As far as I know, they head straight to UK first..

Those OAA selects confirmed by JSA in early august (2nd batch) will fly to UK in October

26th Aug 2011, 06:40
explain me why suddenly all these schemes pop out like mushroms, like if there was a pilot shortage.
I don't think people will get a job at the end(worse cae tyou will serve coffee on board or ticketing).be very careful with these trainings.