View Full Version : Global Training Aviation

16th Apr 2011, 22:49
Does anyone know this TRTO in Madrid? Someone who has made ​​the program of 300 or 500 hours on A320?

Many thanks.

Rui Dias
17th Apr 2011, 06:31

17th Apr 2011, 12:06
Avoid them :=

17th Apr 2011, 12:59

ouch! Are they partners or what? I am not talking about Global Pilot Training Aviation in Miami.

Thanks guys.

Rui Dias
17th Apr 2011, 17:57
I know who they are. The line training package is through Eaglejet. The price is the one posted at eaglejet website.

18th Apr 2011, 06:52
18 months waiting list, to be 2.5 years later unemployed.
really keep your cash for now.

as long fuel is up, they will keep the p2f forever. It' s going to be the new standard in this scam industry, a pilot will be never paid.All his life he will pay his boss with his own daddy money.

what a bunch of pussies!:yuk: I hate this playstation' generation, who can not wait to get things just to satisfy their little ego(I love flying, i want fly a jet , i would fly for free, I, I , I....)! most guys can not even go to UNI or a professional school so dumb and selfish they became:yuk:.They don't even know how to save money after all these years feeded with a gold spoon by momy.