View Full Version : Medical requirements to apply to CX CPP

23rd Jun 2011, 15:40
Hi everybody !

I'm very interested in the CX CPP and I'd like to send my application in the following months.

However, I have a question related to the medical requirements to become a pilot in Honk-Kong. Do you know where I could find the reglementary text that dictates the criteria I'll have to meet ? Especially what's related to sight. Or do you know those criteria by heart ?

I'm myopic, astigmatic and slightly colorblind, hope it won't be a too big problem.

Thanks a lot for your help !

Chi Sin Gei Si
24th Jun 2011, 00:43
The requirement to hold a medical for issuances of a licence is found in CAD54 Chapter 2.
www.cad.gov.hk/english/pdf/CAD54.pdf (http://www.cad.gov.hk/english/pdf/CAD54.pdf)

The requirement to hold a medical certificate to exercise duties is found in AN(HK)O 20(7)(b).
The Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1995/2700/contents/made)

The standards of the medical examination is taken from the reccomendations of ICAO Annex 1.
Medical Requirments as per ICAO (http://dgcamedicals.in/ICAOreg.htm) (reliability of the source not known.)

Visual Requirements and Color Perception : Para 6.3.3 (http://dgcamedicals.in/ICAOvision.htm)
ICAO Vision Rules for Pilots and Flying (http://dgcamedicals.in/ICAOvision.htm)

Hearing Requirements : Para 6.3.4
ICAO Hearing (ENT) Rules for Pilots and Flying (http://dgcamedicals.in/ICAOhearing.htm)

Good luck!

24th Jun 2011, 01:43
AFAIK the CX medical requirements go well beyond the requirements of a Hong Kong class 1 medical. They want to make sure that you are super healthy for insurance purposes. I suggest reading through the ~150 page thread on the CX cadetship - that information is covered in there somewhere.

24th Jun 2011, 07:09
Thanks for your answer (and for your wishes of good luck) Chin Sin Gei Si, I've quickly read those documents and nothing indicates I would not fit, I'm crossing my fingers :)

hihi, thank you for your answer too, I'm going to try to find that info in that huge thread, now ! Hope I won't have any bad surprise !