View Full Version : Renewal of License for mil types - Clarification of LASORS

11th Jul 2011, 16:38
I have had a letter reminding me to renew my license. I have read through LASORS and it would appear that all I have to do is to send in a Class I medical and some proof that I am in current flying practice (of an appropriate type ie aeroplane - in my case I fly FJ but that seems to be enough for a CPL).

I am a FJ pilot and am in current flying practice. It says nothing about needing a multi-engine IR. Do I need to go back and get one of these?

I happen to be doing my mil instrument rating in a couple of days. Does this need to be procedural (they sometimes just do a PD with no airways work here which is not procedural). Again I can find no requirement to even have a mil IR for renewal of the CPL - just 'current flying practice'.

Can anyone who has renewed recently confirm that essentially it is just a cheque, medical and logbook proof of current flying practice.

Many thanks

Trim Stab
11th Jul 2011, 17:07
You do not need an IR to hold a CPL. An IR is just a rating.

11th Jul 2011, 17:47
So if I do the mil bridging package and I'm current SEP do I get a CPL with SEP rating and don't need to do any more? I take it the ME IR is just for those wanting ATPL?

Trim Stab
11th Jul 2011, 17:53
Correct. You can take CPL test with SEP - but it must be "complex" - ie with retractable undercarriage and variable pitch prop.

You will need to get ME IR SP though if you ever want to get a job...

11th Jul 2011, 18:47
dogstar2, see Note 4 of http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/SRG1102FF.pdf , the pertinent extract from which is as follows:
In order to have your licence re-issued, you are required to have held a valid aircraft rating for any type/class rating that has not expired by more than 5 years*, and a medical certificate appropriate to the licence being re-issued valid for the first day of issue of the new licence.

*Where the validity of your most recent aircraft rating has expired by more than 5 years, you will be required to renew an aircraft rating within your licence prior to licence re-issue.

If you are currently flying under the privileges of a non-UK ICAO licence or are a current Qualified Service Pilot, and are flying an aircraft type/class within your UK or JAR-FCL licence, you will not be required to renew an aircraft rating but will be required to provide evidence of current flying practice...
That's all - no IR required, mil or civ. Note that the licence is actually 're-issued', not 'renewed' - although that is the CAA's incorrect terminology for this process.

Keep an eye on IR renewal requirements though, if you find yourself on a ground tour or disappearing up the rectal orifice of some multi-starred wheel in a staff job. LASORS E1.5 is your friend!

11th Jul 2011, 19:16
What is you CPL type? How can a mil FJ be within your CPL type/class? Excuse my ignorance.

11th Jul 2011, 19:17

I have read the LASORS bit about renewal and understand that I can renew my IR using my mil license which everytime I do my IRT gives me 5 years grace. Have I got that bit correct? Should I (can I), therefore, renew my CPL IR each time I do my mil IRT?


11th Jul 2011, 19:19
High Expect,

When reading LASORS the type is aeroplane (or fixed wing)as opposed to helicopter. It does not go into what we understand as type ie Tornado/VC10 etc. At least that is what I understood

11th Jul 2011, 20:23
I have read the LASORS bit about renewal and understand that I can renew my IR using my mil license which everytime I do my IRT gives me 5 years grace. Have I got that bit correct? Should I (can I), therefore, renew my CPL IR each time I do my mil IRT?

There is no 'mil licence'.

If you have not revalidated the IR with which you opened your CPL(A), it will have expired and will need to be renewed in accordance with LASORS (.pdf page 241 of 681). All the military IR validity does is to establish a 'start point' for the 5 or 7 year renewal requirements, it does not revalidate or renew the civil IR.

Your information is a bit sparse - on which military aircraft are you in current flying practice?

Thomas coupling
12th Jul 2011, 14:54
Correct me if I am wrong, but renewing your 'mil' FJ SEP licence might get you a CPL, but nothing else.
A civvy CPL without ME or IR isn't worth a heck of a lot outside, I would suggest. What exactly can you do with that?

Unless of course it is a means to an end where, after you leave, you then go off and do the ME and IR for £30,000+. (yes? No?).