View Full Version : KLM buyout package?

24th Mar 2011, 21:21
Read with interest sometime ago a story of an American F/O who stretched the truth shall we say in reference to his experience in the military etc and after his 15 minutes of fame ended up without a job.
Dont want to see anyone without a job but am curious if I am being scheduled with the same kind of individual.
Can anyone from KLM tell me if there was a buyout package for 747 drivers some years ago?
Also if you medical out in Europe are the regulations in Canada such that you could fly here with a Canadian medical ?

25th Mar 2011, 22:14
Also if you medical out in Europe are the regulations in Canada such that you could fly here with a Canadian medical ?

According to my FAA AME (who also does DoT Canada, EASA, CASA, NZ etc) the answer is yes, under certain circumstances.
Euroland goes way over the top with medical standards, according to him...and of course, collects far more fees.
No surprise there.:ugh:

As for an early out at KLM, I believe I remember reading about one, awhile ago.
A KLM guy would know for sure.

Long Haul
2nd Apr 2011, 04:03
There haven't been many American KLM pilots during the last seventeen years, but there have been a few. A couple left around the turn of the century, but it was supposedly for greener pastures and better flying jobs in the us, which were good at the time. As far as I know, there was never a buyout package. I do know of one canadian who was able to keep his senority for awhile when he went back to canadian airlines, though. Of course you could lose your medical in one country and still be able to fly in another, but I have always found the european medicals very fair, and at the moment it is cheaper for me to do my faa medical in holland than in the us.

3rd Apr 2011, 08:06
Around the turn of the century there also used to be a few NW pilots temporarily employed at KLM due to a surplus at NW. Contract ended and pilots returned to USA.

Currently we have quite a few Americans and Canadians working at KLM <longhaul> most of them still living in the USA/Canada and commuting to work.