View Full Version : Flight Envelope Contents aka Flight DOCs

15th Aug 2011, 01:50

What Flight Documents do you pass to the crew before every flight at your airline ?

of course there are fixed things

Operational Flight plan
WX information (METAR,TAF,Wind Charts, SWX Charts)
NOTAMs (FIR and Airport NOTAMs)
Dispatch Release to be signed

I am wondering if there is any other documents that would be given to crew by the Aircraft Dispatcher / Operations personnel before flights ?

15th Aug 2011, 15:55
All of the above, plus a loadsheet and notoc.

Blue-Shamrock 89
15th Aug 2011, 18:04
How could you present a Load sheet before a flight ?

Wouldn't that be presented at the end ? :8

15th Aug 2011, 19:19
EZFW and possibly cargo docs if you had them?

16th Aug 2011, 16:55
Depends what airline.

BA for example get a provisional LS, and are then issued with any changes after pushback.

17th Aug 2011, 09:01
Triple AAA.

17th Aug 2011, 18:09
Why would the flight deck want to see the AAA docs?Surely thats the Dispatchers Job as long as the no of bags equals whats on the AAA then the crew do not have a right to see AAA????????

17th Aug 2011, 19:39
I can't see why flight deck would want a triple AAA? I'd imagine most of them wouldn't even know what one was if you showed it then.

17th Aug 2011, 21:54
and what's a AAA ?

18th Aug 2011, 11:12
How could you present a Load sheet before a flight ?

Wouldn't that be presented at the end ? http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/nerd.gif

:= :rolleyes:

At the end of the flight???? when it has landed???? Surely before the flight departs!!!:8

Depends on what the poster means by :

I am wondering if there is any other documents that would be given to crew by the Aircraft Dispatcher / Operations personnel before flights ?

If before flight is relating to at crew briefing or is it before actual flight (pushback). Is this the crew or the flight deck crew?

Loadsheet would have to be on aircraft before departure, along with tech log and, if required de-icing paperwork.

If talking all crew at briefing stage, may need crew baggage manifest for completion, crew name list, landling cards?


and what's a AAA ?

Accounting and Authorising of baggage for carriage by Air. This is the declaration completed by the appointeed person (normally despatcher or turnaround co-ordinator), the hold baggage manifest, a gate bag manifest, crew baggage manifest and an unaccompanied bag manifest. It is to confirm all bags loaded on to the aircraft are relevant to the flight and traveling with the person who presented them at checkin or have been subjected to higher security screening and minifested to say they are traveling alone (rush bag). Only relates to baggage as cargo/mail are separate and does not include cabin baggage.

The captain may request sight of the unaccompanied baggage manifest and refuse the carriage of rush bags, but has no authority over the paperwork or any descrepancies on it, this is the appointed persons sole responsibility. The captain does not have the authority to "go with it" if he is happy because all bags are screened in UK but the appointed person is not satisfied.


19th Aug 2011, 02:56
Thanks groundagent For explanation !

Blue-Shamrock 89
20th Aug 2011, 15:53
groundagent :

Good point but just a play on words, i meant before the A/C departs :

Bigbluebroxi :

Yes you are correct regarding BA however the original question was :
What Flight Documents do you pass to the crew before every flight at your airline ?

And even BA would not present the provisional that early and at the same time as items such as a FLP / Notams etc and do BA crews get their FLP when they go for a Briefing ??

Obviously everything depends on the Airline and the crew status (ie) are they starting duty (ie) on a long haul flight or is it short haul and a turnround where the Ground staff would present paperwork.

Does the airline send FLP via Acars ?

So many scenarios and possibilities