View Full Version : VLM

31st Jul 2011, 11:13
HI there,

Just got invited to do "differential aptitude tests" for VLM on august 9th. Has anyone done these before and what advice would you have?
Anyone reading here going on august 9th?

31st Jul 2011, 14:25
I am invited aswell and will be attending the selection in Antwerp, on the 5th of August. Ofcourse I'll be looking all over the forum for info on the selection process but any recent or additional information is welcome!

31st Jul 2011, 18:53
I have been invited too. Any ideas on what to expect would be great and welcomed.

1st Aug 2011, 08:40
May I ask how did you guys apply to VLM?

Also experience levels, background etc? I'm interested, but Cityjet's website says they are not recruiting :/


1st Aug 2011, 21:39

1. Tech exam including POF, Performace and weight/Balance type questions. Some basic maths.

2. Group Interview / problem solving,

3. Individual Interview with management pilot + 1 other. No tricks.

If all okay: Simulator assessment. profile Antweerp. basic handling back fon non precision approach. Watch out for the wet runway, and landing weight Antweerp is short!! Enjoy

2nd Aug 2011, 12:54
Ab-initio, finished (f)atpl training at the end of last year. Around 240hrs including sim. No experience whatsoever:)

19th Aug 2011, 10:47
Anyone got any results yet?

20th Aug 2011, 15:01
hi mates,
I wondering about how apply at vlm too..but on google Ive been directed to cityjwt website and they say that they do not need pilot...suggestion?
all the best:E

20th Aug 2011, 16:26
^^me too. Can anyone help.

20th Aug 2011, 16:35

You won't have any luck applying to any EU carrier cadet schemes unless you have the legal right to live and work in the EU, which in another thread you admitted you did not. It isn't a hard concept to understand.

20th Aug 2011, 18:30
Its not hard to understand. I thought its not from EU. Thanks again.

26th Aug 2011, 10:45
Has anyone heard anything?! It's been almost 3 weeks now.

26th Aug 2011, 15:25
no... still waiting for an anwser.

26th Aug 2011, 19:15
They told me that the one, who had to send the results from Dublin to Antwerp, was on vacation and came back last monday. They would send the results asap. Unfortunately I haven't seen any result yet either. Nothing left for us to wait..

28th Aug 2011, 16:31
No, I haven't heard anything either!
Fingers crossed folks.

29th Aug 2011, 15:58
I received the result of the DAT test by email 10 minutes ago :ok:

29th Aug 2011, 16:18
Me too! I have made it through phase 1 to the next stage but no date set for that yet. Fingers crossed for all you guys n gals waiting a reply.

31st Aug 2011, 21:47
I also passed phase 1. what's next???

9th Sep 2011, 21:03
Waiting for a very long time I guess

27th Sep 2011, 15:37
I got invited for an interview, taking place next week. Anyone got any info on what to expect?

My Name Is URL
17th Oct 2011, 11:09
@ Climb_Under_Read: Can I ask why you are asking and stating that you have received no info from them??? Did you get notification that you had passed stage 1???


My Name Is URL
17th Oct 2011, 12:32
I would rather not give my position but I can give some info:

CityJet (VLM no longer exists except on an AOC which is soon to go also) sent you out a letter stating that you were successful in phase 1 and that you MAY get called for interview anytime from the letter date right into early 2012! I think this pretty much covers the required info up to 2012??

There was indeed a round of interviews last week for a hold pool for both the Avro and Fokker fleet. This round of interviews consisted of a selection of candidates who scored highest on the testing in phase 1! This consists of approx 20 - 25 people who are currently awating a yes or no for round 3 (Sim check).

There may be or may not be a second round of interviews before the year is out (unlikely). More likely it will be early next year. Tho this all depends on a number of things such as how may F/Os they will require between now and March 2012 (when the CityJet cadets graduate from jerez).

One glimmer of hope for all you guys is that there is soon to be a lot of Pilots on both fleets leaving for the sandpit and other airlines which is why the airline is forming a holdpool.

As you can Imagine there is a lot of applications and CityJet is one of the very few airlines in Europe taking low houred pilots with a bond and no money up front. It's a great opportunity for people out there. Just one word of advice .... Making posts on a public forum giving out about an airline that you will maybe one day work for and making multiple :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: symbols is not advisable! You never know who may be watching!

Good luck!!

20th Oct 2011, 09:02
I just suddenly got an email, inviting me for the interview. From what I hear, the people with the best score on the DAT were invited. A few days ago I got an email stating that I succesfully made it through the interview and now I'm invited for the Sim Evaluation in Dublin on the avro.. Anyone, any info on the sim check?

11th Nov 2011, 11:21
Got my interview on november 21st in Antwerp?

Anyone else has been recently?

Any feedback?

I've no idea whatsoever what to expect.

For anyone in the process...best of luck!
