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7th Apr 2011, 16:57
i think answer will be B , side slipping to left side(blocked side), will create somewhat low pressure on the right side, which inturn will be shown on altimeter... as aircraft is continuosly loosing height, but the pressure is lower than normal on the open side...the altimeter will overread the actual altitude. please correct me if i am wrong

Maverick 03
7th Apr 2011, 17:08
The answer should be "when side-slip towards the left"

Reason- When a/c side slips to the left, more pressure/airflow is experienced on the left side and less on the starboard side.
Now since the left static port is non-functional, it doesn't matter how much the pressure it is experiencing.
However the right static port is functional and being shielded from the airflow, it experiences less ambient pressure and hence the capsule inside the case will be subjected to lesser compression and thus it will over-read i.e. will show higher than actual altitude.

8th Apr 2011, 20:04
Thnx a lot guys....

9th Apr 2011, 12:47
Will jet hire or not?
Its been almost 45 days now.. not a single email yet!

Its getting a little frustrating. .

9th Apr 2011, 15:32
Will jet hire or not?
Its been almost 45 days now.. not a single email yet!

Its getting a little frustrating. .

Bro, patience is one of the most important word in aviation. I got selected in the recruitment last year. I am still waiting for my medicals and induction. Along with me there are 20 + guys still waiting. :)

This is what I would say - "flying an aircraft is like a painting, giving a tremendous hard work to make it beautiful and with little patience, it makes it more unique".:ok:

9th Apr 2011, 16:07
there is no hardwork involved in flying an aircraft........you only need to practice it

9th Apr 2011, 18:47
@ anitgravity- totally agree.. but then at times its ok to let it out. .

Aviation has taught me things I never "wanted/expected" to learn..

Now please share your thoughts on how can I keep myself busy?

I am preparing for the interview(ace the tech & other basic stuff) + reading up on aviation news and new developments, dunno if I can prepare for the GD or not.


19th Apr 2011, 04:46
GD will only begin in june onwards...so chillax...go take a holiday while u can!!

19th Apr 2011, 17:59
well they claim they already have a batch in waiting which is true, but im not too sure

Maverick 03
19th Apr 2011, 18:26
yes this is probably the reason why their process have stalled in between....they are not getting slots from the TRTO's they were sending their guys to for TR. Jet is now looking towards South-East Asian countries like Singapore for the TR instead of Europe (particularly UK) which was their previous preference.
Once they are settled with that, then only they shall re-initiate the process!!

20th Apr 2011, 15:10
I batch is still left to join jet and their medicals are going on.

Also for clearing doubts, i know that Because I am in this batch......;)

20th Apr 2011, 15:59
How many pilots are there in your batch.. and how many days does it take for the medicals of an entire batch?

And can you please share your GD and Interview experience with us.


20th Apr 2011, 18:06
Hi ...please share your Gd and Interview session
it will be helpfull for many aspiring pilot ...


21st Apr 2011, 06:11
Kindly share GD and Interview questions . And does any one know likely dates for GD

21st Apr 2011, 07:23
There are total 24 guys in our batch and medicals will be completed this week.

My GD experience -

I think all of you know that there will be 5 rounds of GD in which 3 rounds will be based on aviation topics like fly by wire, engine failure scenario, engine fire or bird strike scenario will be given ( i recommend to see All aircraft investigation series, it will help you a lot )
First you will be given 15 minutes to write what you think or steps to be taken on a paper and then discuss among all for next 30 minutes.

2 topics will be general like survival technique or any other debate topic.

Main thing they see in u is-
1. How well u get along in a group
2. can u take group in right direction involving all guys
3. leadership quality
4. There is no point in proving yourself right but come to conclusion otherwise all guys in group get negative marks.

Hope this helps...All the best guys...:ok:

3rd May 2011, 10:36
Any one with any update on the process,please share !!!

3rd May 2011, 14:05
nothing mate.. nothing at all!

4th May 2011, 09:08
ive got news that its postponed to july. sucks.

4th May 2011, 10:47
Hey buddy...please specify your source of this info !!!Is it confirmed thing or could be a rumour ???because i also got a news saying it would happen in september,which can be just another rumour !!!:ugh:

4th May 2011, 13:48
Ive got news that it won't be this year.

4th May 2011, 14:01
I've already received a call letter for the Jet Airways GD its says " please reach the venue @ 10:00am, on 1 april 2030!

I am preparing hard for it! you do the same.

Who gives a sh*** its PP"RU"NE ANYWAYS!

4th May 2011, 15:42
I've already received a call letter for the Jet Airways GD its says " please reach the venue @ 10:00am, on 1 april 2030!
Good for you!

I am preparing hard for it! you do the same.
I dont need to since I already have a flying job! Just mentioning what people have been talking about in the office. Dont believe me - Wait and Watch!

Who gives a sh*** its PP"RU"NE ANYWAYS!
Quite evidently, you do!

4th May 2011, 16:42
Thank you for your kind reply.

4th May 2011, 17:30
whoa we have tempers flaring everywhere, i think everyone here needs to chill lol! :cool:
i know for sure that the "medical" stage has been completed 2 weeks ago for those batches ahead of us that have been waiting for the medical for a long time now. so obviously there is some progress, (however slow it may be), in the jet process
so the best we can do is keep studying and be prepared at all times, there's alot to study (and hence obviously alot to remember), so revising over and over again might be a good idea too, besides there should be more written exams conducted by spice/indigo, so writing them in the meanwhile wouldn't be a bad idea either, it would keep our options open more than anything else, good luck everyone! :ok:

4th May 2011, 17:50
Thanks aroumika :ok:

Much needed advice.. I Need to get back to studies rather than picking up fights on pprune. .

4th May 2011, 18:28
well my source is mr bhagwat, i had a friend call him up a week ago, so she just told me about it a couple of days ago so i thought id share it with you guys

on wings
6th May 2011, 10:39
OMG!!! :eek: is this confirmed :ugh:

on wings
6th May 2011, 10:45
OMG!!! :eek: is this confirmed :ugh:

8th May 2011, 19:19
no i certainly don't think so, there's still another 7 months in this calender year and it's highly unlikely that it won't be within the next 7 months

having said that, i sometimes wish the recruitment team could send out a notice informing us approximately when they intend to conduct the next few rounds, so that we don't remain anxious with the wait and can prepare ourselves accordingly, it's the least they can do

i sometimes feel envious when i hear of people getting recruited and sent for type-rating so quickly with the other airlines within about a month or two, the million dollar question is "why does jet have to take close to a year for the entire process?" :ugh:

9th May 2011, 04:49
Hey, does any of you know, how much needs to be paid for our type rating ourselves and how much would Jet pay(after we get selected of course)??
Coz if its like we have to pay half now, and half they will deduct from the salary in time, then its sensible getting the type rating now (even if we have to pick a loan).
I feel so, the situation now is not as uncertain as it was a year or 2 back.. If we get a rating, I am sure it will take us less amt of time to start working rather than waiting forever for them to conduct the next round and God knows how long we would have to wait for the round after that and the entire process.. :*
Another adv we would have if we get out own rating is, we dont have to be bonded labors...."Labors", yes sounds hurting. But only labors can go on strike, Not Officers(Indian Law)..:sad:
*I would like some frank opinion and not stone pelting at each other, every one is as frustrated..

9th May 2011, 07:10
instead of thinking too much about jet selection process one can also try his/her luck in other airlines. indigo has changed some rules for selection which indicates they need more pilots than they are getting. :ok:

9th May 2011, 09:38
I just spoke to HR person on their corporate number. The sweet lady Shreyasi replied "At present the recruitment process is on hold."
When queried about how long will it take,
she replied "we cannot estimate the delay at present, but we will contact you when it comes up."
:confused: :confused: :confused:

on wings
9th May 2011, 12:23
They cant what ???? estimate the delay :suspect: this is sooo disappointing but hey thanks for informing though here........

i feels so frustrated....

9th May 2011, 13:33
the only reason why i would skip the indigo written even after being called was because i was unhappy with their rules/conditions, so any idea which among these rules they have changed?

@everyone else
yep, very disappointing news indeed to know that the jet process is on hold, atleast on the good side, i can temporarily put my books away, sit back and enjoy the rest of my summer vacation, cheers! :ok:

9th May 2011, 14:30
i personally don't think getting a type-rating and then applying for the airlines would be a good idea for the following reasons:
1) i've heard that airlines are no long hiring already type-rated low hour pilots because they'd rather evaluate them through the entire selection process and then send the selected candidates for type-rating, that way they're selecting more deserving candidates
2) correct me if i'm wrong, but a type-rating is only "current" for a period of 6 months, so if you return with a type-rating and don't get a job within that period, you'll have to spend more money on renewing it (including traveling, living and food expenses), not to forget that the initial type-rating itself is costly, so why would you want to spend more?

this is just my opinion, others might think differently. the only reason you can go ahead and do your type-rating before you get a job, is if you have alot of contacts and you're guaranteed to get a job after you return, good luck! :ok:

9th May 2011, 16:57
now the cool off period for written is 3 months instead of 6 months and one doesn't have to pay 375$ for written in first two attempts.

i was rejected after the interview but many of my friends are flying for indigo and are happy and i can say with confidence that selection procedure is fair.

some people may be skeptical about the clause that they will have to give checkride even after completing type rating but according to my info no candidate has ever been rejected in any of the airlines after LOI has been issued to him.

above mentioned reasons should be good enough for anyone to give it a try.

P.S.- i am not CAE agent or anyone like that. But i want people to give this exam coz i have cleared jet written as well and there is already too much competition. it will be good to see people getting selected in indigo from jet lot. will be win win scenareo for everyone.:ok:

10th May 2011, 03:12
this is good news, so you're saying the first two attempts are free of cost? if not, what is the amount that the fee has been reduced to? would you also happen to have any idea about when the next attempt would be?

10th May 2011, 04:19
i believe written is free of cost. you will have to pay if you clear written ( dont know if amount is changed). have no idea when the next attempt is but i advise all those who want to give the indigo exam to update their profile on cae site, also mail to capt upadhyay ( or whatever his name is) , parul and radhika.
and for rest check indigo threads.

on wings
10th May 2011, 11:27
i got call from indigo for april ie last month attempt and you have to pay 375$ there s no change in that as i got email from HR saying only after making the payment they will tell exact date of exam.... and yes cool off period is reduced to 3 months... is this rule changed in ths month then yes i dnt know

10th May 2011, 15:20
nope, you're wrong about that, the exam is now free of cost for the first two attempts, and only if you pass the exam, then you pay $375 towards the rest of the CASS process, but if you fail, then you don't end up paying anything

yep, you're right, this is my last post about indigo on this thread, back to discussing jet again, over and out :ok:

12th May 2011, 04:03
any update/rumor about GD dates??

12th May 2011, 18:34
an update would be a good thing and what everyone is waiting for, but a rumor on the contrary only adds more confusion, so scratch out the rumor part :ok:

13th May 2011, 06:51
i know that a rumor won't help my cause but frustration is getting the best of me.

13th May 2011, 10:52
@on wings
yea it's a little unfair, but that's bound to happen everytime the rules change, but on the bright side for you, even if you pass the exam, you wouldn't have to pay $375 like the rest of us, so it kinda balances out in the end :)
hopefully i don't get another caution for talking indigo on the jet forum :=

13th May 2011, 10:58
i know, it's frustrating for everyone, but for now, let's just focus on the indigo written, if you're not writing it, then start studying and enroll to write the next attempt, it should be pretty soon! :ok:

13th May 2011, 11:29
didn't you read my posts?

i was rejected in indigo interview, so according to CAE i am not allowed to appear for exam again.

13th May 2011, 11:34
oh sorry dude, must have missed it :uhoh:
so if that's the case, once the cool-off period of 3 months is over for you, won't you be called directly for the interview round again without having to give the written?

13th May 2011, 11:51
thats the funny thing. i cleared the exam in first go, couldn't clear the interview and i am not eligible to try for this position EVER AGAIN.
on the other hand if one person clears the exam after 4 attempts and clears the interview he will do alright.

13th May 2011, 11:53
where did you get the information that you can't apply for this position again?

13th May 2011, 11:55
its in the call letter

Please ignore this mail:
· If you have already appeared for the CAE-IndiGo assessment in the last three months and have not completed the cool off period of three months
· If you did not clear the interview round(with IndiGo)
· If you are A320 typerated.

and there are a lot of other guys with same issue.

13th May 2011, 12:03
that mail is to be ignored because it's purpose is to find out details about candidates who are writing the "exam ONLY", but since you've already passed their exam, it's already in their database that you've passed and hence they're asking you to ignore the mail because they don't need your details all over again

it doesn't imply, by any means, that you're out of the process because candidates who have passed the exam and failed the interview are considered "exam passees" and will be called directly for the interview once their "cool-off" period is over

that's just my understanding of it, i could be wrong :)

13th May 2011, 12:09
i wish you are right. But its been 10 months since i gave the interview.
when you go for the exam could you ask him about the same?

13th May 2011, 12:10
sure, i will try :)

14th May 2011, 05:55
hello friends, any idea about when is gd going to be held?

17th May 2011, 05:02
If any one lives in Mumbai near jet office can inquires about the dates , we all wud b very grateful for your effort. and kindly follow indigo thread for indigo queries.

20th May 2011, 10:54
Can any1 let me know when there would be ATR first officer opening at Jet..... I am been waiting since Jan..... Any1 has any idea about this?????????

20th May 2011, 11:34
@ Whitehouse,

Check your PM.

23rd May 2011, 17:12
this is completely unrelated to the forum subject, but i read somewhere in 'human factors and performance' of oxford, a question something like, "a pilot can fly (be allowed to fly) with bi-focal lens?" a) true b) false, and to my surprise the answer was "b) false"
does this imply that someone with both myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (far-sightedness) cannot be declared medically fit to fly? does this vary according to the country or the fitness board, does dgca allow this? also does myopia and hyperopia help cancel each other out in any way?
i have myopia of -1 diopter, both eyes, and no hyderopia at all as of now, but it's still a cause of concern, especially after aging 20 years of now and plenty of flying, you never know what might happen, is eye-surgery for someone with both defects advisable?
can someone with good knowledge and a sure answer about this please shed some light on the topic as i couldn't find anything more regarding this in the oxford book, thanks! http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/thumbs.gif
P.S. - i am a guy unlike what my user name might suggest (which btw is a combination of my name and my sister's name), so someone writing back to me please don't address me as "girl", it makes me bang my head to a wall quite literally! :ugh:

23rd May 2011, 19:02
Hey Dude...
well it seems u cant wear bifocal lenses...but u can wear glassess....!!
its something to do with the oxygen flow going to ur eyes which gets reduced when u wear lenses .... after a while when the lenses loses moisture and the eyes get dry also the effects are enhanced when u climb....also during rapid decompression there is a chance that the lens might fall out of ur eye. (one more reason y one needs to carry an extra pair of glasses with them)
also to wear normal lenses u need some 1 from dgca to approve them....

DJ Flyboy
23rd May 2011, 19:06
tailspin im not sure you can wear bifocal glasses..didnt i read somewhere abt an engg in the cockpit making a huge mistake with the throttles coz of bifocal glasses somewhere

Aroumika 'bro' why worry when you dont need bifocals now?? you can always fly with corrective glasses for myopia..

24th May 2011, 07:50
i think you're mixing up with contact lens which is completely okay to wear, alot of pilots do wear them
contact lens btw can never be bi-focal, they can either be used for myopia or hyperopia
bi-focal lens are only available in glasses where the top have is for myopia and the bottom part is for hyperopia, so apparently you were way off :(

@DJ Flyboy
yes that's true, my class 1 medical certificate says i can use both 'contact lens' as well as 'glasses', but my concern was what if i develop hyperopia a few years from now, i always like to be one step ahead and know what my options are :)

24th May 2011, 11:32
Hi All,

did anybody have any luck with the info on GD Dates? have any of the groups been called in for GD so far post March at all? if this is the state, i believe the Aug session would probably stand canceled.


24th May 2011, 11:49
August session?

24th May 2011, 14:48
if this is the state, i believe the Aug session would probably stand canceled.

if you mean to say that guys who failed GDs in august will not be called for GD, i don't think thats gonna happen.

24th May 2011, 15:04
@Aroumika: FYI bifocal contact lenses now are available.....they are available on Make For Order basis....quite expensive though.....but those are not allowed while flying....:ok:

24th May 2011, 18:13
well i agree with @hawaijahaj.....
bi focal lenses are available....and well as far as i know one can wear bi-focal glasses while flying....not tooo sure weather dgca allows that or not.

and regarding normal lenses, it depends on the airline weather they allow u to wear lenses while flying or not.....u have to go through some medical check up's before that....or else wear glasses...

25th May 2011, 10:43
comeon guys...... may be we should concentrate on something really important like recruitment and job opportunities rather than thinking "what if something goes wrong"... this is such an useful forum and i feel we can use it in a better way. thanks

26th May 2011, 06:22
Hey what do you guys think about these books to prepare for technical and the exam.
1. Air pilot manual 4 - the airplane technical ( pooley's air pilot publishing)
2. The technical pilot interview by Gary V. Bristov.

27th May 2011, 09:50
hey anyone have any idea when jet's gonna call for GD....................???????????

Maverick 03
28th May 2011, 08:07
Hello guys...

Now this is something absurd what I have heard....I came to know this from a friend of mine who has a relative working in the medical department of dgca.....

My friend told me that according to his relative, the medical files of around 40 guys were transferred to the Jet Airways office upon their request....and he is speculating that this might be for the recruitment purpose as this thing happened before also when last recruitment was done by Jet (as for the medical conducted by jet airways needs to be referred to their medical file in the dgca).....

Now I am personally not selected for the GD of jet but i thought it shud share this info wid others...

28th May 2011, 08:16
Hey, thanks for sharing the info.

But why would they ask for only 40 files, they must have selected at least 300 guys for the GD, and medical is the last thing they check. :suspect:

28th May 2011, 08:55
This was probably for the last induction batch from August 2010. My friend had his medical with Jet earlier this month.

6th Jun 2011, 06:53
Hey fellas...Please provide any update, if anyone has it....this is getting very frustrating now....:ugh:

7th Jun 2011, 20:11
makaviator - thanks mate.. great help!

12th Jun 2011, 19:17
can someone plz chk with the jet airways HR as to when would the Gd be held?

13th Jun 2011, 14:04
why dont those who are so interested in finding out when the gd dates are take some time out and try n find out themselves?

14th Jun 2011, 10:52
just got a mail from jet to say the gd is in the 3rd week of august, most of you should have got it too :)
finally some relief, especially after flunking indigo :P

14th Jun 2011, 11:01
same here coz i flunked indigo too...

nitin 3000
14th Jun 2011, 11:23
Same here bud. I received it too.

From: "Recruitment Cell" <[email protected]>

Bcc: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear candidate,

This has reference to our previous mail regarding Stage 2 of our recruitment process i.e. Assessment Centre.

We are glad to inform you that the Assessment Centre is planned to be held in the third week of August 2011. The detailed schedule mentioning date, venue and program for the day will be communicated to you shortly.

This is for your information and preparation for the Assessment Centre.


Shreekant Bhagwat
Manager - HR Flight Operations

This message is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your system. Reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that this message is virus-free. However, Jet Airways (India) Ltd. does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this message or attachments. Jet Airways | Book Flight Tickets,Hotels Online on this Airline Website for India & International (http://www.jetairways.com)

14th Jun 2011, 11:23
Dear candidate,

This has reference to our previous mail regarding Stage 2 of our
recruitment process i.e. Assessment Centre.

We are glad to inform you that the Assessment Centre is planned to be held
in the third week of August 2011. The detailed schedule mentioning date,
venue and program for the day will be communicated to you shortly.

This is for your information and preparation for the Assessment Centre.


Shreekant Bhagwat
Manager - HR Flight Operations

14th Jun 2011, 12:58
Finally, the much awaited e-mail!


14th Jun 2011, 17:41
got the call at last. all the very best to you guys.

24th Jun 2011, 07:52
Dear Friends,
I have also received the same call for Assessment and I am planning to do little preparation .
we can sit and do some disucssions and prepare ourselves for the 3rd week aug 2011.
You may contact me on 9869315394 (Amar) or [email protected]
I will make all the arrangement with nominal contribution from all and hire some place for gathereing.
At least discussing will vent out the frustrations.

24th Jun 2011, 12:43
The speculation earlier was that there would be written exam sessions every march and Aug. keeping in mind that the GD for the March session is still pending, i was only trying to arrive at a conclusion that there wont be any written sessions this Aug although Jet reports there're still many vacancies to be filled up.


3443 nautical miles
3rd Jul 2011, 06:25
Can anyone please suggest me a good class for gd and interview in Delhi or Mumbai

3rd Jul 2011, 07:32
hey guys, i cleared jet written in Aug last year but couldn't make it in the GD, however i got an email from jet in feb that i will be allowed to sit again for the GD i.e second round for jet. i see people have got the call for 3rd week of AUG. anyone from Aug who got this call?? or they are not planing to call guys from last year who didnt make it through the GD.

3443 nautical miles
3rd Jul 2011, 09:23
I got the call for august and I cleared last year.

3rd Jul 2011, 13:10
i cleared in august 2010 and failed the gd that time around they definately are calling us. you should follow up with them.

3rd Jul 2011, 13:16
@3443 nautical miles
There are no gd classes anywhere because that is something you cannot learn also if you see your initial letter from jet it says you can't prepare for it its just you have to be yourself and if you try to fake they will surely gonna catch you cause they are too experienced guys who conduct GD...

9th Jul 2011, 13:29
any ideas if jetairways is gonna conduct other round of writtens?/

10th Jul 2011, 10:54
i believe the TR for 737 is now 20 lacs and ATR is 8 lacs, can someone confirm this?

10th Jul 2011, 14:05
TR for 737 is 20 L and for the ATR is 15 L. Confirmed.

10th Jul 2011, 14:32
wow you can't be serious :ugh: that sounds like a little too much for both aircraft :eek:

it actually surprises me that not alot of pilots voice out their opinion about the airlines sponsoring the TR rather than being self-sponsored, as if 20-25 lacs on cpl training wasn't enough along with additional expenses such as accommodation, food, traveling, license conversion process etc, the costs being borne by the candidate seem endless with no respite at all, i think it's about time the airlines started to consider sponsoring the TR, especially with the way they're expanding (spending millions of dollars on new aircraft), surely a few lacs per pilot can't be a big deal? i haven't heard of pilots sponsoring their own TR in other countries, so may be this is just a norm within airlines here to take advantage of the situation?

besides i'm sure out of the 4000-5000 pilots that are unemployed, there's a good majority that would find it difficult paying for their own TR, i'm just curious about what happens to a candidate who goes through all the stages of an airline process and reveals to the management that he/she can't afford to pay for the TR, would that imply this candidate is sidelined/ignored? would this be fair? it seems to me these days that only people with the money and/or influence get a fair share of the vacancies

P.S - this being my 100th post, thank you pprune! :)

10th Jul 2011, 14:42
In Jet Airways I thought you receive a part of the money back after 5 years ?

Is it True ?

10th Jul 2011, 14:49
i'm not sure if it's true or not, i haven't heard about it, but either way, my point is, as an airline, why not give a candidate (someone unable to afford TR) the option to sign something like a "bond" (not paying for the TR initially, but compensating by means of fore-going a certain part of his/her income for a certain period of time)? it's just baffling :confused:

10th Jul 2011, 16:19
it is true a friend of mine who got into jet in september last year signed a contract saying the same and back then it was 15 lakhs so it was 15 lakhs upfront from which 7.5 lakhs you get back over the course of your contract.

10th Jul 2011, 16:26

these airlines are smart nowadays why should they pay for your TR when you can give them a lump sum of 20 lakhs and they invest practically the whole amount earn interest over 5 years and pay you back with the interest they earn from that amount, from a business point of view it makes sense, but unfortunately us pilots face the brunt of their unscrupulous ways. well with their orders of aircrafts most of the TRs are free of cost which they get from the aircraft manufacturers and also they have training centers in bangalore as well as mumbai so essentially all that we give them is used as capital for the company.

10th Jul 2011, 17:52
i understand your point of view too, but for how long will they keep inducting candidates who are able to afford their TR? at some point, most if not all candidates able to self-sponsor will decrease (assuming they're all hired by some airline or the other) and they're going to start getting candidates qualifying through all stages of selection process, but unable to pay for their TR, my question is what would they do with such candidates then?

10th Jul 2011, 19:20
The stage you are talking about is never gonna come... 85% - 90% of the people who pursue aviation belong to a wealthy background. I hope u wont deny that. They have already spent 20 - 25 lac on their initial training. Now they have reached the stage where its a dead end !!! Either you pay more and recover watever you have paid in the next 2 - 2.5 yrs or you can relax back and wait for the GOLDEN ERA when airline used to pay for the training... and trust me that stage is never gonna come back...

People spending money is no surprise... I've seen people during my initial training loosing lac's when their school shut down, but instead of giving up aviation they pluck some more from the MONEY TREE in the backyard and started training in another school.

Now i see 737 type rated people... talking about giving Indigo written examination and after getting the LOI spend again on the 320 rating from their own pocket....

Its really surprising !!!!

11th Jul 2011, 10:35
yup blackhawk hit the nail on the head. that day will never come I am pretty sure unless there is some intervention by the government but then again, I doubt that will happen and even if that day came that pilots could no longer afford to pay for their TRs, until that day jet airways, Indigo, Spice etc. will make hay while the sun shines.

11th Jul 2011, 15:13
I agree with blackhawk....there is no dearth of pilots who can afford TR...however there is another bunch you may still try to make it by taking loans etc....if they come that close to be able to get the job.....
I doubt that govt may intervene in this matter.....
Only if airlines loan us for the TR and charge interest over the years....that may be still an acceptable solution.....
I heard that indigo was asking as high as 29 Lakhs for job.....its as if they are charging for TR and to fund there a/c buying....or pay us salary from that amount for a year or so.....

Does anyone if AI/IA also charges for TR when they were hiring?

11th Jul 2011, 15:39
Does anyone if AI/IA also charges for TR when they were hiring?

Well you don't pay anything upfront but they deduct about 20-25 lakhs over a period of 5 yrs from your salary.
But this was not implemented consistently as the Unions protested. In some cases it was stopped in between and in some cases the pilots even got back all the money that was deducted.

12th Jul 2011, 05:51
Jet used to return money back earlier, now its all upfront and no returns...

19th Jul 2011, 10:24

I have a question regarding the Jet Airways height requirement for 162.5 cms

I have a distant relative who is 161 cms and hence is unable to apply for any future recruitments

Was this height requirement there for previous Jet recruitments also ?
I only noticed it from the current Jan 2011 recruitment and this rule also applies to direct entry captains .

Anybody with behind the scenes know-how knows the reasoning behind this requirement ?
Even legacy carriers like British Airways only require a min height 157 cms

Thanks :)

19th Jul 2011, 11:19
This is the height required even for the air India, and also the age of 35 for the trainee was there in Air India only but with so much supply in the market everyone is sticking to these requirements.

19th Jul 2011, 11:26

Air India requires atleast 152.5

For those between 152.5-162.5 an ergonomic check will have to be done

And about age 35 rule . Even IndiGo's max age limit is 35 for Jr. Co-Pilots

3443 nautical miles
19th Jul 2011, 18:35
Most of the girls are below 162.5 but their forms were excepted last time and few of them were also called for gd so i don't think its a big issue. HR department must have copy-pasted it without considering the fact that there are many females in aviation.

20th Jul 2011, 05:17
don't assume that they will not consider the height yourself, I know one girl in Air India in 2009 vacancy she cleared Interview and at the time of Simulator test they simply told her you are short we cannot take your test, and was sent back.

20th Jul 2011, 08:14
Anyone heard of Jet Airways taking interviews this week for pilots with Jet Engine Experience ?

20th Jul 2011, 12:43
jet lite just had an ad in the newspaper for experienced pilots about a week ago. so presumably its that.

20th Jul 2011, 16:30
Folks, I received an email from the recruitment personnel of Jet Airways stating that they will not require fresh CPL holders for the next 1 year for mainly two reasons -

1.) There are 170 pilots who were recruited last year presently in the various stages of training.
2.) 477 pilots cleared the Jet Airways exam in February 2011.

Sadly, there is no room for ab-initio pilots for the next one year. Well, that's what I was told.

20th Jul 2011, 16:36

jet Airways was the last option. now if even they don't require any more, i doubt i am getting into any airline. atleast for an year.:sad:

20th Jul 2011, 16:39
Don't worry about it, Narwal. You've just got to hang in there and grab the opportunity.

20th Jul 2011, 16:42
So is the GD which was supposed to happen in august still on or is that also canceled?

20th Jul 2011, 16:47
I have no idea about the GD to be held. I got this email only mentioning that there are no vacancies for the freshers. Those who cleared the exam in February 2011 should be fine. I reckon that must have been the last batch for this year.

20th Jul 2011, 16:47

The GD is still on as some have received dates for the GD


Why is Jet Airways your last option ?

What about IndiGo ?

20th Jul 2011, 16:53

Also add to the fact they recruited plenty of type rated pilots in addition to the trainee F/O's

20th Jul 2011, 17:03
@cyrilroy21 yea indigo is there but i haven't heard about any attempt lately for non TR pilots.

@smurf84 yea i am just waiting for that opportunity only. :ugh:;)

20th Jul 2011, 17:32

Where have you been

IndiGo has been recruiting non TR pilots for the past one year

Dont you read the IndiGo threads ?

20th Jul 2011, 18:02
Here is the link given on IndiGo's website


20th Jul 2011, 20:40

about indigo thread...i haven't read most of them as i just joined this forum

n i already know about this CAE prog. but last time when parul called me i was lacking in some documents n after that havent heard anything from her. i have been sending my CV but no luck. but i would really appreciate if you could provide her number to me.:E or tell me if anything comes up for non TR.

thanks :ok:

3443 nautical miles
21st Jul 2011, 05:44

do you know anyone who received date for GD? and can you please tell us which date did they received?

21st Jul 2011, 06:02
the person who got gd dates is from delhi or mumbai, and where r the GD happening this year.

21st Jul 2011, 09:38
@ cyrilroy21 and 3443 nautical miles
people receiving dates for the gd in august? this is news to me, are you sure about this? i'm quite sure that if they send out e-mails, they send it to everyone within a day, i've still been waiting for my mail from them

21st Jul 2011, 09:47
I think I created a small storm when I mentioned that the dates have been sent

What I actually meant by dates was the email sent to candidates asking them to expect it on the 3rd week of August
Not a specific date

I am honestly sorry about my previous statement regarding specific dates :O

I seem to be making a lot of mistakes lately.....:bored:

21st Jul 2011, 09:57
@ cyrilroy21
no worries, thanks mate :) how's your preparation going? what books are you referring to?

21st Jul 2011, 10:34
@aroumika ( I still keep thinking you are a girl :p )

I still have to convert an obtain the Indian DGCA license

I am yet to clear my nav paper which i will be doing this august ( the same time as you guys have your GD )

That posting by Smurf84 regarding no more recruitments this year was actually a welcome relief to me because by the time the start recruitments again I will have my Indian DGCA CPL
I already missed two attempts by Jet ever since I came back and was quite mad at myself for not clearing my DGCA exams earlier . I cant afford to miss another test

That being said I am sure there are plenty of guys long before me waiting for an oppurtunity like Jet Airways to come by as soon as possible . Hopefully the next time they come out with vacancies I too will be there along with the rest for the written exams and other assessments :ok:

In the meantime I am collecting as much info I can so that I can be well prepared when an oppurtunity comes by :cool:

I never really thought that Jet Airways would ever come out with vacancies for non type rated candidates ever again . This in spite of the large number of 737 type rated candidates still waiting to get jobs .
That in itself shows what a great company Jet Airways is to work for as a Pilot

All right then

Work hard and pray that you all make it through
Good Luck :ok:

21st Jul 2011, 20:47
:} hey folks.......if any of you has ques. bank by Keith Williams pls message me n ill send you my email id ....thanks a lot in advance ...:8

29th Jul 2011, 14:18
Assessment center 20th Aug 11. :ok:

capt vg
29th Jul 2011, 14:39
any1 received any new mail from jet :confused:

capt vg
29th Jul 2011, 14:41
euindkan (http://www.pprune.org/members/300788-euindkan):confused::confused:

29th Jul 2011, 15:24
Sub : Assessment Centre

Dear Candidate,

Please refer to our email dated ** June 2011.
As a part of the pilot selection process, you are requested to attend the Assessment Centre at Mumbai on August **,2011 at
Jet Airways Engineering Hangar, Opp Indian Airlines Sports Club, Old Airport, Kalina, Near Military Camp, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai, Mumbai 400 029.
You must report to the venue at **.00 am.
Dress code: Formal.
What Preparation do you need.
We say:
You really do not need to prepare anything specific for the assessment centre. You are not being assessed on what you know but on how you think and how you apply your thoughts. Just be yourself; always try to be at your best. Remain focused and motivated for the whole day.
Listen carefully to the instructions given to you at the start of the day and also at the beginning of each exercise.
The assessment is loosely based on samples of real work, called exercises. They are made simple by design. You however, need to take the task seriously.
Not everyone is good at every exercise, but remember that the assessment centre will give you a number of chances to show your strengths and meet the criteria.
You are not being measured against the other candidates but against certain predetermined criteria. It is quite possible that every candidate in your group will achieve the necessary standard, in which case offers will be made to all. Similarly, there maybe no one suitable in a group or even in a day.
Kindly note, you will have to make your own arrangements for travel, conveyance, accommodation and boarding during the Assessment Centre. We will provide tea/coffee and lunch during the day. Plan your journey carefully so that you arrive in good time for the start of the assessment centre.
You are requested to carry this letter along with an updated resume, copy of the valid Indian CPL and 1 passport size photograph.
Since the entry at the Hangar premises is restricted, you are requested to present your photo I.D. (driving license, passport, Pan Card) to the Security at the point of entry.
You may note that car parking facility is not available at the premises. However, limited pay and park facility is available at Gate No.8 of Old airport which is about 1 km from the hangar facility.
In the event of your successfully clearing the Assessment Centre, you will be required to attend an interview one day after the date of your assessment centre.
We welcome you once again to Jet Airways Assessment centre.

Yours sincerely,

29th Jul 2011, 15:44
Everyone check your emails for the GD dates ... the are out..

Got mine on the 19th..

All the best!!!!!

29th Jul 2011, 16:28
Got G D.date on 22 Aug ,. Besties to all of you .

29th Jul 2011, 16:44
mine is on 20th aug.goodluck to all!!!

29th Jul 2011, 16:47
Got mine on the 24th!

29th Jul 2011, 17:57
hey...is there anybody from delhi who received his/her date???please inform...n all d best to all

29th Jul 2011, 18:06
24th, good luck to everyone :)

29th Jul 2011, 18:17
19th aug.. hope evrybody is set !

29th Jul 2011, 23:55
Hi all. Is there anyone who dint get a mail mentioning GD dates yet? I havent got mine. I am from the chennai centre. Please coordinate. Thanks!!

30th Jul 2011, 04:49
@coral_bay and@ sky_the beggining

even i havent recieved any date for GD yet..hope we get it today..:ok:

30th Jul 2011, 05:13
@sky_thebeginning and sbflyingangel

I am from the Aug 2010 batch. Did you guys clear the exam in Aug 2010 or Feb 2011?

30th Jul 2011, 05:17
I am also from AUG 2010 batch and I got the date for Assessment Centre.

Good Luck..! :ok:

30th Jul 2011, 05:50
well m also from aug 2011 batch..

@flyingg..what date have u got for GD???

30th Jul 2011, 05:54
Hey...m from august 2010 batch and no mail yet...

30th Jul 2011, 05:58
is thr an aug2011 batch..? :confused:
i thought it was only Aug2010 and Feb2011 batches (in general, month of written exam being used as ref)

i'm from feb2011 nyways

30th Jul 2011, 11:16

oops!!my fault:O..i meant i am from Aug 2010 batch..
sorry for creating that confusion..:p

Has anyone else who is from same batch rcvd any mail from Jet??pls reply
I hope they havent forgotten us:}

30th Jul 2011, 11:25
yup..aug 2010 batch

have u rcvd any mail yet??:sad:

30th Jul 2011, 12:28
Hey guys even I am from august 2010batch and I got a gd call for 25th july... Does anyone has ne idea how many are they gonna recruit?

30th Jul 2011, 14:27
Hey friends...Is there any candidate who has received his/her date today???

31st Jul 2011, 02:16
Aug Batch - Delhi
Not received any date yet
Anyone from Delhi Received the mail

31st Jul 2011, 03:15
I am from Delhi region and cleared written exam on AUG 2010, haven't received any letter from JET about current round of assessment.:confused:

31st Jul 2011, 05:23
Any idea about how many are they going to recruit this time ??

31st Jul 2011, 06:24
Is Bby the only venue or do any of you have GDs at a different location?

31st Jul 2011, 08:06
i am from aug 2010 batch mumbai. Even I am yet to get e mail from jet.:confused:

31st Jul 2011, 10:18
hey guys are these letters sent only to the ones who have opted for mumbai as their centre?

all the best for ur GD round.

we hope you share your experiences here.and also how you are preparing for it.

31st Jul 2011, 15:00
23rd, i dont think so there was a choice for centre,,,

31st Jul 2011, 21:12
what i really meant was the centre where the writtens happend

1st Aug 2011, 03:45
hi i'm from aug 2010 batch... no mail til now...any news in this regard...

1st Aug 2011, 04:53
In my opinion they will call aug 2010 batch after completing feb 2011 batch
.as this is what one can think ,OF

1st Aug 2011, 04:59
This could be possible but there is one guy named "FlYINGW" on page 58, who did mention that he is from Aug2010 batch and has received the date for GD...
Lets see....Quite possible that we receive the dates today...:ok:

1st Aug 2011, 05:28
some of my friends from aug 2010 batch got the dates for G.D. but some of them are yet to get it. I hope everyone will get the dates by next 2 days. :ok:

1st Aug 2011, 06:02
Any one got 25th?

1st Aug 2011, 07:39
hey guys i am also from last year aug 2010 and still awaiting call from Jet.
will keep all posted. u guys can call me on 9869315394 amar

1st Aug 2011, 08:01
i also cleared written in august and hvnt got the mail yet :ugh:

1st Aug 2011, 09:54
heyy all aug 2010 batch guys whom have got dates please tell if you are from MUMBAI

3443 nautical miles
1st Aug 2011, 11:17
I am from last august and my gd date is 25. I am from mumbai but i know 2 -3 people who are all from mumbai but haven't got the call yet.

1st Aug 2011, 11:22
But i guess all the people from Feb2011 have received there respective dates...correct me if i am wrong!!!

1st Aug 2011, 12:02
M frm Aug2010 batch, havent received any e-mail yet

1st Aug 2011, 16:14
Does any one know when is jet posting for new vacancies???

wings of fire
1st Aug 2011, 17:17
Hey guys .could u please help me in solving the below questions. These r from oxford radio aids- vor chapter

Q1) Assuming the maximum likely error in vor to be 5.5 degree, what is the maximum distance apart that beacons can be situated on the centreline of the u.k airwayin order that an aircraft can guarantee remaining within the airway boundary?
a) 54.5 Nm
b) 109 NM
c) 66 Nm
d) 132 Nm

Q2) An aircraft is homing towards VOR which marks the centreline of an airway. The beacon is 100 Nm distant. If the pilot had the airway QDM set on the OBS what deflection of the deviation indicator would be given if the aircraft was on the boundary of the airway? Assume that 1 dot equals 2 degrees.
a) 3 dots
b) 2 dots
c) 2.5 dots
d) 1.5 dots

Q3) Assuming an accuracy of + / - 5.5 degree, the maximum spacing of 2 vor’s defining the centreline of an airway, that would ensure no aircraft could be outside the airway is;
a) 54 Nm
b) 51 nm
c) 109 nm
d) 132 nm

Q4)what is the theoretical maximum range that an aircraft at FL 420 will obtain from a vor beacon situated at 400 feet above msl?
a) 225 nm
b) 256 nm
c) 281 nm
d) 257 nm

Johny Boy
1st Aug 2011, 17:29
So no one from Aug 2010 GD rejected lot has been intimated as of now.....do any one knows about the fate of those who got kicked out in Interview of Aug 2010?
Looks like some got a raw deal while others got a sweet one.:(

1st Aug 2011, 18:37
some(Aug 2010) did get a call and a few of them are from delhi and chennai as well.

1st Aug 2011, 19:39
Hey guys, I just read the last few pages and just to help you all clear the doubts ...I am from Mumbai from the august 2010 batch and got my call for the 25th on Friday the 29th itself .. Dont worry everyone will get it soon ..
best of luck

3443 nautical miles
3rd Aug 2011, 05:06
any more call letters on 1st or 2nd???

3rd Aug 2011, 05:37
nothing till now!

3rd Aug 2011, 05:39
Q1) Apply 1 in 60 rule. 5.5=[(5x60)/d]
where 5.5 = error in vor
5=airway width in uk
d=half the max. distance of the 2 beacons.
Solving which we get d=54.5nm.
Therefore max. spacing=2d=109nm.

Q2) Apply 1 in 60 rule again.
Error=[(5x60)/100]=3 degrees.
Where error is the angle deviated from centreline, the aircraft being on the air way boundary which is 5nm i.e. airway width in uk.
100 is the distance of the beacon from the aircraft.
Given or even generally known that in OBS 1 dot is 2 degrees.
Therefore 3 degrees equals 1.5 dots.

Q3) Same as Q1)

Q4) Range=1.25(Square root of h1 + Square root of h2)
h1 is height of transmitter above msl in feet.
h2 is height of the aircraft above msl in feet.
Hence Range=1.25(Square root of 400 + Square root of 42000)=281nm.

3rd Aug 2011, 06:15
If anybody has tried calling the jet airways office,please inform !!!
I tried calling but no response...

wings of fire
3rd Aug 2011, 10:23

The below are some questions from Oxford instrumentation book - objective revision 4 and 5.

Q1) An a/c is descending at a contant mach number. If the a/c is descending through an inversion layer, the RAS will:

a)remain constant
d)decrease then decrease more slowly

Answer is b) increase.
however during descent in inversion, temp decreases at lower altitude. so, LSS decreases. since M.no = (TAS / LSS), therefore TAS should also decrease, in order for M.No to remain constant.
Yes, density increases at lower altitudes.
Now, RAS=(1/2)*density*(TAS squared).
Therefore effect of decreasing TAS is more, then increase of density.
so answer should be c) decrease.
Can anyone explain?

Q2)A perfectly frictionless DI, is corrected to give zero drift on the ground at 30 degree north. The DI is set to read 100 degree in an a/c stationary on the ground in latitude 45 degree north. The reading after 45 mins will be:

a) 92.33 degree
b)102.50 degree
c)97.78 degree
d) 103.75 degree

Q3) with constant drift during flight, the a/c heading will:

a)increase by more than 10 degree
b)decrease by less than 10 degree
c)increase by less than 10 degree
d)remain constant

Answer is b). what;s the logic?

3rd Aug 2011, 12:28
The CAS/TAS variation due to density error is much greater than the LSS change due to temp. variations.

So when descending in an Inversion layer the LSS in decreasing due to reduced temp and the TAS is also decreasing with CAS const. but the TAS reduction is at a much greater rate than the LSS because of the additional increase in density due to reducing temp. So if you kept CAS const. the TAS will reduce at a much greater rate than LSS and the Mno. will reduce. So to keep Mno. cont. the rate of reduction of TAS has to be reduced by increasing CAS.

3rd Aug 2011, 14:49
Any1 from Aug 2010 batch gt any mails 2day?? Hve u tried calling Jet Airways HR depart???

wings of fire
3rd Aug 2011, 15:24
Quote: So if you kept CAS const. the TAS will reduce at a much greater rate than LSS and the Mno. will reduce.

Buddy , u r assuming , that if we keep cas constant. however it is given in th question that we r descending at a constant Mach number.( Hence TAS will be taken care of due to additional increase of density due to decreasing temp.)

any other opinions to my question?

3rd Aug 2011, 16:36
If you want to keep Mno.const. you will have to control the equation TAS/LSS. How do u control TAS? With CAS.

In normal conditions when you descend keeping Mno. constant you will increase the CAS to increase the TAS so that it matches with the increase in LSS to keep Mno. cosnt.

But when you descend in an Inversion layer keeping Mno. const.with the LSS decreasing the TAS needs to decrease at the same rate as LSS to keep Mno. const. But since the reduction in TAS is at a higher rate (due to the additional density increase due to reduced temp.) compared to the reduction in LSS the Mno. will decrease. So to keep Mno. const. TAS needs to reduce at a slower rate (equal to LSS) for which the CAS has to increase. If you reduced CAS the TAS would reduce at a much greater rate than LSS and the Mno.would reduce.

Hence TAS will be taken care of due to additional increase of density due to decreasing temp.The additional increase in density will further reduce the TAS and therefore the TAS will actually start reducing at a much faster rate than the LSS (The CAS/TAS variation due to density error is much greater than the LSS change due to temp. variations.)

wings of fire
3rd Aug 2011, 16:46
allright I will take your explanation. Thanks.

Any explanations for remaining 2 questions.

4th Aug 2011, 07:18
Hi All,

Does anybody have the answer key to the Instrumentation book from Oxford aviation services ATPL?
kindly pass on if you do.


4th Aug 2011, 09:08
@wings of fire

Q2)A perfectly frictionless DI, is corrected to give zero drift on the ground at 30 degree north. The DI is set to read 100 degree in an a/c stationary on the ground in latitude 45 degree north. The reading after 45 mins will be:

a) 92.33 degree
b)102.50 degree
c)97.78 degree
d) 103.75 degree

@ 30 N -> No Drift
i.e. ER Drift + Real Drift = 0
15Sin30 (Dec(Northern Hemi)) + RD =0
7.5(Dec) + RD = 0
RD = 7.5 Deg/Hr (Inc)

@ 45 N
Total Drift = 15Sin45(Dec) + 7.5 (Inc)
= 10.606(Dec) + 7.5 (Inc)
= 3.1066 Deg/Hr (Dec)

Reading after 45 mins
3.1066 * (45/60) = 2.32995 Deg/45 Mins (Dec)

At 100 degs = 100 - 2.32995 = 97.67005 Degs

Answer (c)

4th Aug 2011, 10:10
I hope all these oxford questions have nothing to do with the ongoing Jet airways recruitment process?!
And does anyone know how many vacancies Jet is looking to fill this time, in 2011 recruitment?

4th Aug 2011, 12:14
mine is on 23rd anyone else having his GD on 23rd we can get in touch
[email protected]

Aditya Sharma
4th Aug 2011, 13:41
still waiting for the call letter

4th Aug 2011, 14:48
@aditya when did you clear your exam

Aditya Sharma
4th Aug 2011, 15:30
Aug 2010,, I am from delhi

4th Aug 2011, 16:18
hope ppl started getting mails. Mine is on 2nd sept. Good luck guyss!!!

wings of fire
4th Aug 2011, 16:32
How silly of me. I had got the Real drift. But for 45 degree north, I was calculating with hourly real drift and 45 mins of ERW.

my incorrect equation :

Md = RD + ERW
= 7.5 (increasing) + 15 * sin45 * (45/60)

This caused the blunder.

Anyways Thanks. Any idea for the remaining 1 question

4th Aug 2011, 17:12
Hey Fellow Aviators,
I just got Date for 2nd round of assessment 29th Aug.
All the very best ... :ok:

4th Aug 2011, 17:16
Finally got the e-mail . G.D on 26th . Good luck to everyone.:ok:

4th Aug 2011, 17:33
got 30th august for assessment center......I am from august 2010 batch......

All the best to all.....

The Horus
4th Aug 2011, 17:51
got my date just now , i am from aug 2010 batch , hope u get yours soon

4th Aug 2011, 18:02
Got my GD on 29th August....all d best...

4th Aug 2011, 20:08
got mine on 30th as well.....all the best!!

5th Aug 2011, 08:17
guys who got it on the 29th n 30th are youll from delhi??

5th Aug 2011, 11:02
anybody from delhi also got 23rd as GD date

5th Aug 2011, 15:21
anyone 27th

Avinash Chabra
6th Aug 2011, 04:17
mine is also 27th Aug. are u from delhi? u can reply to me at amivar01/gmail.com

wings of fire
6th Aug 2011, 09:42
Could anyone clarify about Mode 6 and 7 in EGPWS.

Mode 7 is for windshear alert below 1500 feet and gives windshear warning both during approach and takeoff.

similarly, Mode 6 gives bankangle warning. Is the bank angle warning only during approach or also during t/o?

6th Aug 2011, 11:01
i think it would be both

6th Aug 2011, 11:16
Mode 6. Bank Angle warning in any phase of flight.

6th Aug 2011, 12:32

7th Aug 2011, 04:02
Does anyone know for sure, the process from here on?
Would we have the Interview the next day if we clear GD successfully??
What would be after the Interview and when does the next round happen(as per last time)??
When is the Sim check and medical test if one clears GD and PI??

7th Aug 2011, 06:52
After you appear for your GD, you will receive the results for the same the next day and if you clear it,you will have to appear for the interview the next day...ie there will be a gap of one day between GD and PI...
You will receive the results for the PI a week after all the interviews are over...then u will start getting calls for sim check which takes a while(could be even one and a half month later)...sim checks results are dispatched in a week's time...
And after all that done you will get the call for medicals 10days before your training batch has to start...
That's what happened last time...Also try n refer to last year's forum...its quite informative..

wings of fire
7th Aug 2011, 11:49
I am getting different replies from different people.

Bank angle warning comes below 150 feet AGL for sure. But I have heard from some that it is only during approach and some that it is in both t/o and approach.

Are people replying sure that it is in both phases?

7th Aug 2011, 11:54
Greatly appreciate the precise answer..
However I could not find the last years link on PPRune!!

Maverick 03
7th Aug 2011, 13:50
Mode 6 of EFPWS of Excessive Bank Angle gives warning both during T/O and Landing....as well as during the phase of the flight.

8th Aug 2011, 02:31
can people from the august 2010 session list down precisely the topics that were discussed during last time's gd? it would be really helpful, thanks :)

3443 nautical miles
8th Aug 2011, 06:56
there were five gds, following is the list of topics given to me

1) 4 situations related to flying
i) smoke in aircraft
ii) delayed departure
iii) extra fuel consumption in first xc solo flight
don't remember the forth

2) A debate on to "much automation in flying" .... good or bad

3) A case was given we were supposed to read and discuss on it (smoke in flight and landing)

4) again a case of accident was given we were supposed to find out the cause of accident

5) A list of ten things was given we were supposed to arrange it as per their priority in case of crash in himalaya mountain.

8th Aug 2011, 07:15
super thanks..! clearer than the replies of many others..! :ok:

8th Aug 2011, 07:29
Hey....Check ur pm for the link

8th Aug 2011, 12:17
@3443 nautical miles
thanks for the input, what do you think went wrong for you during last time's gd and what would you have done differently? why do you think you didn't get selected? any other useful tips?

8th Aug 2011, 12:20
the letter says that be what you are and that is where we made mistake last time ,we stopped being ourselves in rush to get the job.......:)

wings of fire
8th Aug 2011, 13:27
I skipped a vital sentence from one of my earlier questions by mistake. I apologise. Here is the full question:

An INS equipped a/c flies from 56 N 20 W (waypoint 3) to 56 N 30 W (waypoint 4). With constant drift during flight the a/c heading will:

a) increase by more than 10 degree
b) decrease by less than 10 degree
c) increase by less than 10 degree
d) remain constant

Answer: b (How less than 10 degree?)

My explanation: Departure=335.516 NM

ERW comes to -12.435 degrees/ hr

TW = GS /60 * tan lat

How to calculate GS ?

8th Aug 2011, 14:57
are such numerical problems actually asked in the personal interview? isn't it purely theoretical?

Johny Boy
8th Aug 2011, 14:59
^^ He's gone crazy with ATPL load....:ok:

wings of fire
8th Aug 2011, 15:35
@ aroumika

No not in interview. Just have my interest in these questions.

@ Johnny boy

bear with me bro., pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

8th Aug 2011, 16:23
So no one knows how many they will recruit from this attempt?

8th Aug 2011, 17:14
ins gives great circle track
if you draw it on a paper it would be like
http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/6816/insdv.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/insdv.jpg/) Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

ie when you depart waypoint 3 hdg = 270+x and at waypoint 4 hdg = 270-x

x = c angle (in this case 4 degree)

so hdg decreases by 10 degree (it should be 8)

PS - pardon my drawing

8th Aug 2011, 18:04
it's kinda tough to say how many they might recruit, but there should be close to 700 for the gd, ranging from the 18th till the 2nd (450 from feb 2011 + 250 rejected from aug 2010)

9th Aug 2011, 13:50
how do you know that there are 450 from feb batch

and even if u do calc there cannot be more than 560 if gd is gonna held till 2nd sept

9th Aug 2011, 14:32
i got that information from smurf84 on page 56 of this thread, who said:

Folks, I received an email from the recruitment personnel of Jet Airways stating that they will not require fresh CPL holders for the next 1 year for mainly two reasons -

1.) There are 170 pilots who were recruited last year presently in the various stages of training.
2.) 477 pilots cleared the Jet Airways exam in February 2011.

Sadly, there is no room for ab-initio pilots for the next one year. Well, that's what I was told.

9th Aug 2011, 15:02
mate it is not possible cause if they are taking it from 18th aug to 2 sept then only 14 days are there in which they can take GD and they take approx 40 persons on a single day

may be 477 is the total no. of the candidates (aug+sept)

also there is a possibility that the person may be spreading rumour .......:)

9th Aug 2011, 15:06
lol my bad then, you're probably right, it might be 477 combined :) btw i'm glad you referred to me as "mate", most people here mistake me to be a chick :ugh: good luck to you! :ok:

9th Aug 2011, 15:26
thanks and same to you.....

9th Aug 2011, 16:50
phoenix - Sorry to interrupt. This may be a rumour network. But my information regarding the figure '477' is from the highest source in the recruitment department of Jet Airways. I wouldn't talk rubbish unlike some idiots in this forum who spread terrifying rumours to demoralize us - eventually giving them sadistic pleasure.

wings of fire
9th Aug 2011, 16:53

This is my appreciation for the time u have taken out to draw and explain the problem. cheers buddy

9th Aug 2011, 18:29
Got mine on the 20th!!!:ok:

10th Aug 2011, 03:49
i am sorry my friend but this is a rumour network
also if you think it logically it is not possible for them to have 700 people i have already clarified that in my above posts ........i can take your word if you say that the total no. of candidates are 477 .......:)

10th Aug 2011, 06:00
please type the link for last yrs forum.

10th Aug 2011, 06:01
Hey folks We are doinga mock GD session in mUmbai on 14-15 Aug .. If anyone intrested to join then call 9869315394

10th Aug 2011, 06:53
is the scene going to get better after Air India and Jet get their 787 order's ? Maybe in 2012-13 both might get it and all A330 and 777 pilots would go on the 787. SO i guess space for 737, ATR and A330 would be open! AFter 2-3 years atleast 500-600 Trainees could be hired! P.S I am giving my own opinion anyone who knows if i'm right or wrong feel free to give your opinions.

10th Aug 2011, 07:22

can anybody who have gone thru jets interview previously please shed some light over the interview round..
like what type of questions do they ask??what topics??..how long the interview is held..how many people are there in the interview panel???etc etc..

would really be helpful if somebody could reply..:)

12th Aug 2011, 06:47
Yes please.. Kindly share your experiences in Interview..

Till now, everyone has been saying, study Jeppesen!! But thats a little vague.. For me unfortunately having done my flying in S.Africa, we used only the required plates for flying or all nearby airport, not the whole of jeppesen.. So i am finding it little difficult to study for the Interview..

Could someone shed some light on it?

12th Aug 2011, 06:52
Knowing the Jeppesen charts is very important as thats what all the airlines in India use .

Hence they wont consider any excuses for not knowing the same

PM me your email address and I will send you a handbook with all the Jeppesen legends and symbols explained

This is an edit to my post

A few posts below i have given download links from which you can download the file . Please use the links as the file size is too big to email as an attachment

12th Aug 2011, 06:59
If you are from delhi consider buying a Jepp chart or approach plates from The English Book Store to familiarise yourself

12th Aug 2011, 07:08
i'm glad you mentioned those jeppesen charts, could i PM you my e-mail address too so you could send the same to me? thanks :)

12th Aug 2011, 07:47
For those of you who have sent me a pm check your email

For the rest of you I have uploaded it to my SkyDrive account from where you can download it directly


For those of you who are unable to access the above link please try the link below


Good Luck Everyone :ok:

Aditya Sharma
12th Aug 2011, 10:03
Thanks buddy , its a great help

13th Aug 2011, 14:35
Greatly appreciated!!:ok:

13th Aug 2011, 15:31
is the scene going to get better after Air India and Jet get their 787 order's ? Maybe in 2012-13 both might get it and all A330 and 777 pilots would go on the 787. SO i guess space for 737, ATR and A330 would be open! AFter 2-3 years atleast 500-600 Trainees could be hired! P.S I am giving my own opinion anyone who knows if i'm right or wrong feel free to give your opinions. There is no clarity as to how many 787s AI will get. As of now it looks like they are getting 7 for sure and deliveries starting from December. December is tentative as there are some new issues which have come up with the aircraft lately.

Jet will get its 787 from 2014 onwards.

But Jet seems to be adding 737s and ATRs on a regular basis so I think they will recruit on a regular basis. So will most of other carriers like Indigo, GoAir, Spicejet etc. Cant really say much about AI or KF. AI now will recruit more from IGRUA (because of political pressures) if they have any future requirements.

14th Aug 2011, 09:15
So in the coming years jet,spice,indigo would need atleast 100 pilots each year ? And does AI recruit ONLY from IGRUA ?? KF no1 knows when they'l recruit. And about jet,spice,indigo and go air will they recruit more than what they are doing now? I would finish my CPL in 2013 june mostly. Will the scene get better by then or should i go for instructing or TR ?

14th Aug 2011, 11:30
So in the coming years jet,spice,indigo would need atleast 100 pilots each year ? And does AI recruit ONLY from IGRUA ?? KF no1 knows when they'l recruit. And about jet,spice,indigo and go air will they recruit more than what they are doing now? I would finish my CPL in 2013 june mostly. Will the scene get better by then or should i go for instructing or TR ? Who knows how its going to be in 2013. Still 2 years to go.

Who saw the 2008 downturn coming? In 2006/07 airlines were not able to find enough pilots and suddenly by 2008/09 there were thousands of unemployed pilots and no jobs. Things changed quickly and quite dramatically. And under the current financial uncertainty all over the world nobody knows how 2013 is going to be.

If the current statistics (in terms of aircraft orders and expansion plans) are to be believed then yes 2013 looks bright. But you never know. Another recession/ double dip and we might be back to the 2008 days.

And remember boom or no boom from here on there will be intense competition for any job openings. There are about 3-4000 unemployed CPL holders in the country and the number is still going up quite rapidly. So even if every airline takes about 50-70 pilots an year it still wont clear the back log.

Looks like its still early days in your training so for now just concentrate on getting your license first and after that depending on the market conditions you can decide your future course of actions. Good luck :ok:

14th Aug 2011, 11:42

Read flyjet787's post very carefully

There are no garuntees in aviation.....

One day you might have a job . The next day it might not be there .
You can fail a medical and lose your pilot license forever also
Sometimes you wont get paid a salary for a long time ( AI and now Kingfisher is also having difficulty paying salaries )

Read about the financial status about the different airlines in India ( who made profit , who made a loss , how much debt )

If any one of the airlines files for bankruptcy and shut down then that will leave a lot of experienced pilots jobless . Then the existing airlines will only hire these experienced pilots first .
Then all the fresh pilots will not get any jobs for years to come ( worst case scenario )

My first suggestion is to go and get a class1 medical and see if you are medically fit . Only then can you proceed with any of your other plans

All the above reasons I believe are a good enough argument to go and get a degree first ;)

14th Aug 2011, 13:00
completely unrelated to the subject, and completely silly too i might add, but is wearing a suit considered too overdressed for gd, or is a shirt, pant and tie fine enough? what do people usually wear for this round?