View Full Version : Xmarks

7th Jan 2011, 21:29
A year or two ago, I used Foxmarks to keep my desktop and laptop machines synced. Then Foxmarks became Xmarks, and I carried on using it.

Late last year, I got an e-mail from Xmarks saying they were packing up, and recommending I switched to Firefox Sync (which I did). It doesn't seem as consistent - its automatic updates failed to do the job a couple of times that I've noticed recently, although a manual sync worked.

Last month I got an e-mail from Xmarks, telling me all about the new product etc. Are they back from the dead? Should I celebrate?

9th Jan 2011, 02:15
Yes it is back, actually it never died though.
It was rescued by LastPass (http://blog.xmarks.com/?p=2033) before it had to shut down.

I did as you did and tried Firefox Sync which I found to be no where near as good as Xmarks and I switched back recently.

10th Jan 2011, 08:26
And it still works charmingly smooth....:ok:

10th Jan 2011, 10:56
When XMarks looked likely to disappear I made the move to Chrome (has this functionality inbuilt) and have not looked back.

11th Jan 2011, 09:45
I've been trying to create a pin for it to sync passwords, but when I enter the pin in the two boxes then click 'Next' it just sits there. I've uninstalled and reinstalled then tried Rebooting.
Using FF4 in latest beta, it is compatible with this version.......Any ideas?:confused: