View Full Version : Inoperative Hotmail useage with wi-fi.........

9th Feb 2011, 20:47
Has anyone experienced slow/ unresponsive Hotmail response to commands using a laptop on wi-fi ? 50% of the time it doesn't respond to commands ( open, forward , move to, etc) , the remaining 50% it is so slow and the page darts all over the place, often I have to reload a page to get " forward " to appear. Downloading from some messages, that's impossible, but it is no problem when I forward them to my G-mail.My laptop is an old HP with a Windows XP 2001 system and I use Firefox. This is a new problem that has materialised over the last 6-9 months.

My connection is EDGE, 236 Kbps, okay, that pedestrian, but every other site is OK 'ish , considering the server. G-mail is absolutely no problem. The hotmail " Help" is totally :mad: :mad: useless, no response :ugh: Maybe a break from MS is called for.

Any ideas greatly appreciated. Thank you.

10th Feb 2011, 13:37
Your problem is your connection. Hotmail has a bunch of code which requires a faster connection than that as it displays whilst loading etc, so you're ready to use it before it's ready to display.

10th Feb 2011, 13:45
I would suggest it's not necessarily a wi-fi problem. We have a PC connection with an Ethernet cable to the router, and a couple of laptops that we use around the house. Hotmail sometimes hangs like this on the Ethernet connected set as well.

My line speed is nominal 8 mb but I generally get about 5mb download and about 0.8 upload.

10th Feb 2011, 14:12
Many thanks gentlemen. Now you mention it I've often noticed that the bar under the window is generally full of code, "javascript", "transferring data from...........................". and a miscellany of other stuff , all of which I have absolutely no idea about.:confused:

I think time then to ditch hotmail....................:hmm:

Thanks again for your replies.

green granite
10th Feb 2011, 14:14
I'm getting a strange one on hotmail as well, when I actually open an e-mail it opens and then continually reloads it every 2 seconds or so but only in Firefox, IE or Iron work fine. And yes I did try disabling all the add ons and plugins but to no avail. I think it's a java related problem.

10th Feb 2011, 14:48
GG......had this problem with 4 beta 10 but have reverted to 3.6.13 and problem gone. Have not tried 4 beta 11 to see if problem eradicated.
Now tried beta 11 and its still the same.

green granite
10th Feb 2011, 15:25
GG......had this problem with 4 beta 10 but have reverted to 3.6.13 and problem gone. Have not tried 4 beta 11 to see if problem eradicated.

beta 11 is the same, My version of V3.6.13 became so mangled and unusable I just uninstalled it and decided to live with the betas for a while. I'm sure they'll fix it eventuallly , I have reported it

10th Feb 2011, 19:24
I think I'm on V3.6. ?. I can't find which version but Ff used to update itself automatically and I have no complaints about it's operation. I may try using IE for Hotmail, but a little voice tells me to leave well alone and live with what I have ! :O

At least I know others are having similar(ish) problems and my system is basically OK. Many thanks for your comments

green granite
10th Feb 2011, 21:18
I think I'm on V3.6. ?. I can't find which version

It should tell you under 'help>about firefox

I think the hotmail problem with the 4 beta 10/11 is a java related thing beta 9 was fine with hotmail.

Load Toad
11th Feb 2011, 02:05
For the last two days I've found Hotmail to be slow and very prone to losing the connection. Maybe an error at their end.

11th Feb 2011, 09:09
I just spotted this thread. I've posted separately about Hotmail dumping genuine mail (not spam). The two folks in our team who were using Hotmail have now given up and moved elsewhere.

Gmail seems not to have these problems. I use a Gmail address for an application where spammers are sure to get hold of it, and it's been flawless. All the spam goes into spam (and it makes it very obvious there's spam in there), and it's fast and reliable.

Time to say farewell to Hotmail, I suggest.

green granite
11th Feb 2011, 10:20
See my reply in the other thread Keef.

green granite
13th Feb 2011, 21:02
I'm getting a strange one on hotmail as well, when I actually open an e-mail it opens and then continually reloads it every 2 seconds or so but only in Firefox, IE or Iron work fine. And yes I did try disabling all the add ons and plugins but to no avail. I think it's a java related problem.

Apparently it was caused by a MS hotmail update on the 18/01, the Microsoft hotmail team are aware if it and will fix it before FF4 goes to RC at the end of February.