View Full Version : BBJ Gig...

13th May 2011, 06:29
Hi Guys,

Myself and a few mates (high time B737NG drivers, worldwide experience) - are a wee bit jaded with the European/North American airlines deal...

It seems that any really good Corporate gigs on the BBJ seem to be filled without any advertising./assessment process.
Is there any advice from posters on how to promote a great, professional team on the NG to have a chance in the Corporate world..??

Advice and positive comments would be very much appreciated.


13th May 2011, 12:01
Saw this In the UK "metro" newspaper (usually found on buses and trains)

"North of England Airport, would suit TRI/TRE on type


JAA licence holder, 8000 TT, 1000 hrs PIC on type.

Rostering can be flexible and destinations varied.

Previous corparate jet experience is an advantage.

The candidate must be able to work as part of a small team

Please send current CV by email only to [email protected]

Please don't call the company by telephone"

Hope this helps somebody out

13th May 2011, 12:48

Corporate Jet Companies usually collect CV's and recommendations throughout the year and when day x arrives, assessments are done with the CV's on file. Therefore, the jobs will only be advertised if there aren't enough qualified CV's on the pile (....and believe me, the queue for good jobs is quite long)!

My advise is: start networking within the corporate aviation world! The most important factor besides the flying qualification is the question whether or not one can imagine to spend 4 weeks in a row travelling around the world (nice and not so nice destinations) with the new guy.


13th May 2011, 13:23
Captain-random... Many thanks for that piece of information - will pass it on to the quorum for consideration.

G5Tom - Likewise many thanks for the top tips - quite a few of us are on 3 month on/1 month off gigs with the airlines at the moment in different parts of the world...We're primarily looking for an opportunity to bring a great team together under a united "corporate banner"

Thanks for the info' chaps - Diamond guys.!!