View Full Version : What I do now??

4th Jul 2011, 08:22
Hi everybody!

This my first post here...but I followed this forum 3 years ago

I've a little question, i need your opinions or experiences....

Now I'm a Flight Instructor in my country, and I flying 15 or 20 hours at month, maybe less...

My problem is, I can't try to apply in others schools or company out of my country, because my english is not perfect. I don't have a fluent english....

My question is, i've two options:

FIRST: I can apply for a one job ( for example barman, waiter, etc..) in UK, Irland, etc...to learn a good english, and haver a fluent english, in one year (maybe one year or not)

SECOND: take a clases in my country, to learn english, but in the same time, i can working for flight instructor in my country...

Please, i need your opinions....because now i'm lost.....

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!:O

4th Jul 2011, 17:33
you TROLL!!!

you write english better than me, so go troll somewhere else, loser!

4th Jul 2011, 18:27
Your english seems ok to me. So comming over to the UK or Ireland might not be needed. Best thing to do might be to keep Instructing and take a English class in your own country

4th Jul 2011, 21:32
Thanks a lot for your answer.

More opinions or experiences?

thanks again!!!:O

5th Jul 2011, 13:10
I agree with Irish Jason

Dan the weegie
5th Jul 2011, 13:35
Both ways seem very sensible, I would definitely spend a little time in the UK once you have learned in your own country though, a month or two to improve your conversation.

5th Jul 2011, 14:50
Keep flying at home to keep current and enrol in an intensive English course back home. That way you keep current and keep adding to the hours total plus improve your English (seems OK from your post)

No jobs for you back home?

5th Jul 2011, 15:39
Don't leave your work ! There are thousand of people out there waiting for a job !

Try to learn listening english music, or try sometimes to think in english language,
read again ATPL books, or try to buy some courses online...

but believe me, don't leave your work now.