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5th Feb 2011, 17:32
As far as I know.. 150 A is how much the battery can hold.. And 450ma.. is what you are demanding out of it.. so therefore it can just hold on for 20 mins..
P.S. On a side note.. if thearsenal means the epl team arsenal.. It's a sad sad day..

5th Feb 2011, 17:56
15 hrs * 10 A = 150 Ah

x hrs * 450 A = 150 Ah
x hrs = 150/450
x = 1/3 hrs or,
x = 60/3 = 20 mins

5th Feb 2011, 18:11
dude its not ampere/hour,its ampere hour,unit of electrical charge...for ex-a current source that is one amp-hour can deliver one amp for an hour or two amps for half an hour or sixty amps for one minute. so it has to be 150amp hour/450 amp=0.33 hours=20 mins.

6th Feb 2011, 06:56
I you really want to study deep..... study from Mike Burton
But its to much just go through grounds up and if ny problem in understanding just see videos in you tube .
they have explained in detail

6th Feb 2011, 20:02
Temperature at 39000ft is -56.5*C the deviation from ISA is?

A) ISA+6
C) ISA +7.5
D) ISA +5.5


6th Feb 2011, 20:13
@ aadityaslg

The answers is option B) ISA because temperature remains constant at -56.5 from 36000-65000 feet according to ISA

6th Feb 2011, 20:24

The answers for the powerplant book is given in the last few pages :)

7th Feb 2011, 03:42
Yeah.. that was a cheeky one from Jet Airways.. :)
I mean those questions look n in fact are very simple and basic, but then they give u little time to think about it..

Happy Studying!

7th Feb 2011, 05:01

In the long run,which would be awise choice?
Being with the BOeing fleet or an Airbus fleet?

320s have begun to flood the skies..
More AirNm/g , FBW...many advtgs

Any valuable i/ps on this topic is welcome.

7th Feb 2011, 05:51

I suggest you start a new thread for your debate

7th Feb 2011, 06:26
Any confirmation on the exam date yet?

7th Feb 2011, 07:36

Thank you :) but my ebook didnt had the answers anywhere. probably some old version...
anyways i got that download again..!! :ok:

7th Feb 2011, 08:39
A 10 amp-hour battery can provide ten amps for one hour, or one amp for ten hours. The capacity is a product of current and time. The more proper unit would be the watt-hour, but you can find that by multiplying voltage and current (i.e., a 10 Ah 12V battery is a 120 Wh battery).

Note that this doesn't mean you can get 100 amps out of that battery for six minutes. Maximum current is limited by the physical construction of the battery. If you draw current out too quickly, the chemical reaction becomes limited, and this can even cause permanent or catastrophic damage (read: explosion) to the battery. Usually, a battery is designed for a specific current drain and this will be current at which the amp-hour capacity is measured.

So a 150 AH battery can only provide 150 amperes of current(if its 100% efficient which is never true. A/c batteries shud be atleast 80 % efficient).
For a system of 450 Amperes three batteries ,150AH each,must be connected in parallel to serve a system of 450 Amperes for an hour...
Also bateries have power rating..that must also be considered . In winters you must need atleast 33% buffer for battery back up: More AH to be used in cold temp..

fly safe

7th Feb 2011, 13:22
were the questions in jetairways exam from oxford???

7th Feb 2011, 14:00
nice..!! :)

so according to the explanation given, answer to Radar_contact's question
a 150Ah battery will provide 450amps for how long????
would be?? not 20min ofcourse..

or we can just say its just a theoretical question and not technically applicable :ooh:

7th Feb 2011, 15:21
A 150 Ah rated battery cannot sustain a system of 450Ah...In short it will not provide current to 450 Ah...thats what my knowledge says..Practically the battery will leak,explode, or get damaged.
I find this ques irrelevant or one of the option must be "Irrelevant"..

Only three 150 Ah batteries can sustain a system of 450 Ah, that too connected in parallel...

fly safe

7th Feb 2011, 16:36
Can all of you guys, trying to show their knowledge over here,start a new thread n discuss it over dere????and keep this thread to let ppl know any updates about the exam dates n recruitment process...

7th Feb 2011, 17:28
cheers guys thanks fr the response really helpful.

8th Feb 2011, 05:28
errors of turn and slip indicators

can some1 elaborate please

9th Feb 2011, 06:27
written exam on the 27th feb 2011

9th Feb 2011, 07:33
is it tentative or sure.?? and what about the call letters??

9th Feb 2011, 07:34
written exam on the 27th feb 2011

Sources please...

10th Feb 2011, 03:34
Can any-one suggest me any books for the same?

10th Feb 2011, 13:11
can any1 tell me what is the procedure to get the confirmation mail from jet airways to take the exam with lapsed ir.
herd a few ppl have received the confirmation mail from the HR of jet..
do u need to personally contact the concerned people... ????? or is there any other way.....???

10th Feb 2011, 15:23

Confirmation mail??? I dont think everyone with lapsed IR need to get an individual confirmation regarding same. Its been already confirmed that we dont really require a current IR, but still you can e-mail the jet HR department for your satisfaction.

few queries if anyone could explain
1. What is the theoretical maximum range that an aircraft at FL420 will obtain from a VOR beacon situated at 400' amsl?
ans - 276nm

2. What is the approximate maximum range that an aircraft flying at 25000' would expect to obtain from a VOR beacon situated 900' amsl?
ans - 198nm

whts is th difference between THEORETICAL MAXIMUM RANGE and APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM RANGE?? :ugh:

10th Feb 2011, 16:20
has anyone got reply from jet yet ?

10th Feb 2011, 16:23
the theoretical maximum range is the range of radio signal as determined by the formula for line of sight waves (1.25(rootH1+rootH2)).
the theoretical range does not take into account various factors such as signal attenuation, transmitter power, propagation conditions.
in reality, the maximum range is actually less than the theoretical range.
regarding the second question, no idea how it is calculated !!

10th Feb 2011, 16:38
i applied same line of site formula but not getting any of those answers :ugh: also dint find the solution anywhere

que are from Oxford : Radio Navigation chapter 4 VOR

10th Feb 2011, 16:41
The approximate maximum range of a VHF signal is given by the formula:

VHF Range in nm = the square root of (1.5 x altitude in feet)

Example: At 7,000 ft AMSL, approximate VHF range = square root of (1.5 x 7,000) = square root of (10,000) = 100 nm.

10th Feb 2011, 16:43
Hello guys,

All the folks here who has contacted Jet Airways HR about there queries and have got a reply from them, can they please again contact them and try to know when Jet Aiirways is planning to conduct the exam.

Fly safe

10th Feb 2011, 16:46
Jet is filtering all queries about the trainee pilot induction and is giving a standard preset reply. no use contacting them by email. If some one can contact via phone will be useful...

10th Feb 2011, 16:58
@cvc chetan
hey even with the formula root 1.5 times ht in ft is not working on that sum that is posted.

10th Feb 2011, 17:03
it comes to 193.6 almost equal to 194..

the nearest option here is 198 .. so its the answer.

to be precise - add the 900 to 25000 and then do the calculation.. it comes to 197.x

10th Feb 2011, 17:05
yup if u add them it comes right otherwise it comes to 194. thanks.

10th Feb 2011, 17:09
well that's the reason its called approximate.. cos u don't know the exact..

Best of luck and cheers

10th Feb 2011, 21:32
i have a small doubt the vhf formula
D=1.25 * Sq(h1) + 1.25 * Sq (h2)
H1&H2 are the altitudes of station and ac in feet amsl

where as in the question FL are used for ac

and for FL are 29.92hg or 1013.25hpa

and sq(1.5*height) is same as D=1.25 * Sq(h1) + 1.25 * Sq (h2)
because square root of 1.5 is 1.22 or 1.25 aprox

may be because of the ac vertical distance given in FL we are not getting the correct ans

11th Feb 2011, 02:20
In the question mentioned in the book, the distance is given as 25000' and not FL250....

11th Feb 2011, 05:28
The formula 1.25(root of h1+ root of h2) is an approximation just like 1 by 60 rule.

The exact formula of calculating range of a Tx considers POwer, medium characteristics , frequency and more components which are not associated with Aviation. (must have read R=root (power))

So, the above mentioned formula gives you an approximate ans, choose whichever is near to that ans.

Theoritical and approximate ranges are same thing. I think its a no brainer, just to confuse. Only ques 4 sounds confusing in which ans comes out to be 281 but the ans given is different. I presume this as a mistake.

Fly Safe

11th Feb 2011, 09:02

"1. What is the theoretical maximum range that an aircraft at FL420 will obtain from a VOR beacon situated at 400' amsl?
ans - 276nm

2. What is the approximate maximum range that an aircraft flying at 25000' would expect to obtain from a VOR beacon situated 900' amsl?
ans - 198nm"

Max Theoretical Range of Vor = 1.23 √Receiver Ht (in feet) + 1.23√Transmitter Ht (in feet)

= 1.23 √42000 +1.23 √400
= 276 nm

Approximate Maximum Range = 1.23√[Reciever Ht + Transmitter Ht(in feet)]

= 1.23√[25000+ 900]
=198 nm


11th Feb 2011, 12:59
hey thanks to all :ok:

i used 1.25 √Receiver Ht + 1.25 √Transmitter Ht instead of 1.23 which also made a lot of difference
using 1.25 in the 1st numerical gives ans = 281nm (which is one of the option but is WRONG)
and 1.23 gives the perfect answer = 276nm

Also didnt knew the difference in theoretical maximum range and approximate maximum range :rolleyes:

but now all clear.. :) thanks again to all :ok:

11th Feb 2011, 13:11
I have a doubt from radio aids oxford
The reference wave is 240 and variable is 90. What is the phase difference?
Answer should be 150 or 210?


11th Feb 2011, 13:36
i thought it was 150 ::E:E.. But it's 210.. As it's 360+90-240 = 210..

11th Feb 2011, 13:48
Answer would be 210.

11th Feb 2011, 15:59
Folks, candidates are getting the call up letters.
Exam is on 27 feb 2011 as speculated.

Best of Luck to all

Fly safe

11th Feb 2011, 16:24
it seems ppl with 65xxx nos got the mail
next week theyll send 66xxx and 67xxx

11th Feb 2011, 16:48
dont forget.. there also is the 87xxx series.. btw i m 67 series and got none...

11th Feb 2011, 16:55
i got the letter: for all... ->

Sub : Crew Recruitment – Trainee First Officer

Dear Mr. Jobless Pilot,

Please refer to your application for an opening as a Trainee First Officer.

As a part of the pilot selection process, you are requested to appear for a written test scheduled on Sunday, 27th February, 2011 at 1100 hours at Sathaye College, Dixit Road, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400 057. You must report to the venue atleast 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam.

Kindly note that Jet Airways Trainee First Officer selection process will consist of the following stages:
Written test:
Multiple-choice; objective type
Duration – about 4hrs. excluding lunch/tea breaks and Test briefing/ instruction/ practice Time (as specified in each Test).
Part-1: Mental ability Test consists of different types of Reasoning Tests
Part-2: Domain Aptitude Tests consisting of Technical, Performance, Instruments, Navigation, Radio Aids, Air Regulation and Meteorology
Candidates must bring pen, pencils & eraser to answer the Multiple choice, objective type Tests.

Computer, PDA, Spy pen, camera, Electronic storage/memory devices, hands free, ear phone and similar any other equipment and devices are strictly NOT ALLOWED in the Examination hall.

Mobile phone has to be STRICTLY in POWER OFF mode through-out the duration of the written Test and all time inside the Examination hall.
Candidates qualifying in the written test will be invited to participate in “Jet Airways Pilot selection Assessment Centre”. Location, date and Time will be communicated to the candidate in a separate letter.

Assessment Centre:
Duration one full day
The assessment centre will consist of various exercises such as role plays, group discussions, individual and group tasks.
Candidates qualifying in the assessment centre will appear for a Management Interview.
Candidates qualifying in the interview will appear for screening on simulator (IPT).
The successful candidates will be examined for pre-employment medicals.

Kindly note, you will have to make your own arrangements for travel, conveyance, accommodation and boarding during the whole selection process. You are requested to carry this letter along with a photo I. D. and the Indian CPL the day of the written exam.

Wish you success.

Yours sincerely,


11th Feb 2011, 17:02
did they really write " dear Mr. jobless pilot" LOL :D :D :ugh:

11th Feb 2011, 17:55
when i m gonna get this e-mail

11th Feb 2011, 18:19
my ref no is in the 65XX series, which is the start of the ref no... so i guess everyone else shlld get it in a day or 2...

11th Feb 2011, 19:34
anyone with lapsed IR got the letter ??????

11th Feb 2011, 20:22
Heylos to all...
Fellow pilots if u could shed some light on Typical(Aviation Q's) last attemp jet questions which were in bulk or some out of the blue Q's as i was unable to appear last time....

Thanks in advance...:ok:

11th Feb 2011, 21:48

12th Feb 2011, 03:10
Guys who all got the letter form jet regarding exam:confused: :ugh:

12th Feb 2011, 04:25
Any one with the lapsed IR and got the mail??? Please inform ASAP...

12th Feb 2011, 04:28
Your Roll no. is not mentioned in this mail??? :confused:

12th Feb 2011, 06:43
the roll no n the ref no, both r specified in the first 2 lines... i have erased it in the post

12th Feb 2011, 06:53
Many candidates have applied twice and thrice over the Jet website... this ways if 3000 people are really applying for the jobs, there will be more than 3000 applications.
Previously applications were not getting accepted due to som server problem, then it started so people did using different email address.
and now no matter you enter some new email address it is not getting accepted and they are checking on other parameters as well like passport no, name etc.
On what basis Jet will select who all should be called for exam.
Some might get more than 1 roll numbers sent on their different email ID'd :p
And some will not recieve even 1 :{

More over one of my freinds applied for cabin crew job earlier for jet airways, and when he tried doing for FO he could not do it, so he did using different email and it was accepted.
So does this mean that you cannot apply for different Job profiles in Jet????:eek:

12th Feb 2011, 07:03
Can u pls explain how is it 360+90-240 cz i remember doing some ques by just plainly subtracting them..

12th Feb 2011, 07:27
well u travel ahead of the reference signal and not backward.. thts why..

12th Feb 2011, 08:29
Over 4000 applications for only 40 posts on the NG!....Simply ridiculous!

12th Feb 2011, 08:48
Any Body With Lapsed Ir Got Mail For Mumbai Center....

12th Feb 2011, 09:06
Any sources to backup the claim of 40 vacancies??

12th Feb 2011, 09:30
Anyone from delhi or bangalore got a call letter?
or have they just sent letters to bombay people till now?

and yes did anyone with lapsed IR get a call?

12th Feb 2011, 09:33
I am fr mumbai and still havent got it...

12th Feb 2011, 09:45
Ur Ir Is Current Or Lapsed?????

12th Feb 2011, 10:47
Same speculations had been made last time and the number 40 ended up being 100.

12th Feb 2011, 11:24
has anybody with lapsed IR got call letters..????
are the call letters issued only for mumbai people..????
@ everybody for delhi , blore centers :
have u people got the call letters..?????

12th Feb 2011, 12:12
well my reference no is 66xxx.. got the call letter
and i have a lapsed IR,...!! so dont worry guys with lapsed IR, will surely get call within a day or 2 :ok:
Also they are mentioning your reference no along with Roll no in mail..!!

12th Feb 2011, 12:16
Mine is 65.. no email yet..


12th Feb 2011, 12:35
even mine is 65XXX and no mail as yet :uhoh:

12th Feb 2011, 12:42
Lapsed IR is not an issue , because u will get ur CA40 during ur sim checks in ne case !!!

12th Feb 2011, 13:06
Current IR, 67 series.. no mail..

neither for the 87 series..

12th Feb 2011, 13:26
lapsed IR isnt an issue..it should be fine..
guys...can anyone suggest a book for the technical/performance/jet engines part..??

good luck fellas!!

12th Feb 2011, 13:28
oxford has em all....

12th Feb 2011, 14:24
hey guys..!
i need the answers for Oxford book 5 INSTRUMENTS :\

page 23-52 is missing which has all answers for FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS chapters..
plz plz plz... this is request, if anyone has it please spare some time and post it

i am opening this oxford books for the 1st time and facing this stupid faults.. :ugh:

12th Feb 2011, 15:32
it seems we will get call letters only on monday cos today and tom are corporate holidays...

23-52 missing fr me too... sry cannot help rt now.. wait for a few hrs... or may be others can help...

12th Feb 2011, 16:15
Can someone please help me out with Oxford Book No. 8 Human Performance... I am getting all the corrupted files..

@uniform If the missing pages you are talking about are the answer pages, then its missing in all the pdf download.

12th Feb 2011, 16:46
yup.. my book 7 and 8 are working fine.. it was a corrupt file i had to recover..

but finally managed...

to get it

make sure u hv a dropbox account....

and pm me ur mail id.. ill send u a share invite..

12th Feb 2011, 17:01
Done.... :)

12th Feb 2011, 17:04
download them and confirm working...


12th Feb 2011, 17:46
hello guys,

Just need a clarification on this ,im sure there might be plenty out there with multiple roll nos. As a result of multiple form submissions. Now on the day of the test, if we choose to sit on 1 of the seats with a roll no. ,will they mark us as 'absent' on the other seat(s) with the other roll no(s). as eventually,it'll all be grouped under one name and lic no. Etc etc.
...and would this cause the test under the name to be dismissed/ disqualified/ not considered etc.?

Just a loud thought,guys.

In my case i had 2 submit the 2nd time when i realised that my lic. No. & a date were incorrect, even though it got through,so i resubmitted with a new email id.

12th Feb 2011, 17:50
well they have filters to sort out duplicate entries..

moreover, we know they had technical issues in application, so we can use this as our protection shield..

And since even they are aware of such issues, they will not make a big issue outta it...

so be cool.... and pray fr the best!!

12th Feb 2011, 17:57
hope so & all d best to everyone.
i presume human factors cn be left out safely as its not mentioned in d letter either.

DJ Flyboy
13th Feb 2011, 01:53
Has anyone from delhi got the call letter..my application no was 65***..i havent got the letter yet..should I be worried....???

13th Feb 2011, 02:51
Hi Guys, anyone with reference num 70XXX got the call???

Or any body from delhi getting calls???????:):rolleyes:

13th Feb 2011, 04:58
Page 23-52 for book five oxford

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Book 5 ? Page 23.doc (http://hotfile.com/dl/104212765/7c78ded/Book_5__Page_23.doc.html)

13th Feb 2011, 05:13
Only Mumbai people got call letter and none of banglore or delhi people got it from my network, something is definitely going around .
Or is it gonna be different centre's with different dates??? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

13th Feb 2011, 05:17
Not all mumbai center ppl got call letters..

atleast me and a couple of my friends who also have the center as mumbai have not got it..

13th Feb 2011, 05:20
Not all mumbai center ppl got call letters..

I am talking about my network.:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

13th Feb 2011, 05:22
ohhhh.... k....;)

13th Feb 2011, 07:11
Thanks cvchetan for the clarification n answers for book 5 oxford..:)
God bless you n hope u make it..:)

13th Feb 2011, 07:27
thanks a lot mate... good wishes are the max needed in these times...

my good wishes to you and all appearing the exams...


Torque Skylon
13th Feb 2011, 08:52
hey even I received the same mail yesterday evening!!
Lapsed IR and ref 67xxx.

13th Feb 2011, 08:52
Heya guys,
I have got the call letter yesterday. My IR is lapsed for over a year now. So dont worry about the IR being lapsed as CA40 will take care of that during the sims. Also a big number is expected this time is my Roll# starts with 16.. so i can imageine atleast the 2000 mark crossing in mumbai alone.
Talking about Delhi attemp, all of my friends that i spoke to there havent got the call yet. Some with current and some with lapsed IR.. so stop worrying about the IR.
Anybody can suggest a good book for mental ability and those nasty figures to solve please.

13th Feb 2011, 08:56
Heya guys,
I have got the call letter yesterday. My IR is lapsed for over a year now. So dont worry about the IR being lapsed as CA40 will take care of that during the sims. Also a big number is expected this time is my Roll# starts with 16.. so i can imageine atleast the 2000 mark crossing in mumbai alone.
Talking about Delhi attemp, all of my friends that i spoke to there havent got the call yet. Some with current and some with lapsed IR.. so stop worrying about the IR.
Anybody can suggest a good book for mental ability and those nasty figures to solve please.

Torque Skylon
13th Feb 2011, 08:56
hey even I got the same mail yesterday.
Even my IR is lapsed and ref no: 67xxx.

13th Feb 2011, 08:58
I am looking for the jet exam question paper(08,10), which somebody posted here.
Unable to locate, has it been deleted...

13th Feb 2011, 09:48
There's a reason it's called the 'Mental Ability' test.

No studying required for it.

Its what sets the able and the book worms apart.

All the best.

13th Feb 2011, 12:26
Hey guys...
just wanna knw abt the numericals from the last attempt of Aug..they were from OXFORD????
and also
Q. An a/c is on airway boundry range 100nm from a VOR marking the airway centre line.Assuming each dot rep 2 deg.how many dots deviation will be shown on the deviation indiacator??
Ans..if u apply 1 in 60 rule with airway width to be 10 nm u get the correct ans????
but how much is the airway width????(i researched it to be 8 nm)..

13th Feb 2011, 12:28
Totally agree wid u...

13th Feb 2011, 12:58
well width is 10 nms,5nms either side of centreline. so if it is at the boundary range,it is 5nms frm centreline. usin 1/60 rule, 5*60/100=3 degrees. since each dot=2 degrees,therefore it has to be 1.5 dots.

13th Feb 2011, 13:18
btw,were there any numericals in last attempt? i heard dat no numericals wr askd last tym as calculators wernt allowd,wch is the case this tym too.

13th Feb 2011, 14:22
Guys cud u pls help me out with the links to download OXFORD FOR GENERAL NAVIGATION????

13th Feb 2011, 15:39
has anybody who cleared the exam got to the gd n failed, got called for this jet exam? a swift reply would be much appreciated.

13th Feb 2011, 16:48
I got my written cleared last tym but flunked gd...n no call yet...but no one in delhi centre has got call letters yet

13th Feb 2011, 16:48
Guys Correction ....in respect to previous Jet numericals
Airways Width is 10nm either side on land and 20 nm eitherside on sea
therefore 10nm from center line either side
so the solution should be

10*60/100= "6"

i.e 3 dots ******

13th Feb 2011, 17:18
Airways Width is 10nm either side on land and 20 nm eitherside on sea

please check this link out...it says its 8 nm n nt 20.

Victor airways - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_airways)

13th Feb 2011, 17:39
Victor Airway R 8nm Wide Usa Terminologyu
Airway According To Uk Oxford Are 10 Nm Wide..
Ans Acc To Oxford Is 1.5 Dots..

13th Feb 2011, 17:45
guys guys ,,

well you both are right in your own senses,

let me clarify

in the US of A its called victor airways,prefixed V or J and is 8 NM wide (4 nm either side).

in Europe its called airways , prefixed U and is 10 NM ( 5 nm either side ).

and logically we here in India normally follow the British way so it has to be 10 NM.
well doesn't make much of a difference anyways check it out as well :ok:


13th Feb 2011, 19:49
@guitarboy, with massive amount of unemployed CPL holders appearing for the exam, unrelated means are the only way of trickling out, sadly. And well it's like those TV show challenges, where if you can climb the highest peak or aim-shoot a ball into a bottle neck, the reward is One Million dollars and with Jet airways it's piloting a big white and blue shiny jet!
Appreciating the fact that Jet has been pretty considerate towards us with opportunities unlike the other airlines charging a thunder for their written exams or if not, through handsome contacts.

13th Feb 2011, 21:08
@pier39lab - Now i get it! Rightly said! :ok:

14th Feb 2011, 03:23
...so much for the curious guitarist !

14th Feb 2011, 03:39
any call letters today??

14th Feb 2011, 08:03
got mine today...

14th Feb 2011, 08:04
Has any one from delhi received a call letter yet?

14th Feb 2011, 08:26
I m from Delhi..hvnt recd any mail from jet yet
my reference num was 67 series

14th Feb 2011, 08:45
I haven't received the letter as well My reference num is 66 series Delhi

14th Feb 2011, 09:12
Im also from delhi and havent received any call letter yet!!!:(((:*

14th Feb 2011, 09:22
has any one got the call letter who has filled online application twice......:rolleyes:

14th Feb 2011, 09:28
no call letter yet ref with 65xxxx mumbai..:confused:

Torque Skylon
14th Feb 2011, 09:35
Those who did not receive the e-mail by tomorrow, especially people in Mumbai , I think they should give a call to the HR dept. Thats the only way they will know what is happening.

14th Feb 2011, 10:12
No email yet!! :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

14th Feb 2011, 10:31
i got two reference numbers, as i filled the application twice(gave wrong info first time by mistake) but didnt get any e-mail yet,,m from delhi too


14th Feb 2011, 11:19
anyone in the 70xxx roll nos. ?
p.s from delhi, havent got an email

14th Feb 2011, 11:19
i hv 2 ref numbers... got call on my first ref... mumbai center...

14th Feb 2011, 11:35
On 27th exam is in Mumbai only, Delhi and other people have to wait for their turn could be on 6th not sure, and people from Mumbai haven't got their call letter better start calling HR.

14th Feb 2011, 11:39
exam will be throughout at the same time....

14th Feb 2011, 11:52
You are HR guy or what??? :rolleyes: I am just telling you what I have heard from my sources, well if you are so sure then please explain me why Delhi and other center people not getting their call letter? It wasn't same last time, so you better think and reply next time.

14th Feb 2011, 11:58
I dunno how to react .. at times u seem to know nothing and post very basic questions here.. and then suddenly you seem to have more info than any1 else here..
God knows from were u pulled out a different date for Delhi..

If you are not sure, just ask rather then posting the wrong info and then hoping for someone to correct it..

and stop deleting your posts after you get replies like this..

14th Feb 2011, 12:06
Yeah that's what called exchange of information and that's what your supposed to do here, I ask if I don't know anything and when I comes to know about the things I post here what's wrong in this, it's not other way around.
Why not we do one thing, let's wait and watch and If I am wrong, I am not gonna post anything ever on this blog site and If you are wrong then you do the same.
Well as I said I post what I hear, I have heard from a friend of mine who works in Jet saying IR is must, so i posted that and when I saw people saying they have confirmation from the HR I deleted my post, may be my friend was wrong.

14th Feb 2011, 12:24
then please explain me why Delhi and other center people not getting their call letter?
it is because it takes time for them to send e-mails to each one f them. i have few f my frnz in mumbai who hvnt recieved any call letter till now. does it mean they wnt b appearin fr d exam? it takes time,all we can do is wait and meanwhile stdy fr d exam.

It wasn't same last time
how do u know that??the process of sendin call letters went on for couple f days last tym too. a frnd f mine received his letter jst 2 days before d exam.

14th Feb 2011, 13:56
@stiffy - this is my first reply to your post and I suggest you to read the replier's name to your post rather than assuming Who it is..

Also, I didn't get the reason of u getting agitated on my post in the first part.. If you are so well informed by your "SOURCES" why didnt you mention it in the first place...

2ndly.. I am no HR but have the common sense to anticipate that the exams will be held at the same time, the reason which i give for my point of view are.

1. For the same advertisement of jobs, the exams will be held at the same time.

If there were seperat advertisements for each center, I would agree to you saying of "different center's having exams on different dates."

2. If the exam at places other than mumbai are later, The other's can get an idea as to what the pattern of question and MA is going to be, and hence prepare better than the mumbai people.

3. In such a case, mumbai center People can argue that had they be given the extra time and the advance knowledge, they would have prepared better.

Also I am not immature enough nor do I have the EGO that if I am wrong i'll give up posting on this forum. This is a forum and people do go wrong at times.. (A BAD LANDING DOESN'T MEAN U'LL GIVE UP FLYING).

As for the call letters, Today is 14th.. exam is on 27th.. so in ideal condition they still have 3 more days to send call letters so that the candidates get atleast 10 days to arrange the needful.

My thinking behind the delay of sending call letters - Everyone knows there was a technical problem during online submission due to which many duplicate applications and incomplete application will exist on their system which they have to sort out before sending call letters..


Ah ah Ah.... Stiffy - see how the delhi ppl got the exam date also on the 27th... I think its time for you to search new SOURCES... :p

14th Feb 2011, 14:12
:ok: cheers..!! i agree

and dude, please change tht exam date.. its 27th.!!
u really gave me a mini heart attack..!!:E

14th Feb 2011, 14:15
hehe... sry.. my mistake.. :ugh: :ugh: :ugh: corrected it though...;)

14th Feb 2011, 16:31
ok guys this is what i know i have abt 7 friends from bombay who have cleared the written exam in the august attempt but failed the gd and none of them have got calls yet, so honestly im not too sure what is going on. anybody knows someone who failed the gd last time n got called this time?

14th Feb 2011, 17:16
Guys, people who failed the gd last time...wont have to give the writtens again this time...they will b directly called for the GD this time...
Which i find quite unfair, Coz there will be around 300 candidates already selected for the GD which leave a chance for only around 100 ppl to get selected in the writtens...& this info is from the HR...

14th Feb 2011, 17:20
WTF...... tht is super unfair......

Hope they take in double the ppl than they took last time if this is the case...

14th Feb 2011, 18:04
if this is the case it is simply absurd.....:ugh::ugh::ugh:
Fresh exams shud be wid Fresh selections..no backlogs...:=

14th Feb 2011, 18:27
i had cleard my written exam in the august attempt n still have not received my call.....may be possible coz i have filled in for delhi attempt......
but i really dnt beleive that they shall be calling people directly fr the GD based on their result from the last attempt!!!

14th Feb 2011, 19:30
Guys, people who failed the gd last time...wont have to give the writtens again this time...they will b directly called for the GD this time...
Which i find quite unfair, Coz there will be around 300 candidates already selected for the GD which leave a chance for only around 100 ppl to get selected in the writtens...& this info is from the HR...

soulplane 787

I am one of those guys who gout out in GD last time and what you are saying does not seems right cause all i know that we also have to do it the same way as all other fresh guys.

15th Feb 2011, 03:11
a friend of mine failed his INTERVIEW and hes received a call for the written exam yesterday...:confused:

15th Feb 2011, 05:01
hello all
here i wud like to share some of my personal experience
Part 1 Writtens:
2 papers based on aviation knowledge(technical, air navigation), i completed the oxford books, and i guess tht was enough
3 paper based on mental ability, tht i prepared frm rs aggarwal reasoning verbal and non verbal questions, the questions asked in the paper, were somewhr very near to wht i prepared.

Part 2 gd round:
this part will consist of 5 rounds, 2 rounds will consist case studies, 1 survival exercise, 1 ur reaction for a given situation, 1 debate,
for case studies , i followed a trend , made the listing in 3 columns namely
error of the pilot :
error wid the plane:
extra errors ( met, communication , etc etc), so tht i can easily sort out the things
In the survival task , some 15 things were mentioned , which u have to place priority wise , in the case of crash on a mountain, desert etc ,
in my case, the list wht i prepared was exactly the opposite, compared to whr the group was reaching, in tht case i followed the group, and going according to their thinking , i made my points ...... i guess this was called team wrk,
debate exercise: a topic is given 4 ppl have to support and 4 ppl have to oppose the topic, try to take the initiative, talk sense, allow others to talk, this will surely show ur leadership qualities, talk less but very meaningful
stay focused

Part 3 interview: it started wid normal hr questions , jet airways details, ( study this frm wikipedia thts sufficient) then , they asked me
the power rating of my aircraft
define bhp, shp
how to calculate horse pwr
define horse pwr in its original definition
wrking of attitude indicator, altimeter terms ( Qnh, Qfe etc )
how did u carry out steep turns( cockpit check- fuel on both ,etc, clearing turns , do not forget tht)
explain the loss of altitude during turns
then ifr approach and charts, they will point out something and ask u, whts this and tht, find me this airport etc.....

Part 4 ipt: the sim is on autopilot ( hdg mode) and u have the hsi course indicator wid u,
ask u to do interceptions , inbound outbound,
in my case carry out a vor approach (mumbai)
i was like 16-17 nms out , so i briefed the approach , plz just do not read the approach, even he knows english, he can read it, make the approach alive, speak out the important call outs ( whn to time ur self, start decent, map etc)
usually our time they asked approaches of mumbai , ahmedabad, chennai
microsoft flight simulator shud be of great use for ipt preparation..


15th Feb 2011, 05:19
has any one got call letter today ...mumbai centre reply

15th Feb 2011, 05:37
I got out in the GD last time .. I havent got the call letter yet, I am from Mumbai. But I dont think this is possible that we will get to miss the written and be called in the 2nd stage.. its just too good to be true ;).. I tried calling up jet but no one answers, is there another way to reach them ??

15th Feb 2011, 06:24
anyone in 71 series / chennai centre with call-up yet?

15th Feb 2011, 06:25
anyone from Delhi or Bangalore get a call letter yet??

I know they are sending personalized emails to everyone with candidates name and and roll no. but this is taking way too long.

Starting to get anxious now.

15th Feb 2011, 07:14
even i have a 70*** series ref no. amrit....no mail yet

15th Feb 2011, 07:35
even i have a 70*** series ref no. amrit....no mail yetis that for chennai?

15th Feb 2011, 07:51
guys even i got to know from the source that those who failed d GD dont have to give the written this time they will be called straight for the GD.....but those who failed their interview have to give the written again.....sounds weird but thats what the sources say!!!:ugh::ugh:

15th Feb 2011, 08:08
65... series roll no. got the call letter today. delhi centre is at the Army school in cantonment area.

15th Feb 2011, 08:10
Sub : Crew Recruitment – Trainee First Officer
Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxx

Please refer to your application for an opening as a Trainee First Officer.

As a part of the pilot selection process, you are requested to appear for a written test scheduled on Sunday, 27th February, 2011 at 1100 hours at Army Public School, Shankar Vihar, Delhi Cant - 10. You must report to the venue atleast 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam.

Kindly note that Jet Airways Trainee First Officer selection process will consist of the following stages:

15th Feb 2011, 09:01
am from delhi center and got my call letter today:D :ok: .
my refrence number ws 65xxx....

15th Feb 2011, 09:10
got my call letter delhi.. ref no. 65XXX

15th Feb 2011, 09:19
Reply To:
Do you seriously think you FAA/phillipenes etc ppl are any match to IGRUA or RGNFTI cadets. you take 6 months to copmplete your entire CPL, whereas we spend the same time in ground school, studying from basics to ATPL level. and double this time in flight school. I have seen FAA/Phillipenes pilots who do not know the full form of AIP and CAR. FAA people might know how to fly an aircraft but IGRUA/NFTI cadets know how an aircraft flies. You seriously think you can learn all practical and theoretical aspects of flying in just 6 months in some cheap flying club in florida wearing a bermuda and a t-shirt. Think Again boy........and your high standards definitely show in your DGCA conversion results, takes most of u guys a year to clear 2 exams:ugh:, where as IGRUANS and NFTI cadets clear 6 exams and RT in max 2-3 sessions:ok:.

I myself have a Multi-Engine CPL from the FAA and I would not agree with what you mentioned in your post, maybe some pilots from the FAA are below standards that are put forward by the DGCA but that does not mean all of them are the same. Quality of training is way different in both the countries better for some reasons there and better for some reasons here. And talking about the written papers and the RT. I cleared my RT in the first attempt itself and have just attempted the written papers for the first time, so i dont think your generalisation holds valid anymore. Let a persons flying do the talking.:ok:

Edit: Sorry , im new so i don't know how to quote a specific post.

15th Feb 2011, 10:02
got call letter 2day delhi center..Ref no..72xxx..:)

15th Feb 2011, 10:16
Thank you for the valuable information you posted.

15th Feb 2011, 10:20
Are any guys with hotmail e-mail's having trouble recieving the mails because of the inbuilt spam/junk protection?

15th Feb 2011, 10:26
Looks like Jet Airways is calling center wise, but still just to check, has anyone who applied for the Bangalore center received an email?

15th Feb 2011, 10:28
PNR is 720Nm with 10,000lbs as FOB, calculate PSR if FOB is 10,500lbs ?

15th Feb 2011, 10:45
Assuming PSR was meant to be PNR, the fuel on board increases by 5% therefore the distance to PNR should increase by 5% as well, making it 756NM.

15th Feb 2011, 10:47
I would say PNR always decreases whether FOB increases or decreases...so answer in this case wd b 684 NM.

15th Feb 2011, 10:55
Can you explain to me how it works out to be that way?

From my knowledge, assuming nothing else has changed, and you are just adding fuel, the endurance increases, and so does the distance to PNR.

15th Feb 2011, 11:00
PNR Is directly related to Endurance i.e (FOB-RESERVE)/FUEL FLOW.

IF FOB is increased PNR will increase.
IF Reserve required decreases PNR increases.
IF FUEL FLOW reduces PNR increases.

I guess you are trying to say that any H/W or T/W will reduce the dist to PNR which is correct.

Since an aircraft suffers the h/w for a longer time ..
but enjoy the tail wind for a shorter time..

15th Feb 2011, 11:03
Rite guys...i acknowledge my mistake...u guys r rite...i got confused with the winds...hvnt opened the books in ages now:}....so a bit rusty with the info...anyways...this is the sign to get the dust off the notes:ok:

15th Feb 2011, 11:03
Answer is 756 nothing else.

15th Feb 2011, 11:47
Hey did anyone with reference number in the 66 series get a call letter yet? Delhi centre.

15th Feb 2011, 12:31
anyone with a call letter for chennai centre yet? anyone in 71 series?

3443 nautical miles
15th Feb 2011, 12:40
can any one tell me the extension no of jet HR

15th Feb 2011, 12:45
Extn. is 1448

15th Feb 2011, 13:59
and what is the mumbai no. ? O22------?

15th Feb 2011, 15:43
no aroumika....am from delhi

15th Feb 2011, 17:42
Call letter for exam? When is that?

15th Feb 2011, 18:10
did any one got letter for chennai centre?

15th Feb 2011, 18:21
did any one got letter for chennai centre?

no one from chennai seems to have got their call letter yet, hopefully in the next couple of days

3443 nautical miles
16th Feb 2011, 03:30
any one who cleared written last time have got the letter yet?? am from mumbi n ref no is 65--- n no call yet

16th Feb 2011, 04:17
anyone from Delhi who still hasn't got the roll no. especially from the 70*** series?

16th Feb 2011, 04:22
I cleared my written in last attempt n no call yet...my ref is 66... N delhi centre...

16th Feb 2011, 04:22
If jet is really going to calling guys who cleared the written last time directly for GD then this is totally UNFAIR ..!! :ugh:

Also they might be putting the same papers as last time then, probably they dont want the guys who cleared last attempt to give same paper again..! :E

Now this is humble request to all who appeared last time : please share some question, whatever you remember. i understand it is impossible to frame the exact que but SOMETHING to get an idea..
Everybody says BASIC BASIC BASIC.......but basic like wht??

16th Feb 2011, 04:23
022-40191000 Extn. 1448
You have to keep trying long

16th Feb 2011, 04:57
i'm also on the same line... my ref no is 70..... and am from delhi but got no letter or any sort of intimation yet.... i dont know what is going on

16th Feb 2011, 05:30
well we can just wait many ppl frm mumbai with ref 65xxx have still not got the call letter last time few ppl got it 2 days before the exams so u may never knw well reachin the hr is useless as its a pain no one answers u even with the extension num ....wht we can do is wait ...and keep studyin hard:ok:

16th Feb 2011, 06:31
if scale = c.l / e.l.

What is 1inch on chart on earth if scale= 1:1000,000?

1/1000,000= (12x6080)/e.l

Is this approach correct ,seems rit according to formula,but its not right!

16th Feb 2011, 06:36
if scale = c.l / e.l.

What is 1inch on chart on earth if scale= 1:1000,000?

1/1000,000= (12x6080)/e.l

Is this approach correct ,seems rit according to formula,but its not right!

16th Feb 2011, 06:42
One inch on the chart is 1 million inches on the earth according to the given scale. Therefore convert 1 million inches to nautical miles and you get the answer. In this case it would be 13.7 NM.

16th Feb 2011, 06:43
my ref no is in the 69 series but still no call...delhi centre

16th Feb 2011, 06:45
if scale= 1:1000,000,then 1 inch on chart=1000,000 inches on map.

Since 1 inch equals 2.54 cm, so 1000,000 inches=2540000 cms =25400m=25.4km=25.4/1.852Nms=13.71 Nms


since 12 inches=1 feet
1000,000 inches = 1000,000/12=83333.33ft

1 nm = 6080 ft therefore 83333.33/6080=13.7Nms

16th Feb 2011, 07:17
Guys any body from Chennai who got call letters so far and I have been hearing rumors about the written exam for the guys who cleared their written last time. Does any body have confirmed info on this and I am one of them who cleared written last time.

16th Feb 2011, 08:17
the guys who got there call letters in delhi told me that the exam is in Army Public school, shankar Vihar, delhi cant.
Where is this place?

BTW has anyone with reference num in 67 series got a call letter yet? Delhi.

16th Feb 2011, 08:24
my ref no. is 66xxx and delhi cetre but no call letter yet:ugh:

16th Feb 2011, 08:33
Guys,its nt according to ref no. as one of my frnd wid ref 72... Gt the letter n mine being 66... Still no call letter for me.

16th Feb 2011, 09:37

16th Feb 2011, 10:03
guys..can anyone please shed some light on types of technical qstns that could be expected..??
And..also guys who attempted the last one..were there mentions of FMS/Auto flight systems(advanced instruments)..?

Good luck!!

16th Feb 2011, 10:26
Anyone with an RTR(p) or RTR(c) got called ?

16th Feb 2011, 10:48
i got a call, i have RTR(P)

16th Feb 2011, 10:58
Anyone who just cleared written exam and not the GD got the letter yet ?

16th Feb 2011, 11:53
One Of My Frnd Who Failed The Ipt Last Time Got The Call!!!

16th Feb 2011, 11:58
Well there you go guys...

Those with an RTR (P ) or (C) need not worry about getting called :)

16th Feb 2011, 12:21
hi any one got letter for chennai my ref no, in 65xxxxx series no call yet

16th Feb 2011, 12:25
failed the gd last time, no call letter yet... :(

16th Feb 2011, 12:26
hi any one got letter for chennai my ref no, in 65xxxxx series no call yetno joy for chennai centre yet

16th Feb 2011, 12:28
Me 2 didnt make it past the GD round last time...hvnt got any email yet...from delhi...anyone got an email today?

16th Feb 2011, 12:35
Another long day passed waiting for the call letter but no luck... my ref no is 70.... and am from delhi.... i'm really getting panic.... are there any other ppl in the series of 70... also from delhi sailing on the same boat

16th Feb 2011, 13:15
I'm from mumbai - kicked out in the GD last time... no call yet .. but I dont think the reason is that we are going to be called in for the GD directly this time(I hope we do). We might get a call soon. Just keep studying guys. Best of luck.

16th Feb 2011, 13:20
from the comments i've read, it just seems like these people will be called directly for gd, i could be wrong though, will have to wait and see

16th Feb 2011, 13:37
Some people including some Senior commanders say we might not even be called at all as they have 1000s of application to choose from so why call rejected people... dont know what to do .. just sit and wait i guess

16th Feb 2011, 13:56
nope....no call letter fr me yet....i failed the gd last time!!!

16th Feb 2011, 14:05
people who din even clear their writtens last tym have been called this tym too,so this dsnt make any sense at all that thos who made it atlst to GD or interview wont be called.and i dnt think jet airways can be so unfair dat out f 450,that they call 300 people directly for GD based on last attempt.

16th Feb 2011, 14:52
Ref. No.: 67***

Got my roll number few hours ago. Best of luck to every1 :ok:

16th Feb 2011, 14:55
did u attempt last time?

16th Feb 2011, 15:38
even i got the call letter like 2hrs before..
my ref no. is 71xxx, delhi..

good luck for exam :ok:

16th Feb 2011, 15:38
Hey guys...
I am also one of the guys kicked out of GD in last attempt.almost all of my frends have received the call letter but not me.
So,all the ppl who cleared written last tym,suggest some ways by which we could get confirmation for the same.

capt vg
16th Feb 2011, 16:00
my ref no 71***** delhi.... :sad:

capt vg
16th Feb 2011, 16:02
is it generating randomly or in order...
and what to do if some1 doesn't receives the call letter in tht case ??????????:ugh::ugh::ugh:

16th Feb 2011, 16:28
Yes its true tht we were told mark the answers with pencils,even i was worried after hearing about this n felt that their might be something fishy...but writtens were fair...
N i really dont hv an idea about the cheating thing,because nothing like this happened in our classrooms...

capt vg
16th Feb 2011, 16:29
is it generating randomly or in order...
and what to do if some1 doesn't receives the call letter in tht case ??????????:ugh::ugh::ugh:

16th Feb 2011, 16:34
is it generating randomly or in order...
and what to do if some1 doesn't receives the call letter in tht case ??????????:ugh::ugh::ugh:

it definitely seems like it's randomly based on the centre and whether the candidate cleared the written last time or not
by the looks of it, only mumbai and delhi candidates have got their call-ups so far, bangalore/chennai are still awaiting call-ups
about what to do incase we don't receive a call letter, well that's what we have a reference no. for, we might probably have to get in touch with them by phone/mail :)

capt vg
16th Feb 2011, 16:37
when i got in touch with them through mail they revert back with the computer generated mail... and i am applying for the first time,,,, :ugh:

3443 nautical miles
16th Feb 2011, 16:40
those who cleared written but not the gd last time ....please post here if u get the roll no.

16th Feb 2011, 16:41
when i got in touch with them through mail they revert back with the computer generated mail... and i am applying for the first time,,,, :ugh:

yep, same here, first time for me too, so i'm as clueless and confused as anyone else :confused:

16th Feb 2011, 16:58
any guy got the roll call with RTR (P) ???

i did not receive anything yet:ugh:

16th Feb 2011, 17:47
I dont have any link or examples as i never did pratice for that,whtever i did in the exam was whatever came into my mind at that moment.
Aptitude consisted of folding figure problems,completing the order of figures ,passage type problems etc

16th Feb 2011, 19:29
Delhi Roll Numbers begin with 2000. I guess.

Like Mumbai roll numbers start with 1000.

Correct me if i'm wrong.

If thats the case, does that mean only 1000 candidates per center?

I'm just guessing!!

Also. Could someone please tell me how many hours is each written for? & approximately how many questions were there to solve?

16th Feb 2011, 20:28
g.boy, welcome back!

Y wer u banned from the forum anyway?

16th Feb 2011, 20:32
those who've cleared or experienced the GD round' could u all plz shed some light on the reasons of individuals being kicked out?

Weren't they at par with others and wer they just blabbering horsedroppings,that the supervisors cudnt tk it anymore?

16th Feb 2011, 21:27
@cobracommander - dude! The exact reason i got banned on here was "USE ENGLISH OR FIND ANOTHER SITE!"

Well. Apparently i used a few "text" speak abbreviations which i may surely have being on the go and posting something but then well it happens!!! My bad! :p

For the Group Discussion part - Its surely a free run for the selectors to just select someone who may just be having a good day and my speak/act in the way the examiner is looking for them to.

All i can think of is that a Group Discussion is just a Pre Interview gimmick where they are just selecting/rejecting people who know what they are speaking/arguing and also making sense at the same time.

Guess when i face it i will surely post what i learn!

16th Feb 2011, 21:35
is the ban temporary,i thot its permanent. Anyway good on u mate & all d bst for d day ;)

An experienced take from the ex-gd-sitters wud b much appreciated....

16th Feb 2011, 22:17
Series of 68XXX till 71XXX have got Call for exam on 16 feb for New Delhi center.

People who somehow went out in GD last time are not given any preference as many of my known persons have been called for written exam.
Jet has always given an grace time period of 10 days between exam and last call letter.So those who have not got yet will get with in a day or so.Saying as per 2008/2010 exams were done like that.

Dont know about Pilots who failed in IPT.

All the Best !

17th Feb 2011, 00:55
Extn. for HR 1414 and 1448 and for the Shreekant's no. PM me...

17th Feb 2011, 02:20
hye all,

I am malaysian. holding CPL IR and Frozen ATPL with 200 tt, including multi engine hours. can i apply to Jet Airways?

17th Feb 2011, 03:40
Itz gonna be gr8 if somebdy plz tell me whats coming from that aptitude test as i have no clue regarding this.i jus want to know frm u guys which book is best :rolleyes:for prep. of mental ability and domain aptitude test for cracking this jet exam:O.

17th Feb 2011, 03:48
any guy got the roll call with RTR (P) ???

i am frm delhi ref no. - 68XXX did not receive anything yet

17th Feb 2011, 04:57
You must possess valid indian passport..

17th Feb 2011, 05:32
as said in the mail, the exam will be for 4 hours and there will be 5 different sets of paper as far as i know,
1st will be technical knowledge (60 questions as far as i know), which will be just random questions about electricity, voltage etc. and then

1 paper will be of english comprehension(50 questions as far as i know),

1 of paper folding evaluation(40 questions as far as i know),

1 of figure based mental abilty(60) and

the final 1 will be of our subject contents which will include all the topics of aviation (60 questions)

after 3 paper, we get a lunch break of half and hour...

people please correct me, if i m wrong.

Thank you and best of luck

P.s: The candidate asking about having RTR (P) and havent recieved a reply, dude, i have the same and i have recieved a call letter, but mine is of mumbai center.. hope it relieves you..

17th Feb 2011, 05:34

Anyone with the oxford book 5-Instrumentation, having the answers to questions..??
Please provide me the link to the complete file..!

17th Feb 2011, 05:39
check ur pm

17th Feb 2011, 06:04
just got the call letter for the chennai centre. Exam is at Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai.

17th Feb 2011, 06:12
just got the call letter for the chennai centre. Exam is at Loyola College, Nungambakkam, Chennai.

what series is your reference number?

17th Feb 2011, 06:38
even I got my call letter for chennai.

17th Feb 2011, 06:50
even I got my call letter for chennai.

what is your reference number?

17th Feb 2011, 07:03
Hey did anyone who failed the GD last time got a call letter yet?

17th Feb 2011, 07:05
I got a call letter today. Reference number 652XX. I chose Bangalore but got Chennai.

Good Luck to everybody :ok:

17th Feb 2011, 07:06
Guys did any one who cleared their written last time got a call for this attempt ???

17th Feb 2011, 07:07
Has anyone got a call letter for Bangalore?

17th Feb 2011, 07:10
Nope..I'm from Delhi and couldn't clear GD last time. I haven't received Roll no. yet. No clue what to do. Called them up too, but no one is picking up. Still waiting...

17th Feb 2011, 07:34
Whats Happening this time Couldn't understand their idea of not sending mails to guys who didn't make the GD last time ? Its very confusing..

If Anyone has any information about the same Please reply.

I cleared last time but got stuck in the GD and waiting for the letter now.

17th Feb 2011, 07:44
I have applied for Bangalore center, but today I got call letter for Chennai..

17th Feb 2011, 07:46
Even i did not clear the GD,n no call letter yet..

I am getting very restless now,,,also tried calling jet office but no reply...

capt vg
17th Feb 2011, 07:48
oxford book 5-Instrumentation if somebody have link to ebook kindly post it !!!!

17th Feb 2011, 07:53
chennai guys got your their call letter today.