View Full Version : Charming......

28th Jun 2011, 23:47
Man urinates in plane aisle, let off with warning from Jetstar | News.com.au (http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/man-urinates-in-plane-aisle-let-off-with-warning-from-jetstar/story-e6frfq80-1226083930752)

29th Jun 2011, 00:15
Jetstars inaction says it all, the guy should have been arrested and charged with disorderly behaviour. Letting him off like this is a disgusting affront to the other pax especially those directly affected.

Bogan airline, Bogan prices, Bogan pax.

29th Jun 2011, 00:20
This kind of behaviour is increasingly prevalent everywhere. No less offensive are the parents who change their babies nappy on a tray table.....as if its ok to expect the next person to eat their meal off a surface thats been in contact with faeces....:eek:

But back to the story.....alcohol, the 'great' social culture of the antipodes....:rolleyes:

29th Jun 2011, 00:25
Bogan air, piss poor service!

This kind of behaviour is increasingly prevalent everywhere

Maybe true, BUT the real story is that Bogan Air did nothing about it.
If it happened on my aircraft he wouldn't be receiving a warning.

Artificial Horizon
29th Jun 2011, 00:51
Hmmm, a very very lenient Captain. I have no tolerance for these kinds of incidents, I had a guy hauled off the aircraft a few months ago on arrival as he had been consuming his own alcohol and was then very 'abusive' to the crew and passengers around them when asked to stop. He carried on like a child for the rest of the flight, quite a few passengers commented that I had been a bit harsh when they saw him 'subdued' by the cops. The cops then asked what I would like them to do, my choice was a formal charge for being drunk onboard an aircraft or an on the spot fine in the order of $1000 for being intoxicated onboard the aircraft. I opted for the fine, I certainly haven't lost any sleep over it at all. The company were great and ultimately it is up to the Captain whether he wants to give just a warning or escalate it further, in this case I would have gone out of my way to get him formally charged and chucked in the slammer for the night. No excuse for that kind of behaviour. :*

QF skywalker
29th Jun 2011, 01:05
I don't think this behaviour would have been tolerated so lightly by an Australian based crew. This being a AKL-SIN means it would have been crewed in the cabin by Singapore & New Zealand based Jetstar crew ???

29th Jun 2011, 01:12
I don't think this behaviour would have been tolerated so lightly by an Australian based crew. This being a AKL-SIN means it would have been crewed in the cabin by Singapore & New Zealand based Jetstar crew ???

I'm surprised it was tolerated by any crew

Artificial Horizon
29th Jun 2011, 01:18
Um, actually... this service has no New Zealand based crew on it at all. It is a trip out of MEL - SIN - AKL - SIN - MEL. So a mix of Oz based and Singapore based crew.

Worrals in the wilds
29th Jun 2011, 01:36
That's really gross. Imagine being trapped on an aircraft with this douchebag :yuk:.

IIRC one of the many "troubled" :rolleyes: NRL stars got charged and fined for similar behaviour in Brisbane's Treasury Casino a few years back. They obviously didn't believe in warnings for urinating on people and neither should any reasonable business, particularly when their other customers can't get away from him.

By doing nothing, the message Jetstar are sending is that it's okay to behave like a chimpanzee on their flights. I thought they had enough trouble with drunken ferals already, without attracting more of them.

But back to the story.....alcohol, the 'great' social culture of the antipodes....:rolleyes:The vast majority of Aussies who drink don't behave like this. I'm sick of yobs trying to excuse crappy behaviour on aircraft (and everywhere else) because they were drunk. No-one held his nose and poured the stuff down his throat.

29th Jun 2011, 01:45
He was clearly drunk before he boarded so why was he allowed to board???

chimbu warrior
29th Jun 2011, 01:46
Whilst I can only rely upon the media account of the incident, I think the operator was very unwise in allowing this offender to escape prosecution.

They have effectively lowered the bar, and in legal terms, set a precedent for acceptance of this type of behavior in the future. This means that, sadly, some future passenger will use this as a defence for another display of totally unacceptable conduct.

Equally, if not more distressing, is the fact that the authority of the crew has been further eroded by the operator's tolerance of this disgusting display. :ugh:

Stalins ugly Brother
29th Jun 2011, 03:59
chimbu warrior
Whilst I can only rely upon the media account of the incident, I think the operator was very unwise in allowing this offender to escape prosecution.

They have effectively lowered the bar, and in legal terms, set a precedent for acceptance of this type of behavior in the future. This means that, sadly, some future passenger will use this as a defence for another display of totally unacceptable conduct.

You will find there will be no precedent. Just because one clown gets away with something totally and publically unacceptable due to the inept ability of this pathetic operater to lay charges, doesn't mean the next dipsh*t will be so lucky.

Due to the negligence on the part of this low breed operator I'm sure the two affected passengers will be seeking legal advice. A $200 voucher wont cut it.

Also consider the responsible service of alcohol laws, this tosser could also sue Jetstar for failing in their duty of care in continuing to serve him alcohol.

And not to mention the laws of carriage of an intoxicated person, from what I am lead to believe he was intoxicated before he boarded.

Jetstar seriously need a kick up the a#se, but I'm sure Qantas will foot the bill! :yuk:

29th Jun 2011, 04:39
I'm a bit surprised the Sing wallopers didn't give him free accom for a night; Changi Prison is only a short drive from Terminal 1.

if you don't behave after the warning, then it becomes a matter for federal police

- only if you land in Australia - does JQ PR even know (or care) where this took place?

No Idea Either
29th Jun 2011, 06:19
It becomes a matter for the police the minute he takes out his whanger and pisses everywhere. The charge is offensive conduct, something that a reasonable and prudent person finds offensive. Has to be committed in a public place, which the interior of an aircraft is classified as, just like a train or bus. If it happened on my aircraft he would have been hauled off and if the coppers didn't want to know about it then I would be seeking an answer as to why from further up the food chain.

Didnt know that you could be fined instead. Probably the best option as most of the time the courts let them off. Avoids a criminal record and (once sober) probably more likely to just pay up and wear it for being a tosser. $1000 fine makes for an expensive trip...

29th Jun 2011, 06:59
Surely after the last few reported incidents the travelling public should realise you only get what you pay for.

teresa green
29th Jun 2011, 07:13
Oh God, give me the days when a Skipper would have kicked the bloke all the way up the isle, slapped the handcuffs on, and handed him over by the scruff of the neck to the coppers on arrival. The world has gone mad, and NO CHARGE, jeeesus!

29th Jun 2011, 07:44
Nah!.. not worth it these days TG. With Australia's bogan airline standard, and tech crews treated like dirt, let 'em all p*ss in the aisle, then contact the company, tell 'em someones p*ssed in the aisle, and leave it up to them!
Land and go home, have a meal and a glass of wine, and watch the bogan airline shows on TV and thank the Lord that you experienced the "good days"!

Why should tech crews give a stuff these days?

Nobody gives a stuff about tech crews!

Captain Dart
29th Jun 2011, 07:59
Is referring to pilots/flight deck crew/cockpit crew as 'tech crew' an Australian boganism in itself? It hardly engenders respect and assists managements in devaluing the job. I have never heard this term for aircrew anywhere else in the world.

And now Aussie 'tech crew' carry pax that behave like dogs in the street.

29th Jun 2011, 08:14
There are`3 elements which seem to have been ignored here; apart from the obvious:

Where did the mess end up, how much has dribbled through to cause corrosion, electrical faults and create a lingering smell or health risk.

Which poor sod got the clean up job and was it done properly? was 'hospital standard' safety gear and chemicals used to do it??.

Why were the clean up cost – new carpet – 'dribble inspection' –risk analysis etc. not added to his fine.

Been me, the bugger would have licked it up after a flogging, rectal surgery and a trip to Carpet World.

I'd have really liked to see a more realistic response from the company. :ugh:


Mstr Caution
29th Jun 2011, 08:22
It seems secret business under the blankets in business class & secrete your own business in the economy cabin are now tolerated.

Shot Nancy
29th Jun 2011, 08:37
Is referring to pilots/flight deck crew/cockpit crew as 'tech crew' an Australian boganism in itself?

Just a QF only Lego lingo thingy.

Captain Dart
29th Jun 2011, 08:41
Thanks Nancy, that explains it then.

stubby jumbo
29th Jun 2011, 08:57
JQ won't push the matter further.... as in prosecution....as it might cost $$$$.:ugh:

This buffoon should of been punted for this and "dealt with" by the SIN authorities.

I recall an incident we had with a drug crazed lunatic on a SIN bound 744 about 12 years back-who produced a blood filled syringe when we didn't show him the movie he WANTED to watch.

As this was pre 9-11 the Captain gave the CSM the key to the flight deck door and we sat the pax at the CSM work station to watch any movie he desired.

BUT, upon arrival at SIN we let him off with other pax-he thought.... "sweet". Once in the terminal we pointed him out to SIN authorities and they literally beat the crap out of him with elongated batons... & the works. He was locked up for 3 days !

Oh the GOD's :bored:

29th Jun 2011, 09:05
It seems secret business under the blankets in business class & secrete your own business in the economy cabin are now tolerated.
I'm hearing you Mstr Cauton. The 'blanket incident' obviously is accepted practise, and the 'urinator' in question was simply taking things one step further.
Crew, keep your eyes peeled, coming soon to a bogan flight near you will be 'The Custard Kid' and 'The Brown Bandit', the bar has been set my friends...

29th Jun 2011, 10:16
Safety before Sanitisation...or should that read Schedule before Sanitisation

teresa green
29th Jun 2011, 11:20
Long as I can remember pilots have always been tech crew, as in different to cabin crew. Or Techies. What is bogan about that? Better than drivers, or even worse, overpaid bus drivers or jet jockeys. Or the final insult. Nigel's.

Madam Dash
29th Jun 2011, 15:06
I thought the final insult was to call a pilot "Warren".

4th Jul 2011, 02:01
The AKL-SIN pax who urinated in the aisle and sprayed fellow pax left the plane in SIN with a Captains warning. The SIN Police were not called.

How weak; I would have "thrown the book at him".

Jetstar is reported to have taken 'immediate steps to prevent the recurrence of such inapproriate behaviour'. I wonder what that means ? and how it will be implemented !

Mr. Hat
4th Jul 2011, 03:28
Low Cost.

These types would have been catching busses years ago.

4th Jul 2011, 03:44
Stay classy, Jetstar.

Bongo Bus Driver
4th Jul 2011, 03:54
Anyone who flies with Jetstar deserves everything they get!!!!!!!