View Full Version : MS SMTP server

PPRuNe Pop
15th Feb 2011, 12:00
Don't know why, but I had a problem with outgoing mail. The MS server was laying on its back apparently. Called MS and had a torrid time with a foreign lady who I just - could - not - understand. Spent 15 minutes on MS's 0870 number and in the end she suggested I redial.

Didn't do that. But used Google, good old faithful Google, and in a trice it would seem it is required that you have, on the Server page of OE Accounts, that the 'My server requires authentication' box be checked. Did that and its fine and blisteringly fast now too. NEVER had the box checked ever!

Just thought I would let you know but I guess you ALL have it done. :D

15th Feb 2011, 16:03
Glad you sorted it PPRuNe Pop, but not entirely sure using Microsoft SMTP server at home with Outlook express is the best idea in the world.

The "why" can be found in (second half of) post 18 here....
