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4th Mar 2011, 15:24
anybody gotta call for GD?

4th Mar 2011, 16:32
i guess they will call after they declare the result for the exam

4th Mar 2011, 16:37
It took them around 2 weeks to announce the results last time.

4th Mar 2011, 17:22
Should be by end of next week...

5th Mar 2011, 17:10
How long after the results are announced will the GD's be held?

5th Mar 2011, 17:14
hey friends, i had a roll number clash while giving jet paper, when i reached there, someone else had the same roll number, thou the invigilator told us they have taken note of it and our paper will be checked according to our ref no. anyone has any idea what should i do as precaution? anyone knows HR phone number, so i can make sure, things are ok?

5th Mar 2011, 17:39
it took 11 days last time. the gd was 1 day after the result was declared. thats what a friend told me

5th Mar 2011, 18:13
last time some 2300 people appeared for it as compared to almost 4000 this time. So its gonna take more time I guess.but i have heard there were no OMR answer sheets last time.

6th Mar 2011, 03:20
I'm not sure if that's true to be honest. I think around the same number of people have appeared this time. Not sure about the OMR, they had us use pens this time as opposed to pencils last time. Not sure if that makes any difference.

6th Mar 2011, 05:50
WHAT! the gd was one day after results declared????
By the way, we will know if we passed only if they email us right?

6th Mar 2011, 09:39
2. Variation at the equator is ....??
d)Less than 90degrees

Well, the correct option was
d) Less than 90degrees..

The reason is that, on the magnetic equator you cannot be certain on getting the variation as 45E/W at all times or you cannot have the variation on every point on the ME to be 0 and also no point on the ME falls between the True North and Magnetic North, so no point can have 180E/W
Hence the answer...


Answer is (c) 0 Degrees. Because the horizontal component on earth's magnetic field is at its strongest and so the magnetic compass is very stable and accurate. Hence variation at Magnetic Equator is 0 deg.

6th Mar 2011, 10:41
Ths is an exact ques frm Oxford. Ans- d).
Hope it ends all the confusion.

6th Mar 2011, 11:44
Answer is (c) 0 Degrees. Because the horizontal component on earth's magnetic field is at its strongest and so the magnetic compass is very stable and accurate. Hence variation at Magnetic Equator is 0 deg.

You're thinking about Dip. Magnetic Variation is the angle between magnetic north and true north.
yep (d) sounds rite. good explanation given by 'kiitos.patole' on page 37 of this thread.

6th Mar 2011, 12:15
Does any one have any idea when the result be out?

6th Mar 2011, 16:33
Hey friends....Pls don't think I am trying to create a rumour or a fuss....But a couple of my friend's friends from MUMBAI got a call from JET AIRWAYS on Saturday stating they have cleard the written. They havn't been intimated a date for GD but told to be prepared for the same.

Even I am too apprehensive about it....However, if somebody could do some investigation in this case that would be great!

6th Mar 2011, 17:42
Hey....i am from delhi but even i have received the same news that mumbai people have started getting their results...it seems to be true after your post...

6th Mar 2011, 18:23
anyone from mumbai who has got his/her result???

6th Mar 2011, 20:08
even i had the same roll number as some other guy they said they will sort it out so dont worry.

7th Mar 2011, 04:50
Variation @ equator is 0....!!!!!

7th Mar 2011, 05:11
dont believe on wat others say......if they'll declare the results everyone will get it.....

7th Mar 2011, 05:23
the thing is in the august exam, all of them never RX the result @ one go, so 9W will send the result in say 2-3 days instead of sending to all in one day.
so it could be possible that some might have RX the result....and last time too VABB was the first to RX the result.

7th Mar 2011, 07:05
Agree. Do not mislead. Post only if you're sure.

7th Mar 2011, 07:26
yup, post only if you are sure !!!!

Instead, post only if you yourself get the email...!!!

7th Mar 2011, 09:14
Will we receive an email even if we havn't got thru?

7th Mar 2011, 09:28
Will we receive an email even if we havn't got thru?

yes , you will get the rejection email.

7th Mar 2011, 11:09
well do they really send the rejection email???????
I dont think so.
Did any one get it last time?????

7th Mar 2011, 12:05
yes they do send for rej too.....

7th Mar 2011, 12:32
Jet can make you dance in circles, spend a lot of money, spend days of agony waiting to hear from them.
The HRD (Human Resource Development) department at Jet seems to think that the HRD stands for Human Resource Destruction.

7th Mar 2011, 13:13

sir i know you're 59 and you're almost 3 times my age, but it is with great respect that i must say, in a scenario like this, where the jobs are scanty and the candidates are plenty, i'm sure most of us wouldn't mind dancing in circles, spending alot of money and waiting agonisingly. i'm sure the results should be out in about a week, patience is a vitrue :ok:
i wouldn't complain about jet, they're the only carrier that seems to be hiring on a full scale and giving us some "hope", something better than nothing. and as for the money spending part, atleast they let us write the exams for free as compared to indigo that makes us shell out rs. 20,000/-
hope my points can come across as valid and not disrespectful :)

7th Mar 2011, 13:23
@ Aroumika - Check your PM !

7th Mar 2011, 13:26
Hey man..
Are you sure you arent confusing this with the angle of dip..? It cannot be 0 at all times...
Think about it..

7th Mar 2011, 13:35
Young Lady the company is good. I only meant that the HR needs to be better.
That said Jet is going to bind a lot of you down for a long time waiting for a job. Lots will get heartbreaks as the process of selection gets along.:ugh: Such is life!
Best of Luck to one and all.

7th Mar 2011, 13:41

thank you, and i'm a guy :ugh: that's just my username :ok:

7th Mar 2011, 14:13
"thank you, and i'm a guy:ugh: that's just my username"

Hahaha dude, even i used to think u r a pilot gal....
Good luck:ok:

7th Mar 2011, 14:18

oh darn it :( my username can't even be changed, i just realized how gay it sounds :eek:

7th Mar 2011, 14:22
even i thought the same..! :ooh:

7th Mar 2011, 14:40

sorry for the huge disappointment :hmm:
end of topic and back to the topic the forum was created for "jet airways selection process" :E
over and out! :ok:

7th Mar 2011, 16:10
Even i thought u r A gal!!Sorry for breaking the radio silence..:cool:

7th Mar 2011, 16:14
well it worked for "her"..
quick replies to all "her" ques! :p

8th Mar 2011, 02:52
When I applied for the exam my email id was wrong......
I had to go down to mumbai to get my roll no.
Finally Mr. L Gaikwad, and Gayatri helped me out in Jet office.
They sent me the roll no. to my new email address
I asked them to change the email in their records as well...
Wile writeing the exam a guy from jet airways comes in the classrooom with a laptop in hand from jet airways to resolve issues of duplicate roll numbers etc.
I asked him to confirm the email of mine....
He had both my emails......
I hope they will send be the email to the new one.....

Any one here with similar issue of wrong email because when I went to Mumbai to get the roll no. the guard in the office was telling me that 3-4 more have the same issue who visited the office

8th Mar 2011, 04:56
So, considering we get the results 2moro..... do the other rounds begin immediately, or is there a week's difference or something??Also...do they send the e-mails to people who have passed first, or is it roll no. wise??

8th Mar 2011, 05:08
guess they would give a weeks time to report

8th Mar 2011, 06:11
they will send mail to each and every candidate who appeared

8th Mar 2011, 08:57
about guy/girl issue......nice hilarious thing happened out there.....!!!

@senioreagle....i totally agree wid you.....you guys who pass will have 2 have patience because don't know how expeditingly would 9W start ur induction....there are still two batches yet to undergo meds from august recruitment....and few underwent IPT in ther last week of Feb.

as far as the gaps between GD n result....it depends on how soon they want to finish off this recruitment....but let me tell you, in august, the GDs began in two days of result....and interview the next day of GD result....and GD result was declared the very following day !!!!

so i say start preparing for your interview...because you might not get adequate time to boost your confidence, which happened to me !!!!

@capt.spongle, yup....those who pass will first receive the emails...not to scare your *** off, but the later the one gets the email, the greater are the chances one dint make it.

8th Mar 2011, 15:28
@capt spongle
on what basis do you make the assumption that the result is out tomo??

8th Mar 2011, 17:16
@thearsenal: dude hez jst tryin to make a point there:rolleyes:..not suggesting nything..i know we are all curiously waiting fr the results but dnt read too much between the lines..cheers and all the best mate:)

9th Mar 2011, 04:36
@ fly zone tra..

I am not a senior guy, i am very young !!!!
preparation for GD....yeah its good to take tips and advises...but i warn you all...there's no point in joining classes just for GD....in fact i see no worst exploitation of the gullible aspiring trainee F/Os :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

Few tips...be assertive....be flexible....be open to change of opinion [not always though]...try to put across your point in the most welcoming way....do not always interrupt one another....DONT EVER FROWN :=....DONT SHOW ANGER :=...DONT EVER SHOW YOUR EXPRESSSION OF GRIEF :=....ALWAYS LOOK PLEASANT AND WEAR A NICE SMILE :D.....and mind you Talk, dont forget to talk [doesnt matter you are right/wrong, because i am sure they are not judging your conscience but your behavioral traits, but try sticking to what your view is, if the terrorist should not be released then make sure you convince those who want him to be released]....in my group there was a guy...in all the four or five rounds of GD...he spoke only for half a minute :eek: and that too when he was asked to, by us or by the examiner :oh:...and then when you speak in the end you got no new points to put up but to just repeat what was discussed for the last 15 minutes :uhoh:...so dont miss out to talk and on the same time dont be garrulous :ok: !!!

and the last and most imp tip....try doing all this with your family...friends...practice is @home and you will be good....!!

9th Mar 2011, 10:18
good job Radar :D much appreciated!

finally some mature behavior!

9th Mar 2011, 10:27
did any one call them to ask when the results will be announced??

9th Mar 2011, 10:36
I haven't called them up, but based on how long it took last time, I'm assuming the results will be out on Monday 14th, assuming they don't work weekends of course.

9th Mar 2011, 15:52
this time the number of applicants were more..so i think based on that + its omr sheets ....im saying little less than a month...dgca takes the same amount of time too

10th Mar 2011, 04:17
anyone knows what do we need to prepare for spicejet exam..?? i mean what's the pattern and all. do they take aptitude exam too..?? or its just the technical stuff.. please shed some light.. and how are they going to send roll nos. I couldn't find any thread about spicejet exam so posting it here.. thanks a lot..

10th Mar 2011, 04:44
Hmm, I don't believe they are using OMR to correct the papers to be honest. In the instructions I remember it stated some thing along the lines of "use blue or black pen", didn't state ball point or pencil. I don't think OMR works with gel pens. I used a gel pen myself.

10th Mar 2011, 05:28
For Spicejet exam just study DGCA level Navigation.

3443 nautical miles
10th Mar 2011, 06:51

10th Mar 2011, 07:52
really disappointing to know that spicejet called only 300 odd candidates, that too with a charge of rs. 20,000/- i applied myself and never heard from them :D

@ fibreglass

they're definitely using OMR for evaluation, otherwise there's no way 4000 candidates can be processed within 2 weeks (that too each candidate writing 5 papers, 4000*5 = 20000 papers). although it wasn't mentioned ball-point, it was kinda obvious as we used the same for our dgca papers :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 09:04
results are being declared currently........ be on the lookout..! nd ALL THE BEST!

10th Mar 2011, 09:10
u mean spicejet result or jet airways result?

10th Mar 2011, 09:21
@ aviatorjus

i think he means jet airways result :cool:

@ av8er1990

how do you know this? have you heard of anyone getting their result yet?

10th Mar 2011, 10:23
Did anybody get the results????
No guesses please!:=

10th Mar 2011, 10:54
not sure abt Jet result....but people worried about Spicejet's result.. that will be out next week..So don't expect it this week...No guessing...got it from reliable source

10th Mar 2011, 11:23
jet airways

10th Mar 2011, 11:31

ONLY!!! OK!!!! PLEASE!!!


If you navigate a bit you will find another thread for "Spic'y Jet" please take these discussions there!!

10th Mar 2011, 12:42
thanks to 'av8er1990', i've been checking my mail every 5 minutes the whole evening, but to no avail :ugh:

10th Mar 2011, 13:07
I agree!! :\:\

10th Mar 2011, 13:53
and how do you know that?

10th Mar 2011, 14:14
can anybody here who has made it to the gd round earlier shed some light on what kind of topics were asked? how many examiners/selectors present for each topic? DOs and DONT's? what kind of mistakes could lead to elimination at this stage?

your input would be helpful and appreciated, thanks! :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 14:50
i already shared few things about GD in previous page


topics....its all going to be debate in all the rounds....!!!
could be different this time for sure....but things like fly-by-wire...multi-tasking in cockpit....whether the Panam bomber should be released as he is terminally ill....air crash and so stuck at island or desert then prioritize your things...15-20 things will be listed.....then investigate air crashes.

but i am sure things would be different this time....!!

10th Mar 2011, 15:48
@ radar_contact

i did read your post earlier, just wanted to know what the topics were like so i could get some idea of it, thanks! :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 16:14
hey Radar,thanks again for the info!
But just a quick Clarification, could you please elaborate more on the Panam bomber? I'm kind of lost here,more so as I wasn't part of the last session

Thanks mate.

10th Mar 2011, 16:22
@ cobracommander

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_103)

i just read about it, surely this should help, it's very much in detail

10th Mar 2011, 17:38
hey guys,

heres what i could find out from jet since i have a few friends who wrote the paper.

approx. 2200 total. 800 mumbai, 800 delhi, 600 chennai and other centres.
papers are omr, they are understaffed so results will take a few more days.
approx 250 from the august recruitment are directly called for the gd.

firstly, guys relax.
if and when it happens, it will happen.
i went crazy the last time too but i realized i was wasting a tonne of energy when i could have been doing something more fruitful, and it worked!

start reading up on current affairs and past crashes.
and stick to your basics. thats very important. they don't want a mr/ms. know-it-all.

the entire process is purely by merit and completely fair. if you've not made it, work on it, don't fret and fume on pprune. they've purposely come out with an ad 6 months later to give everyone who didn't make it in august another chance. so you're lucky! a lot of airlines won't.

watch what you post on forums like this and face book etc.
i've read some pretty negative things in the thread for the august recruitment and its not difficult to find out who you are.

finally, when you've reached a point in the recruitment that you know you've 99% made it but are just waiting for medicals, please please enjoy the time you have because you'll never get it back!

so good luck with everything, it's totally worth the wait and effort!
hope it helps. pm me if you need more info.


10th Mar 2011, 17:52
goodjob flygirl:D

10th Mar 2011, 18:14
even I appeared for the writtens at delhi...I think ua figures aren't correct because in delhi itslf there were close to 1200 people,and heard there were close to 1700 in mumbai. Under no circumstances there can be less than 1000 people in mumbai because it was completely full and many of my friends who had applied for mumbai were given chennai as they said mumbai centre was full. I think in total there are close to some 3500 people.

10th Mar 2011, 18:24
i gave my exam in mumbai and as far as i know, the roll number was ~ 950..

10th Mar 2011, 18:39
your roll no doesn't denote how many people have sat for the paper. in that case in august, going by my roll no there should have been more than 1900 people in mumbai!

secondly, i may be wrong, though i would trust the person i spoke to.

thirdly, its the number of people who make it in the end that matters.

like i said, don't waste your energy on trivial things like this. its not worth it.

to put your mind at ease, about 5.5% people made it though the august system. aim to be part of that in the february system.

10th Mar 2011, 19:21
A general ques-

When approaching IDL from the east-
a) be prepared to increase your date by 1
b) be prepared to decrease your date by 1

10th Mar 2011, 19:25
@ flyinghigh89

a) be prepared to increase your date by 1
i am 200% sure :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 19:43
@ flyinghigh89

think of it this way, "east is least and west is best", so when you're flying towards the west (from the east as your question mentioned), then add a day, but if you're flying towards the east, then subtract a day :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 20:20
@ fly.low

sorry my friend, you're wrong about that :=
my source: International Date Line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Date_Line)
2nd paragraph, 1st line, wikipedia is always a good reference :ok:

10th Mar 2011, 20:46
Oops xactly, how silly i am...ofcorse crossing east to west u gain a day

11th Mar 2011, 03:33
thats wrong..i gave the exam from delhi and my roll number was 31xx. delhi clearly crossed 1100 applicants. so please stop guessing ad spreading rumours.:=

11th Mar 2011, 03:50
@FlyGirl2010: Madame are you part of JetAirways staff. You seem to have inside knowledge.
By the way have all those who qualified in August 2010 been inducted into the Airline? There is some controversy on the subject. Please help resolve it.:ugh:

11th Mar 2011, 04:41
I appeared in delhi and my exam was conducted in center no. 2 the second portion of army public school.
The Delhi center was divided in 2 parts center 1 and center 2.
I saw the serial number @ center 2 the last one was 1750.
That means 1750 were called to appear @ delhi.
some people applied for the exam 3-4 times with different details so they were given 2-3 roll numbers ( this includes few of my frnds)
So I think around 1500 appeared in delhi

11th Mar 2011, 05:56
There seems to be some confusion regarding the IDL. I have gone through Wikipedia, but that too does not make any sense at all. We know that the countries west of us are behind our time. India is about 11 hours ahead of the US(depending on their time zones), so if its Friday morning here 7 am here in India, its Thursday evening 8 pm over there.

Now if we consider New Zealand and US(Hawaii), there's nearly 23 hours of time difference between them, but still US is behind the New Zealand time, isn't that correct. For ex- Friday morning 7 am in NZ would be Thursday morning 8 am in Hawaii. Now take two people standing on opposite sides of the IDL. One will be in the western hemisphere and the other east. The guy on the east will be a whole day(24hours) ahead of the guy on the west.

Now take a big step and cross the line, and there you are in the western hemisphere with a date subtracted, not added. This is just my logic, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

11th Mar 2011, 06:38
There shouldn't be so much confusion on a simple thing such as IDL


Travelling west - You're going back in time - So you're Gaining a DAY

Travelling East- You're going ahead in time- So you're loosing a DAY

( EXAGGERATE it by imagining you're Superman zooming to the opposite Meridian with respect to you're current position ;) )

I hope all the other explanations including this one helps!

Good day! :ok:

11th Mar 2011, 06:50
@aroumika, on the contrary...i would never trust Wiki...BECAUSE its free source info and can be edited by anyone...even you...if you sign up !!! but your answer is correct...you add a date !!!

i completely agree with flygirl2010, the recruitment is fair and square.

@cobracommander, 2-3 paras were given to describe the situation...like so many people die, 270 i guess...the terrorist was terminally ill....and his 3months were remaining to serve his time...but should he have been released before he finished his time or not was the point of debate....another given point was that he received a hero's welcome when he returned to his country following his pre-mature release....!!!

@UpFirst, whats the controversy on the subject of the aug recruitment?



11th Mar 2011, 07:15
east to west you gain a day or substract a date... 100% confirmed...

3443 nautical miles
11th Mar 2011, 16:56
think of it this way
when you are coming from east , you are crossing it towards west
and when you cross it towards west you have to add the date
as you go towards west time LMT decreases but when it comes to crossing IDL date increases

11th Mar 2011, 18:14
bro this is wht i suggest..

utc = 1200 hrs.

LMT 179W = 1200-1156 = 0004 hrs

LMT 179E = 1200 + 1156 = 2356 hrs.

so when u go from 179E to 179 W by crossing IDL you go to 0004 hrs which is almost 24 hrs behind time at 179E. thus you gain a day or substract a date..

11th Mar 2011, 18:32
Thank you for that simple logical explanation. People somehow don't seem to get the concept.


12th Mar 2011, 03:14
well hopefully the results should be out next week.

Fingers crossed:ok:

12th Mar 2011, 03:21
Any news for the guys who are directly appearing for the GDs?

3443 nautical miles
12th Mar 2011, 04:02
@cvchetan (http://www.pprune.org/members/335160-cvchetan)

your logic is correct but as per your logic we should add date in this case because
when you are crossing IDL east to west you are actually going from 179W to 179E
think of it...

and original question is
A general ques-

When approaching IDL from the east-
a) be prepared to increase your date by 1
b) be prepared to decrease your date by 1

answer is a

12th Mar 2011, 04:20
dude east to west means 179 e to 179 w.....

12th Mar 2011, 04:47
do not confuse between day n date....
when u cross IDL from east to west (179E -> 179W) u gain a day n subtract a date because u r going back in time (so to say)
considering the example given above
suppose UTC is 1200 on 12th march then LMT at 179E is 2356 on 12th march & LMT at 179W will be 0004 on 12th march which means the day is about to get over at 179E but it has just started at 179W. So 179W is BEHIND 179E

hope this makes it clear

12th Mar 2011, 05:49
I figured out why everyone is getting confused with the IDL. The logic applied by everyone is correct, but where we go wrong is interpreting the question. I did that wrong too.

Going east to west(or coming from east) does not mean 179E to 179W. It actually means that you are flying a WESTERLY HEADING and therefore are going from 179W to 179E( or you can imagine Alaska to Russia).

3443 nautical miles
12th Mar 2011, 11:36
The World Clock – Time Zone Converter (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)

here is the convertor pls try it
date increases

12th Mar 2011, 12:12
Kindly start a new thread " International date line and time numericals "

12th Mar 2011, 12:16
I Agree.. go get a new thread!!!

12th Mar 2011, 13:20
sorry my bad, this should put an end to the IDL Q: International Date Line - All About the International Date Line (http://geography.about.com/od/physicalgeography/a/idl.htm)

12th Mar 2011, 14:12
well now the post of Trainee First Officer has been removed from jet airways website.:ugh::ugh:

12th Mar 2011, 16:58
hopefully the results should be out sometime this week, fingers crossed, good luck everyone! :ok:

@ hawaijahaj
that doesn't come as a surprise, the advertisement wasn't going to be on their website forever, so it was expected

12th Mar 2011, 18:48
from where did your comment come into this discussion?You seem to have no sense.
Just beat it u bum

13th Mar 2011, 04:44
Haha You amuse me Ilovefly , you should read the title of the thread then say anything. This thread is meant for the updates on the post of 'Jet Airways Trainee First Officer' and not for the Bull**** about International Date Line. Should start a new thread for that.I think you guys jumped in with IDL thing.:D:D

13th Mar 2011, 11:32
I agree with you buddy...lot of people here are discussing their own theoretical doubts rather than providing any good information about the process.
This thread is seriously not doing any good,unlike august attempt,in which the thread was very informative and the candidates got a lot of help from it.

I am not pointing towards any individual but this is the truth!!!

13th Mar 2011, 18:03
i was just going through different air accidents/incidents which might be useful for gd (incase i make it), and i came across one incident by jet airways itself. i'm not sure many people have heard of it, certainly i haven't, very interesting indeed! here goes:-
"On 1 July 2007, Jet Airways Flight 3307, a ATR 72-212A (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATR_72) (registered VT-JCE) which was flying on the Bhopal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal)-Indore (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indore) route was involved in an accident which was caused by a storm. There were no fatalities amongst the 45 passengers and 4 crew onboard, however the aircraft suffered damages beyond repair."
anyone here heard of this incident before or can shed some light on it? thanks! :cool:

3443 nautical miles
13th Mar 2011, 18:49
can any one please share interview questions from last time

13th Mar 2011, 19:06
1. Aircraft Type ATR-72 Aircraft
Registration VT-JCE
2. Date and Time 1.07.2007, 1946 Hrs IST Approx.
3. Location Indore Aerodrome
4. Persons on board Crew 4
Passengers 49
5. Injury index Fatal Serious Minor/None
Crew Nil 01 03
Passenger Nil 01 48
Others Nil Nil -----
6. Damage to Aircraft substantial
License ALTP No. 1682
Age 61 yrs Approx.
7. Pilot-in-
Total Hrs 10169:00 Hrs
ATR 72-212A aircraft VT -JCE operated by M/s Jet Airways was operating
schedule flight sectors Delhi–Bhopal–Indore–Delhi on 1.7.2007. The flight
up-till approach to land at Indore was normal. On coming to the runway the
aircraft touched down moderately hard and bounced high. The Pilots were
perhaps determined to salvage the abnormal situation and added Power to
the Engines with intention to cushion the sink-rate and settle the runway. On
the contrary, aircraft came hard on the RWY and bounced once again. This
got followed with a series of bounces in succession. While bouncing the
aircraft migrated from the runway and finally came to full halt on right side
close to airport boundary wall. There was no fire in the accident.
The probable cause of the accident:
The Pilot-in-Command in absence of bounce recovery guidance adopted
self-perceived technique and kept on adding engine power along with
aircraft Pitch manipulations to salvage the aircraft from the bounce on
landing, and gravely damaged the aircraft structure
Factor: Pilot.

Courtesy- DGCA


13th Mar 2011, 19:27
@ harsh786techy
thank you, that was very informative :D

14th Mar 2011, 04:08
@aroumika and all...
Its really good that you are preparing for gd before hand but in last attempt they did not give any scenario based on a particular incidence of the past..Gds were based on real time situations and we had to figure out the cause of them!!!

14th Mar 2011, 04:37
why it happed with you... any reason??

14th Mar 2011, 04:40
thanks for this sharing..

14th Mar 2011, 05:55
if any1 of u get any e-mail regarding results please notify here

14th Mar 2011, 06:52
Does anyone know when the result for the exam on 27th February be out.?:ugh:

14th Mar 2011, 08:18
Was expecting the results to be out today.

14th Mar 2011, 09:51
Now this wait is actually killing me..
Its wierd i feel like i m hanging in the middle dont know wat to expect..:ugh:

14th Mar 2011, 11:33
today definitely doesn't seem like it, it's already 5PM and not a single person heard of getting their letter
the wait continues.....

14th Mar 2011, 11:53
Getting Anxious..abt results...:bored:

14th Mar 2011, 12:07
anyone here called HR to find out?
@ airbone
how can you be so sure?

14th Mar 2011, 12:49
I think the results will be delayed this time.......:ugh:
One of the last batches just did their IPT, so now 2 of the last batches are waiting for their medicals....
Few are having their ground classes @ mumbai.
I mean to say they now have people and a lot of work to be done to get them on line.
so they might delay it coz if another batch is ready for all this they wont be able to manage it moreover they don't need more people with the same urgency they wanted before:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

14th Mar 2011, 13:13
@ scorpio2611
that's highly unlikely, if jet airways knew this was going to happen, they wouldn't have conducted the exam for another 4000 :=
if the results are ready, i'm sure they'll be released without any delay, besides there's candidates still waiting for gd who will probably be doing it along with those who pass the written

14th Mar 2011, 13:15
Gud if so happens....
However lets see what would happen

14th Mar 2011, 13:23
Result kab aayga yaar bas ye batado:cool:

14th Mar 2011, 13:26
jet airways ko phone kar k pooch lee

14th Mar 2011, 13:45
phone hi nahi uthata koi..:*

14th Mar 2011, 18:24

Jet Airways and most other airlines in India consistently defy logic with their moves, so we can't really apply the standard thought processes in this scenario.

15th Mar 2011, 11:05
any info about the results..??

15th Mar 2011, 16:21
Had a chat with Jet HR.. they told that all the copies had been checked and they are in the process of identifying the selected ones. It will take a day or two more before they start sending out the results. Hopind for the best and good luck everyone :) :ok:

16th Mar 2011, 05:50
This tread has become really quite..!!

Anyways anyone confirming the same news as above?

16th Mar 2011, 05:54
u sure abt the jet thng..this wait is really killin..

16th Mar 2011, 06:20
Thats wat they told me..

16th Mar 2011, 14:43
Spicejet ppl have started calling for the interviews....God knows when will JET ppl will start doing the same....Keep your fingers crossed..all the best to everyone....:ok:

16th Mar 2011, 14:55
@ juliet.alpha. yankee
considering the limited number that spicejet called for the written as compared to jet airways, i'm surprised that it's taken them this long to call them for the interviews, it should have taken spicejet only 3-5 days instead :E

3443 nautical miles
16th Mar 2011, 16:18
can any one pls share questions asked in interview last time...thanks in advance.

16th Mar 2011, 19:15
normal basic technical mostly

16th Mar 2011, 20:21
result will be out in two days for sure..gluk

17th Mar 2011, 02:28
Do they ask something from jeppesen??????
Up to what level
Can some one who appeared last time, share the questions

17th Mar 2011, 05:16
What is the difference between a Jet Engine and a Piston Engine -

17th Mar 2011, 06:03
A piston engine utilizes the linear motion of cylinders/pistons to combust the gasoline that drives the vehicle or appliance.
A jet engine, however, uses a fluid (air) intake to assist in the compression of fuel. It comprises of many turbines and compression components that synchronize to force the expended fuel out the nozzle of the engine. This action creates direct thrust as opposed to the electrical energy produced in a piston engine.

17th Mar 2011, 06:10
More importantly,

A piston engine works on the principle of 'Constant Volume' while a jet engine works on the principle of 'Constant Pressure'.

17th Mar 2011, 06:12
Turbo prop produces thrust by propelling large amount of air with less acceleration whereas jet engine or turbo jet propells less amount of air by huge amouunt of acceleration..

17th Mar 2011, 06:17
the car may get airborne after a certain airspeed but it will fall back on ground as it is not aerodynamically stable.....
after that he asked the forces acting on airplanes body in straight and level...

Coutesy-MY BRO[F.O.->A.I]

17th Mar 2011, 07:39
What does jet want yaa?
Its been 18 days. Acc to me if it was computerised results shd have been out by now. (maybe i m wrong)
In AIEEE computerised checking takes one month for some lacs students and its taking them forever for some thousands..:rolleyes:

I am tired of logging in every half an hour hoping will get the mail..Please send the mails ASAP

17th Mar 2011, 09:25
SPOKE to jet HR...they doNOT give out exact dates to any1...so ppl who mention dates r all bull****ting...they said mumbai people should get it most probably before this week sunday..!!!so I am assuming maybe it would friday or saturday

17th Mar 2011, 10:56
Thanks for the update.

Whom did you speak to in the HR dept.? and can you share the phone no.?

17th Mar 2011, 14:23
normally,they donot answer,u have to keep trying specially around 10-11 am....number is02240191000 extn-1436...they talk hardly for a minute..no time to ask name n details bro..plz post if u get a chance to talk n get any updated info

17th Mar 2011, 14:25
i got the mail from jet, i cleared the exam, wooohhhhoooo! :ok:

17th Mar 2011, 14:30
congrats !!!

17th Mar 2011, 14:35
Congrats mate..!!

Anyone else who has received the mail?

17th Mar 2011, 14:38
i received it too @ 14.19pm

Result : Cleared :)

Congrats to my fellow exam sitters who also are successful, others do not despair, Success is only around the corner ..or in our case - bank (as in AOB)!

17th Mar 2011, 14:47
i got the mail too but i dint clear :(

17th Mar 2011, 14:56
congrats all.. all the best!!

17th Mar 2011, 15:00
@ people who cleared the written: Did they mention anything about the GDs in the letter?

17th Mar 2011, 15:00
got their mail just 36 mins bak...
cleared :)

17th Mar 2011, 15:11
there's no mention of gd round yet, it will be informed later in a separate mail

17th Mar 2011, 15:22
even i cleard the writtens...happy...:D:cool::p

17th Mar 2011, 15:26
"We will advise you about your schedule for the Stage 2 (Assessment Centre) of the selection process by a seperate communication."

No date given by them, expecting another email in one or two days.

Congratulations to all those who cleared the exam!

17th Mar 2011, 15:30
good to hear more positive than negative on this forum...

congratulation to all those well deserving guys who cleared..! all the best with the upcoming rounds

for the rest ...hang in there a lil while more and we'l be there too...!

17th Mar 2011, 15:41
Cleared...!!!!congratulations to all those who made it....for the rest all da best for future..guys pls post here when u get the gd mail

17th Mar 2011, 15:55
got the mail but did't clear so sad:suspect::suspect::(:(:{:{:{:confused::confused::uhoh::uh oh::ugh::ugh:

17th Mar 2011, 15:57
Good job to all who cleared. I didn't. ;)

17th Mar 2011, 15:57
didnt clear... :ugh: :{

17th Mar 2011, 16:07
finally !!! the wait was getting unbearable !!

17th Mar 2011, 16:22
i noticed something in the mail though, it says "dear candidate", rather than the name instead. so hopefully they address us by name for the "gd mail" as proof that we really passed lol :ok:

17th Mar 2011, 18:29
Cleared! but no news about the GD date yet

18th Mar 2011, 05:26
Hey guys its good to know many of u cleared....I got my result... I didn't clear hopefully i'll have a better luck next tym...:{:{:{:ugh::\

18th Mar 2011, 05:53
didn't clear......:{:{:{

18th Mar 2011, 06:03

Just want to know, whtz the process to apply again, are there exams held again...can we reappear and try again....what to do next???? plz guid someone.....

18th Mar 2011, 06:09
Cleared!! Now what??

Any prep required for GD or is it just someone sitting behind a glass pane judging you for what you really are!!!

18th Mar 2011, 06:33
The application for trainee first officer is no longer there on Jet Airways Website..?? So what to do now.... Type Rating..??:ooh::ooh:

18th Mar 2011, 17:37
congratz to all those who cleared...........!!!!!!! yoU all are few steps closer to what you always wanted to do....!!! FLY FLY AND FLY

@ITAviator, go thru this post

@aroumika, yes your name and roll no will be specifically mentioned when you will invited to GD....the main reason i find is because you will have to show your ID proof when entering the 9W hangar located near Kalina.

18th Mar 2011, 17:43
In the previous selection process, was the GD conducted only in Mumbai, or in the respective centers where the exams were conducted?


18th Mar 2011, 17:51
@vertigo911....GD only in Mumbai.

18th Mar 2011, 18:21
Hello All

I cleared the Exam..:)
I even got the letter from indigo for the test on 28th March. Now the prob is I am a bit confused what if Jet holds its GD's around 28th as last time GD were done within 12-13 days of the declaration of result and Indigo wants me to pay by 22nd..I really want to give Indigo too because clearing exam doesnt mean i have got a job, there ae many more rounds to go n what if Indigo doesnt call me again..aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh

Any advices?

18th Mar 2011, 19:33
Same situation as you, thinking about my options.

18th Mar 2011, 20:05
so what are you doing?
you think dates will clash?? they shdnt though

18th Mar 2011, 20:06
i unfortunately have no option but to pray and hope that the gd and interview works out well for me
if i had one question to ask god right now, it would be "on what basis do spice and indigo call up their candidates?"
it's been a couple of months since i've applied to both carriers, but i haven't heard from them, it's seems like an "eanie-meanie-mienee-mo" or "inki-pinki-ponki" kinda random call-up :D

18th Mar 2011, 20:14

irritate her..send her mail every 3 hrs..start calling her up from tomm..this time i was lucky i got her mail after 5 mins i mailed her up.. I gave an attempt in july too then someone told me call her up on these last days cz she generally picks up n mails you..you can try this..it worked out for me n some friends of mine in july..

18th Mar 2011, 20:34
@ flyinghigh89
that's true and thanks for your help, really appreciate it :ok: but my point was a proper recruiting system should have a candidate apply only "ONCE", with a proper 'record and data-base', rather than having to apply unsuccessfully over and over again
all this worth a fee of 18-20 grand for the written? not worth it :=

18th Mar 2011, 21:04
Can anyone plz tell us(from the previous GD) apprxly for how long was each round in the GD?
And from what i've gathered from previous discussions is that-
4 aviation based and 1 non aviation based GD will be held
4 members in each team
Do we each get to speak sequentially?
And in total how long is this whole process of 5gd rounds?
Plz help! thnx

Captain JET
19th Mar 2011, 02:56
Whom to call for Spicejet exam?

About JETAIRWAYS, GD will have each group of 4 people. They will be asked to compete with each other on random basis. It will be easy (don't worry). You are not required to do any extra studies. Material is give to you, and you gotto give your views on the subject matter as asked for.

each one is given chance to speak and the group has to come to a conclusion, during GD.

There will be a debate topic too, where your group will be asked to be PRO or AGAINST, and you will be competing with a group with opposite instructions. At end you will be expected to come to a conclusion.

All this assessment center is about 10 am to 5 Pm with lunch break etc. about 30 min for each of 5 rounds.

Wish you all the best.

19th Mar 2011, 06:28
go through this link....

there's no specific combination on five rounds in GD.....!!!
yes, 4 in each group....and you can talk whenever you wish to.....!!

you have to open your mouth yourself.....in the rarest case...like it happened with a candidate in my group...will you be asked to open your mouth by the examiners and other candidates [when u choose to keep it shut for 25min out of 30min]

19th Mar 2011, 08:40
Guys please anybody who knows tell me what is an OCA in ILS approach?????

Sahil Verma
19th Mar 2011, 11:41
OCA/H - Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height
The lowest altitude/height above the elevation of the runway threshold or above the aerodrome elevation as applicable used in establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.

In simpler words, it is the 'margin' from the highest obstacle in that area. There will be a further margin called the 'ops margin' from the OCA/H which will define the MDA/DA.

Captain JET
19th Mar 2011, 17:59
Any clues as to how many cleared (percentage) in written test. Almost all flunked as per my knowledge, amongst people I know of.

Any further vacancies coming up with JET?

19th Mar 2011, 20:29
@ Captain Jet
from the candidates i know and i've asked who have given the exam, it seems around 8-12%, which is around 1 out of every 8 or 12, (1 out of every 12 being 8% and 1 out of every 8 being 12%), but this is just my analysis, not "official" by any means :)

20th Mar 2011, 20:27
I flunked the GD last time...according to my self analysis,3 rounds went pretty good,but 1 (debate)-din get chance to speak much n messed up the 5th round...
those who cleared last time-any advice or suggestion???

20th Mar 2011, 23:28
@ upfirst,

yes, all of those who made it through all the rounds in the august recruitment have been inducted. some even got a second chance in the interview and have joined recently.

@ capt.abhi172,

as i said earlier as well, your roll no does not denote how many people gave the written. yes, around 4000 people did apply, however only 2200 got a call for the written. that should clear things up a little. also, i did mention, do not waste your time and energy finding out how many people applied and wrote the paper. you'll get to know all that info the day you join the airline anyways, if you do make it through that is.

again, congratulations to all who made it through the written! you're one step closer!

for those of you who didn't, don't lose faith. keep in touch with your books. apply to all the airlines again and work harder next time. :)

21st Mar 2011, 03:33

That's not true, my friend who made it through it August has his joining date in May. The induction process (i.e Medicals etc) has not commenced for his batch.

21st Mar 2011, 05:55
Ladies and Gentleman, I read through this long thread, this is my part of GD prep, Concluding it..

Let me reiterate what has been said on this thread up till now:

- 5 rounds for each group.
- 4 person/group.
- Whole day session, 10:00 to 17:00.
- time per round ~~30 min.
- One of the rounds, we will be given a writeup and expected to read through it and discuss within our group.
- Another round, we will be given a topic (Aviation/General) and expected to discuss on the same within our group.
- Another round, we will be given a topic and expected to debate pro/against it with another group of 4 aspiring Jet pilots..
- Not sure of other 2 rounds
- Success in GD will lead to interview, which will be within a day or two of GD..

Those who have attended the GD last time, kindly add/correct whatever i could assimilate on this thread regarding the GD.
Also, kindly share the topics which you all got the last time.

Pheewwww, that was long.... but so is the thread.

21st Mar 2011, 05:57
Thnx a lot for ur help..could u pls throw some light on gd any tips...n further rounds as well..thnx appreciate ur help

21st Mar 2011, 06:54
please tell me what is V3 and V4 speeds?????

21st Mar 2011, 07:04
@ phoenixrk
V3 - flap retraction speed
V4 - steady initial climb speed

21st Mar 2011, 07:13
arou-mika :P

Pretty good preparation going on I must say!
Well any idea about the GD dates?

What book are you using for performance?
N how about using the ace the technical for the interview?

21st Mar 2011, 08:57
Any answers to this one?
This was one of the topics for the G.D as posted earlier in thread.

Aircraft on Approach with one wing low and winds from right.What is the cause?The engine is allright as it was later checked on the ground.

21st Mar 2011, 12:33
please answer the question somebody cause i m having same problem

@aroumika if u know please answer

21st Mar 2011, 12:46
@ aadityaslg
thank you, i prepare to the best that i can, but you never know what to expect :ugh:
as of now, i am referring to ace technical pilot interview ONLY, it's a pretty thick book so hopefully i complete it in time, only then i can move on to other books
no idea when the gd is as of now, your guess can be as good as mine, i've been told it might be delayed by as much as a week, but this is unconfirmed so far
good question, that really got me thinking, as of now, the only possible reasons i could think of are:
1) aileron reversal
2) if the winds are from the right, there's more airflow over the right wing as compared to the left wing, hence generating more lift on the right wing and the left wing being lowered as a result
i could be wrong though, but atleast i came up with something :E

21st Mar 2011, 13:05
there could be fuel imbalance which would have lead to wing drop and cross wind making the situation worse..a probable cause of the incident.

hey guys
Does any of you got called for the GD?

21st Mar 2011, 13:58
@ aaditya
Two techniques used on props for x-wind landing are:
1) Crab method – aircraft nose crabbed into the wind to stay on lateral profile
2) Wing low method (sideslip method) – wing is lowered into the side of wind to compensate x-wind. Opposite rudder and aileron used
I am guessing they are referring to these techniques.

21st Mar 2011, 16:44
Now when I first read that question, I thought well not much of discussion required here, and came to immediate conclusion of a "low wing x/w approach".

But then the question dosn't specify which wing is low, moreover the engine is checked on the ground for any faults.

So you can safely say that it is not due to cross wind.
Now because the engines are ok there should not be any difference in thrust production from the two engines, which means yaw can also be ruled out.

So far the best option I can think of is fuel imbalance.

The reason its picked up as a GD topic is that, it can have various reasons and more than one can be correct. you just have to give your inputs and support your answer.

Good fun eh? :ok:

21st Mar 2011, 19:50
question doesent specify multi engine.

21st Mar 2011, 19:52
Aircraft is performing FORWARD SLIP. :ok:

21st Mar 2011, 20:55
@ fibreglass..

ipts are all completed. medicals happen 1-2 weeks before date of joining. your friend must have given the second interview, hence he is in the may batch. you should ask him for full details before accusing me.

for the gd, i say just be yourself. when they say in the mail that you don't need to prepare for the gd, they mean it. i know people who knew/pretended to know a lot about systems/crashes etc who didn't make it through. to be honest, you cant prepare for a gd. the overview of it is that there will be air crash investigations, debates(you are given what side you are on, either for or against), an exercise where you will be given a non normal situation and you'll have to make your own checklist for the same, and a situation where you'll be stuck somewhere with a list of things that you will need to prioritize in order to survive. i was on the first few days of gds in august with not a clue in the world an i made it through. so you shouldn't be worrying. at times i feel the more info you have the more you try to be someone you're not.

as for the interview, again, stick to basics. answer what is asked, don't show off your knowledge and end up putting your foot in your mouth. like any interview panel, they will take advantage of that. i went through different books, pilots handbook of aeronautical knowledge or from the ground up is good, try getting a hold of the jet basic technical notes that they give us when we join for a brush up of what you already know. the aeroplane technical by peter godwin is a fantastic book.

don't forget your navigation meteorology and regulations as well.

for the IPT, the sim is set up on autopilot, you have control only of the heading track and altitude. very basic procedures, starts with situational awareness, radial intercepts, dme arc if any, hold, non precision approach, missed approach.

throughout the process, you are briefed at each step, esp the gd. everyone is very understanding of your situation so noone is trying to intimidate you, not even in the interview. they start off with personal questions to calm you down. very nice people, if you don't understand anything, ask them and they will help you i guarantee it.

enjoy the process. learn from it as much as you can, because hopefully this will be your first and last recruitment.

take breaks in the middle of your studying and hang out or you'll simply crash and burn in the first few days.

@ sierra2467..

noone is going to spoon-feed you and urge you to talk. that defeats the whole purpose of the gd. you need to know when to talk. its like having a normal conversation with friends except you don't know the other people personally. don't cut off anyone. wait for them to finish making their point and acknowledge it. don't stress out during the gd. they will know if you are being fake or being yourself.

good luck!

22nd Mar 2011, 07:55
Thanks flygirl!

Could you please post some of the interview questions, just to get an Idea of it.
and by the emergency checklist do you mean basic stuff like .. Engine failure after take off/ smoke in cabin/ etc.. ?

For the IPT you use the traditional RMI right ? Because what I have heard is they put the heading mode on the ND.

22nd Mar 2011, 08:27
Thanks flygirl2010, that was pretty useful info

Fly Zone TRA
22nd Mar 2011, 19:47

Same situation as yours. I joined the GD classes in new delhi. Got to know alot of things that i didn't realise earlier about gd. It seems, More than Whats your answer what matters is HOW you answer.

fuel imbalance is only a part of the answer. i think the question also mentions the aircraft running on a dry tank for some time as well. During our Gd courses we were explained that in case of a multi engine, running an a/c on one tank (specially a dry tank) too long does not only lead to fuel imbalance but also raises the possibility of an air block in which case the engine won't revive even if you switch tanks (the engines were checked on landing remember!?). The whole explanation was pretty long but this is basically the gist of it.

What do you mean "They put the heading mode on the 'ND'"? What do you mean by ND?

@fiberglass it is true that the last batches are still to complete their medicals. I wonder however if our GDs will be conducted sooner or will they make us wait untill the medicals for all the batches are over.

@flygirl Thanks for the information. great help! However, I would like to add that even tho' technical prep may not be required for a debate/discussion (even tho' it will be required in case of the Aircraft emergency situation tests during the gd) I feel Attitude preparation and Understanding is required, as some people (me included) even tho' they may know What point to state, may have touble putting forward the point, as one may not have the exact insight as to How can oneself put up a point in the way that the Observers are looking for. In which case some professional guidance may help.

@thearsenal they don't dig too deep into regs. However you should be aware of the general SOP's

Anyone with any information as to when our GD dates will be out? If they will be starting our selection soon or do we have to wait till the previous batches are all done with their induction?
Also Anyone with any information If Jet is going to come up with another written any time soon, please do post it here.
If anyone may please post more GD and Interview Questions here it will be a great help.

Again Congratulations to everybody who cleared the written. Cheers! :ok:

22nd Mar 2011, 20:18
for the ipt it depends on who is taking your test. they may allow you to do it your way or their way. be prepared with both. you have control over the heading, altitude and track. the heading will not be set or changed for you. again, beats the purpose of having the ipt.

nd is the navigation display.

interview questions were basic tech and met for me. critical engine, performance v1 v2 asda toda etc, itcz, lift drag curve.
cant remember all of them right now. will post them when i do.

23rd Mar 2011, 05:40
@ Fly Zone TRA - Thank You.

As flygirl mentioned the ND - is the Navigation Display.

I dont think ppl who are already done with the Interviews will be following this thread any more, but in case there are any.
Please post some more interview ques.

Once again thanks Flygirl! (btw are you a girl with a girly name, or just a guy with a girly name? Aroumika know what I am taking about, what a heart breaker!):p

23rd Mar 2011, 06:34
@ aadityaslg
sorry about the disappointment mate :cool:

23rd Mar 2011, 07:52
@fly girl - the heading will not be set or changed for you. again, beats the purpose of having the ipt.

I would not ask that ques.:p

What I am trying to ask is, do you fly with the traditional RMI or the "RMI displayed" on the ND?

23rd Mar 2011, 12:09
@ fly girl - thanks for all the useful info

how many days after the interview did you have your sim test and does Jet charge you anything for the IPT?

23rd Mar 2011, 15:25
the actual topic should be, speaking for and against 'Fly By Wire.' and not boeing vs airbus.....but again no problem in practicing....!!! there are n number of topics to practice...how about debating on High Bypass Engine & Turbo Prop?

23rd Mar 2011, 15:27
Some of you are repeatedly asking about GD...and probably missed my post earlier


23rd Mar 2011, 16:26
ok guys dont want to be a mood kill but i am hearing that the gd is being deferred till may. a friend has mentioned this to me so i thought id mention it here. please do not hold it against me if its not true just thought id give you guys a head up coz even im not sure if it is.
apparently due to the ongoing pilot scam issues the jet hr are upto their necks with work. so there you go.

23rd Mar 2011, 17:52
@ thearsenal
i really hope what you're saying is true (fingers crossed!), but i wish they could have atleast told us in the "results mail" about the approximate time or month
i have my college board exams from 25th and it's been a real nightmare preparing for 2 things at once, so an estimate from them would have really helped to prioritize my study schedule :ugh:
can anyone here manage to get through HR and get some kinda confirmation? it would be appreciated, thanks! :ok:

on wings
23rd Mar 2011, 19:22
hey thanks alot for mentioning it here...:O though its kind of sad mixed emotions

23rd Mar 2011, 23:16
@ aadityaslg

i misread your post, am sorry. i think you meant if the mode is on heading select. if that was your question, yes it is.

you can either use the traditional rmi or ask for the mode to be changed on the nd. again, depends on the person taking the ipt. he may want you to do it as per him.

an yes, i'm a girl with a girly name unlike aroumika here. haha.

@ rnp2

your performance in the interview decides your ipt date. as i said, the entire process and placement in batches is as per your performance.

the ipt is not charged for, since they use their own simulator for the test. infact there was no fee at any point through the entire process.

24th Mar 2011, 05:46
@ aroumika but you already seem to be prepared a lot my friend

24th Mar 2011, 06:22
is there anybody who can confirm the news given by thearsenal.....

25th Mar 2011, 08:33
ok i think i can confirm it now that same friend spoke to someone in jet HR n said its postponed till june.

25th Mar 2011, 09:27
yea a friend of mine who knows somebody n the HR also told me the same thing yesterday

25th Mar 2011, 19:11
Now THAT is a moodkill. :*

on wings
26th Mar 2011, 03:47
june :eek: OMG!!

hey does anyone knows that how much do u have to pay to jet once you get selected??
if anyone knows about this kindly let me know it would be a grt help....

26th Mar 2011, 03:58
15 Lakh to be precise.

26th Mar 2011, 03:58
You've give two demand drafts of 7.5 each.

26th Mar 2011, 13:15
Believe me it's a good deal.

26th Mar 2011, 15:14
Well. during my Ng induction training 6 yrs back the company also took 15 lakhs but after completion and confirmation as F/Os 7.5 lakhs were returned to us in 2 yearly installments of 75K each, over a period of 5 years.

This was thanks to our association SWIP who fought for it & negotiated with the management as earlier batches paid 7.5 L. But that was then when cost structures were lesser now it could be different. All the best to those that make it!:)


on wings
27th Mar 2011, 09:29
hey thanks alot to all that was grt help :ok:......

28th Mar 2011, 13:54
Apparently the DGCA has asked the airlines to put a pause to the recruitment process. They are going to verify all the CPLs/ATPLs and only after that the airlines will start hiring.

This shall take like 2-3 weeks.

I would take this as a positive sign as people who have received their licenses through unfair means would no longer be in the competition.

28th Mar 2011, 16:46
@ Mustang..Yeah Definitely a Positive..!
But then I don't get it..Spice conducted Interviews Until last week..!
But yeah it does give us time to prepare for the interview..Being optimistic here..! :O

3443 nautical miles
28th Mar 2011, 17:41
so when is it going to start does anyone have any idea?

28th Mar 2011, 18:14
I personally got hold of Mr Bhagwat from the HR and he said that they wont be starting the GD process until June. He also mentioned that close to 450 pilots had been shortlisted for the next round but did not mention anything about the vacancies they needed to fill.

Happy Landings!

3443 nautical miles
28th Mar 2011, 18:20
@aviatormohit (http://www.pprune.org/members/342685-aviatormohit)

450 including those from august or from this exam

28th Mar 2011, 18:28
@3443 nautical miles
im presuming it is coz abt 190 are supposed to have cleared the examthis time around. so mathematically it seems abt right. probably 50 up or down.

28th Mar 2011, 18:46
Total number of of pilots who cleared written are in the range of 100-120 .
Plus guys waiting for GD who got out last time in GD are about close to 300.

28th Mar 2011, 18:47
@3443 nm
As far as I comprehend things, it is for this session. The last time around too they had close to 400 people for the GD which they were doing in batches of 30 and the process lasted for 10-12 days. Plus like u know some people who did not clear their GD the last time have also been called again.

1st Apr 2011, 04:42
Hey guys

DGCA issues stricter rules for hiring of co-pilots | Aviation India: Careers (http://www.indianaviationnews.net/careers/2011/03/dgca-issues-stricter-rules-for-hiring-of-co-pilots.html)

I know this is outa context but i had to put it up. Go through it and please lets every1 here know if u have an idea abt it.

" If a CPL licence holder does not fly for two years, the licence stands cancelled automatically.":ugh::ugh::ugh:

Does this apply to we guys already having indian licenses or for the new comers??:confused::confused::confused:

1st Apr 2011, 05:31
" If a CPL licence holder does not fly for two years, the licence stands cancelled automatically."
I guess the rule he is talking about is Bi-annual Flight Review, its the same as FAA rules.
If you haven't flown for last two years then you cannot access your privileges unless you have either given a pilot proficiency test or bi-annual flight review within last 24 calender months.

people! correct me if i m wrong... i am a newbie... still learning the lessons of aviation...

1st Apr 2011, 07:44
if what i understand from this link is correct, what happens to all the jet airways candidates selected through the process so far, but have got their licenses issued on March 2009 or earlier? (considering they haven't flown since then). does this imply these candidates will be eliminated?

1st Apr 2011, 11:36
The Dgca website does not have any such rule....nd if its true...I am pretty much screwed..nd so are many others! :( :\

1st Apr 2011, 16:18
The rule for ‘Flight Review’ is mentioned on DGCA’s website as follows:
The Aircraft Rules – 1937
Schedule II - Aircraft Personnel
Section A - General
Paragragh number: 9

9. Privileges-No person holding a current pilot’s licence shall exercise the privileges of his licence and rating unless he has satisfactorily undertaken a ‘Flight Review’ in the preceding twenty four months, to show that he maintains the requisite competency and knowledge, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Director-General in this behalf:
Provided that the requirement of ‘Flight Review’ shall be deemed to have been met in case the holder of the pilot’s licence or rating has satisfactorily undergone any one of the following flying tests or checks in the preceding twenty four months, namely:-
(a) the skill test required for issued or renewal of the relevant licence or extension of the rating;
(b) the proficiency checks laid down in the paragraphs specifying the privileges in various Sections of this Schedule relating to pilot’s licences; and
(c) the skill tests required for issue of renewal of Assistant Flight Instructors’ Rating or Flight Instructors’ Rating, or a competency check required for renewal of these ratings.

Validity of a license and exercising the privileges of that particular license are two different things.
Eg. Validity of a FAA CPL in the USA is till you attain age of 65, but there are limitations to exercise the privileges of Commercial Pilot. (Limitations as in medical requirement, recent flying requirement etc.)
Our Indian CPL is valid for 5 years but to exercise privileges the one limitation is one has to undergo a Flight Review (as mentioned above) within last 24 months.
Guys we don’t need to panic at all, if one does an IR proficiency test (which then is considered to be Flight Review requirement) so then our privileges are available again.
Similarly to those guys who have already been selected in an airline the type training cover number of Pilot Proficiency checks (e.g. Normal type check, IR/LR check etc.) then automatically they can exercise their privileges of a Commercial Pilot (i.e. to act as a Co-Pilot).

1st Apr 2011, 20:43
@ THE MIR Lemme Guess....lemme Guess..Was this an April Fool Joke :E

2nd Apr 2011, 03:32
that article is written by the indian press, dont look into too much, they misinterpret everything that they are told. so dont worry about it.

2nd Apr 2011, 05:53
guys ..
the aviation industry is quite a fickle one and with the price of ATF skyrocketing with the global /ME scenario , chances are companies are going to have a re-look at their expansion plans. No one wants to have excess capacity and an under-utilised manpower situation if the economy slips back into the negative.

What happened in 2008 ,ie with the global recession , companies and Jet in particular cut their work force, delayed training of their new-hires by more than a year, cut pay hikes, took away allowances and re-negotiated contracts with vendors.That's how you stay afloat in a cut-throat environment as aviation and Jet Airways are masters of the game in India . When a few quarters indicated growth , it was a mad dash to add capacity and train pilots etc. Therefore the hiring etc.

If I were one of the candidates shortlisted, I would start praying real hard that the conflict in the ME subsides, the price of oil dips and stays below 100$ and the economy stays on track. The mood right now is more recessionary than expansionary .
Best of luck.:ok:

2nd Apr 2011, 06:21
Does not look good at all if that is the case. It is starting to look more and more unlikely as the days wear on that the Gaddafi issue will be sorted without a full blooded war.

2nd Apr 2011, 10:36
except indigo...any airline is gonna hire??

on wings
3rd Apr 2011, 13:32
does any one has a clue that jet has how many vacancies???

7th Apr 2011, 16:09
if an a/c has got the left static port blocked ..

a.alimeter will over read in case of a right side slip
b.altimeter wil overread in case of a side slip to left.

the answers in keith william is confusing me..

7th Apr 2011, 16:43
it will overread side-slipping to the left