View Full Version : PILAPT question

29th Jun 2011, 19:27
Okay, using the PILAPT prep software and I am hitting a wall when it comes to the number sequence task. The instructions state that 'one number will be spoken, followed by another number. Work out the difference between the two and then hit the cursor key when the sequence changes'. I have written the sequence from part of the test as follows and marked an '*' by each line when the sequence changes (I know this as it tells me when I have got it wrong):

3-5-1 *
3-4-2 *
3-2-9 *

....and so on. Either I am looking to deep into this or the instructions are wrong (doubtful) but any help would be appreciated!!?

29th Jun 2011, 21:29
Mate you have just misunderstood the instructions. It's not 3-4-6, it's 346. You press the button when the descending sequence changes, ie if the second number was 342, that would be a difference of 4. If the third number was 340, that would be a difference of 2. Therefore the sequence changed (press the button).

Hope this answered your question.

30th Jun 2011, 07:12
The pilapt test I did recently started with the computer calling out a single digit number and then counted down in that order.

E.g (2), silence, (398) (396) (394)

meaning the numbers are counting down in 2's and you have to notice when the numbers have not counted down in 2's

E.g (398) (396) (394) (390) (386) (382)

the sequence has suddenly jumped to counting down in 4's, so you have to click the mouse and then the sequence will count down in 4's for a while until the next change and so on,

Hope that helps mate, I'm probably just telling you what you already know :) good luck

30th Jun 2011, 13:43
Doh!!! Guys, thanks for that, makes total sense now, I knew I would have to publicly shame myself by asking but better that than fail the test, really appreciate it...onwards and upwards! ;) Next question, 2 + 2!! ;)

Felix Saddler
30th Jun 2011, 18:05
I believe CTC use the same test for their wings scheme...

30th Jun 2011, 18:57
what kind of pilapt test do you use?do you have a website?thx

1st Jul 2011, 00:21
Here we spend XX'thousands on flight training, and a computer game with a £10 joystick should decide if you will get a job or not!

Get real, it is a con!:ugh:

4th Jul 2011, 12:19
3-5-1 *
3-4-2 *
3-2-9 *

If you look at the series, if you look at the bottow, it is plus 3 then plus 5 plus 5 , then plus 2 then plus 2,then three times plus 3, so the next number should be 365

does it help you ?

13th Jul 2011, 10:02
I have to laugh - I looked at the numbers on the cockpitweb software and couldn't work it out (for that matter I couldn't even find their help page despite the link being infront of my nose).

BTW I did eventually get the hang of it! :)

15th Aug 2011, 00:55
Haha i'm also publicly shamed that's ok we can be shamed together!

I also stuffed that one but they usually give you another try if you fail that section, apparently we're not the only ones - the instruction are slightly ambiguous.

18th Oct 2011, 00:19
If you want clear explanations about the PILAPT tests, go to

https://www.pilotest.net/english/PILAPT.html (https://www.pilotest.com/english/PILAPT.html)

all the tests rules are clearly explained