View Full Version : Best time to get a Gatwick transit?

4th May 2011, 11:25
Just wondering what the best time to get a transit at Gatwick is these days? - Would like to go North to South as close to the over head as possible

(Flying with a friend who loves the place)



4th May 2011, 19:44
We are really quiet about 4 in the morning, I will happily give you a SVFR crossing.

Other than that, I remember we were really quiet when that volcano erupted, so I suggest you keep an an eye on Iceland.

Afraid you will just have to take a punt, you maybe lucky, you may get a very terse rebuff!!!

Good luck.

4th May 2011, 20:15
... If you can speak through a mouthfull of chocolate digestives that is...

4th May 2011, 20:48
On a sightseeing flight one glorious Christmas Day afternoon some years ago, whilst gently meandering along the South coast just before returning to our home airfield, LGW ATC asked us if we might oblige with a quick fly past.

We flew down the runway - at an appropriate height - great view, and the passengers loved it!

Never repeated, sadly, but very enjoyable!

If you're reading this - thanks guys/gals!

Best Regards
