View Full Version : Charter Pilots/Operators/Brokers wanted for Cranfield University Study

30th Jun 2011, 17:29
Permission was sought and gained from PPRuNe Towers.

I am an MSc student studying Human Factors and Safety Assessment in Aeronautics at Cranfield University.

For my thesis project I am researching the effects of commercial pressure on safety in business aviation (charter operations). I would like to question as many stakeholders involved in this sector as possible about the effect commercial pressure has on their role including;

- Charter Pilots
- Charter Operators (Management/Commercial/Operations)
- Aircraft Charter Brokers
- End users of aircraft charter (Personal Assistants, Travel Agents etc)

If you are from any of the above groups and willing to spare approximately 40 minutes of your time for me to interview you on the matter face to face I would really appreciate it. I can meet you at a time and location of your choice (UK) or alternatively a Skype interview can be arranged.

Your identity and that of your employer will remain anonymous and all information gathered will be treated in the strictest of confidence and in accordance with the data protection act and Cranfield University’s code of ethics. If you agree for the interview to be recorded (this is optional) the data will be destroyed once transcribed and analysed.

For more information please PM or email me on;

[email protected]

Thank you for your assistance,

Best regards,
