View Full Version : Help with posting a 'Quote' in a reply

17th Jan 2011, 17:26
I notice that some of the more clever ones amongst you manage to include a 'quote' that you wish to comment on in a post. It appears in grey box at the beginning of the new post.
How d'you do that? I've searched everywhere and experimented with all sorts of things but can't find the answer. :confused:
Help, please!

17th Jan 2011, 17:38
Copy and cut the relevant text from the post you wish to quote. Click on reply and then click on the icon that looks like a speech bubble with text in it. Paste your quote between the quote parentheses and thats it.


17th Jan 2011, 18:20
Copy and cut the relevant text from the post you wish to quote. Click on reply and then click on the icon that looks like a speech bubble with text in it. Paste your quote between the quote parentheses and thats it.Doh! So easy. :ugh:
Many thanks for that.