View Full Version : BA Announce plans to recruit 800 pilots

12th Aug 2011, 12:39
BBC News - British Airways launches pilot recruitment drive (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14489148)

12th Aug 2011, 14:59
Is this the good news that we have been waiting for?

If you exclude the cadets, thats 100 pilots per year for the next 4 years or so. Should get the system moving.

400 cadets over 4 years should also keep Oxford and the likes happy too.

To good to be true?

12th Aug 2011, 15:14
Just been on their website and read about the Future Pilot Programme.

It talks about trying to get pilots with no or little flying experience and says that it is also looking for pilots with skill and ability, not just those that have lots of money and can afford it.

I have just left school and I am only 18 years old, yet it states that a security payment of £84,000 must be paid to secure the course! I can not get this kind of money and my parents could not even get this kind of money in several years! I have a huge ambition for flying and have comleted an NPPL microlight licence as it was a cheap way to start flying.
How could someone like me apply for this course?

12th Aug 2011, 15:20
Why don't you read the whole website and you will find out.

12th Aug 2011, 15:37
I don't have a credit history and too am slightly puzzled. I cannot secure a asset based bond as I dont have a house. I think BA's guaranteed loan scheme could help but again you need credit history.

P.S. Can someone suggest / share any ideas of overcoming this barrier.


12th Aug 2011, 16:11

If you have any kind of bank account you'll have a credit history. As long as you have no major outstanding debts that you are behind on payments or you have defaulted on payments etc you should be fine.

Abu Bebo
12th Aug 2011, 18:34
This has to be good for the industry especially as it will start to get things moving after such a dry spell recruitment-wise. The buzz created and upbeat mood of the posters on this forum signifies a renewal of hope. Movement from the flagship carrier will filter throughout the market prompting renewed recruitment from the top down. I look forward to getting back to instructing after being out of it for so long. This year will see many people reviving their stagnated dreams and returning to their passion.
Vivre l'aviation