View Full Version : Landing a EU job with JAA licence for non-EU citizen

3rd May 2011, 20:35
Hey I am a Trinidadian and there is a British flight school (cabair) hosting a seminar in here the 14th of May and I'd be considering doing the JAA way over the FAA way which will be slightly more expensive, but I have no problem doing it if I am hire-able in EU in the end. So I was wondering how possible it is for a Trinidadian nation (a Caribbean country of the commonwealth) to get a job in the UK or any other part of Europe with a JAA license and is not a citizen of any EU state.


3rd May 2011, 20:56
Ronny, your best bet is a stop here: The British High Commission in Trinidad and Tobago (http://ukintt.fco.gov.uk/en/)

6th May 2011, 08:14
At the moment, you have no chance to be hired, but then you are just starting the training.

In practice, if you allow three years for the training, then YES no problem.

However when you go back home you would need a FAA licecne, so when you have passed your writtens in EU, and are ready for your check rides, try to have reached the FAA written standards, so when you take a EU ride, you can think about the FAA on the back of the EU.

Just as an aside, do not spend any money, untill you have a EU class 1 medical.

7th May 2011, 12:40
Thanks for the answers stuckgear and Gulfstreamaviator.....I guess I should do my degree instead (as its paid by the government) to kill some time before I start training.