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24th May 2015, 13:27
Going through this thread, I understand that there are many people waiting to be inducted since 2011. So what kind of numbers are we talking about ?How many people are in the queue ? And are not type rated people given priority above the non type rated people ?

I was thinking of going for a CPL (yea. Suicide) so I am looking at opportunities for CPL guys with no TR. how bad is it ? Apart from Jet, are there any other airlines that recruit non TR guys ?

27th May 2015, 15:15
I was thinking of going for a CPL (yea. Suicide) so I am looking at opportunities for CPL guys with no TR. how bad is it ? Apart from Jet, are there any other airlines that recruit non TR guys ?

Indigo does. But be prepared to pay for TR after getting a letter of intent.

3rd Jun 2015, 14:36
Any news guys :E

5th Jun 2015, 08:39

I've so been waiting for the day I could type this message to you. So here goes....

A recent email from Jet to a candidate from the 2013 batch clearly states:

We would like to inform you that we are in the process of placing the candidates who have been shortlisted in 2010-2011 and hence it would take some reasonable amount of time before we would commence the training / induction for the candidates shortlisted in the 2013-2014 selection process

So I guess it's safe to say now that your so called "expedited" theory of the 2014 type rated candidates is incorrect. Where are those written results you're awaiting by the way? How long has it been -- 9 months and still no sign of them? That doesn't quite define "expedited" according to me

Anyway, the next set of "non-type rated" people from 2011 are likely to be called up in the next couple of months, so hopefully that should put any lingering doubts of yours to rest

Like I said to you earlier, it's going to be a long wait for you. A very very long wait. So I suggest that you keep yourself busy with something else rather than coming up with the most absurd and baseless rumors on here. Good luck! :ok:

6th Jun 2015, 06:03
Anyway, the next set of "non-type rated" people from 2011 are likely to be called up in the next couple of months

Could you give an idea as to when Jet is going to proceed?


6th Jun 2015, 18:55

24 out of 42 of the type rated lot of 2011 have already been called up to sign the contract. As and when all of them have been inducted, then we'll see the next set of non-type rated candidates being set for their type rating. I'd have to say, not later than August.

7th Jun 2015, 06:41
@aroumika : u have been waiting to write and i have been DYING to see ur words....so much of eagerness i never had in my life...:).It seems that i have started falling for ur words..
why u start jumping pre maturely..start learning to hold ur horses...
Its good to know that 2011 candidates will be called and send for their rating within a couple of months...:ok:
In the quote that u have posted which was sent by jet HR one thing is not clear...first its says that it will take reasonable amount of time for the 2013/2014 candidates for their induction/training..2014 candidates are not even being shortlisted till now..Secondly,it dosent say that 2014 rated candidates..Thirdly,Since they are saying 2013/2014 shortlisted candidates,it is quite possible that they are talking abt those candidates who gave the exam in 2013 and failed in one of the rounds and then RE RE and got shortlisted in 2014...
I am not saying that 2014 ab initio candidates will be inducted before 2013...no..Its only the rated of 2014 candidates who will put on a fast track...And if this mail which was sent by Jet's HR was for 2014 candidates then they would have sent a mail to all the candidates of 2014 stating that the result which u all have been waiting it will take reasonable amount of time..But they didnt....After declaring the result they will put rated on a fast track an the ab initio will go acc to the pace...

Let the results be declared and then u will see whether my expedited theory of rated candidates is correct or.....u will never b able to see the expedited theory..In 2013 rated were expedited u must not have seen..correct..I asked u earlier also give me an answer that WHY 2013 rated were expedited u never gave me an answer..so u will never b able to see..i knw that..:D

There are no lingering doubt that i have within me.I think its the other way round...Its for sure that rated candidates 2014 would be expedited...Let the remaining 18(2011)+4(2013) rated candidates be inducted...Then u see..Results will be declared...have patience....since u think that i am spreding baseless rumors in this forum then yes i am coz its a rumor network and i love to spread rumors...have fun...:ok::D

8th Jun 2015, 09:13

Jumping prematurely? You're kidding me right? The words have come from Jet Airways management itself. Where's the question of jumping prematurely? If there's anyone who has to hold on to their horses, it's you my dear friend. You have a long long wait ahead of you.

Secondly, no they're not talking about the 2013 candidates who are waiting to re-appear for any round. There are no such candidates left. Everyone who has failed some round or the other, has already been called up to re-appear. That goes to show how little you know about what's going on with the whole process. That's where the first paragraph of the mail comes in, which I didn't quote earlier:

As you are aware, you have already cleared the simulator screening process and awaiting pre-employment medical exam

These guys, (unlike you), have almost cleared the whole process! :ugh:

If they want to put the 2014 type rated candidates on a fast track, then where are the written exam results? Why can't they start this expedited process now itself? What's taking them so long? What are they waiting for?

I asked u earlier also give me an answer that WHY 2013 rated were expedited u never gave me an answer..so u will never b able to see..i knw that..

I have already given the answer of this question to you TWICE in my previous posts. Perhaps, may be if you OPEN YOUR EYES a little bit more and care to properly read what I say, you would have seen my reply by now. But just for your sake, I'll give you the answer again:

When the 2013 type rated candidates were called up, there was an urgent requirement which suddenly came up at the time, which the Jet management did not foresee. So instead of getting the non-type rated candidates of 2011 rated and online (which would take time), the easier and faster option was to directly induct the 2013 type rated people. Unfortunately for you and the other 2014 rated candidates, no such urgent requirement exists at the moment, and the management is now ready to take on the 2011 non-type rated candidates as and when the requirement comes up. I've finally answered your question in detail! :ok:

Let the remaining 18(2011)+4(2013) rated candidates be inducted. Where are you getting these numbers from?

If there's anything that's obvious from this thread, there are two types of candidates waiting to join this airline:

1) Candidates like those in the 2011 batch, who have waited week after week, month after month and year after year (now 4 years and counting), with still plenty of hope and patience

2) And then candidates like you, who get themselves a rating, write the first round exam, and are already thinking about being inducted before people who have cleared the process ages ago. You don't even know if you're going to pass the written exam or not. If by God's grace and your own efforts you do pass, you still have to make it through 4 challenging rounds after that. You may or may not make it through the whole process, do you realize that? You speak as if you're guaranteed to clear the whole thing! :ugh:

8th Jun 2015, 18:11

First of all I'm not here not debate but again I would like to make it clear that we wrote the paper to pass and we really worked hard for it and will do in all the respective rounds like u did in 2011 n then what happened , u waited for 4 yrs .I'm really sorry to say mate but it is not our fault that you waited so long , I'm sure there were many opputunities in between which you missed. I know many friends from 2013 batch who did not wait for jet n joined indigo so please don't say it again n again that we waited for 4 yrs. Secondly yes there is a difference between type rated n non type rated if u can understand we are ready pilots where as you are not so relax it will take less time for any company to work on us then you guys now getting back to the jet recruitment personally I would really want to join jet at the earliest n believe me I will not loose hopes by something written by you but again if I don't get this opportunity in the near future then unlike you I would not wait for it. Like I said earlier I'm rated on 737 n I have passed my indigo exam as well when the time comes I will again do the endorsement on Airbus without thinking that I should wait for jet for 4 yrs , I hope u got it mate n best of luck for ur induction ......

8th Jun 2015, 19:54

9th Jun 2015, 04:57
Sandeep737 have you given your caSs. Ive paid the fee in april end. Not heard from them since.

9th Jun 2015, 05:21
No bro I haven't given the Cass till now , I'm also waiting....

9th Jun 2015, 05:24
I give up...i cant explain things to u...
U think that i am a fool in whatever i am saying!!Yes i am a fool...
and abt the nos 18(2011)+4(2013) i dnt know anything...Thank u for letting me know..

but one thing i would like to say tmrw if rated candidates(2014) are put on a fast track then HAVE THE BLOODY GUTS TO COME AND WRITE ON THIS THREAD THAT YES PKBOEING U WERE RIGHT IN CAPITAL LETTERS...If things happen whatever u r saying then I WILL WRITE MISS AROUMIKA WAS RIGHT IN CAPITAL..Whatever info u know act accordingly and whatever i knw i will act accordingly...Now lets bring this discussion to an END..

Sandeep 737 : its useless explaining them.. u will b banging ur head against a wall and theyt will also say the same thing..U and i know that rated guys will be put on a fast track and the rest of the ab initio guys (2011) will be sent for their training side by side..lets wait for the time..hope that results should be declared in july..:ok:

9th Jun 2015, 10:53
A company wants currently rated pilots; not the ones who have done their rating in 1947. A rated pilot still has to undergo additional Sim sessions to familiarize himself with the company's SOP. Jet airways is facing difficulties with the 2011 batches by making them wait for a year now. All their knowledge is no longer current. It is also found that TRs from Southampton weren't upto the mark as per Jet's requirements. That is why the training will be in-house now onwards. This way company can get rid of unnecessary additional training like OCC.

10th Jun 2015, 05:02
@Captain Captain :
"A company wants currently rated pilots; not the ones who have done their rating in 1947".-Could u throw some more light..

10th Jun 2015, 09:12
I think he meant pilots who have done their TR in 2013/2014

10th Jun 2015, 13:11
All I mean to say is that after 2-3 years of TR your knowledge and skills are not current. It starts fading away.

10th Jun 2015, 17:55
@Capt Capt : Partly i would agree with u not fully..
Knowledge wise rated candidates are upto the mark..With their manuals and everything they knw their stuff at their back of their hand..
Skill wise : yes u r absolutely correct....when they have their sim check then the problem starts..Thats why the management of jet was like that we are not getting the quality from the rated candidates..these were the words way back in 2013..But let me tell u with the latest development with rated candidates - rated guys have pulled up their socks and the words that they are getting from examiners after the sim check(in 2014 and 2015) is commendable.....

In ur previous post u said that training would be in house..Thats very gud...but dnt u think the training would be slow for the rest of the ab initio candidates(2011 batch)...after 27th april there has been no induction..We are entering mid june and u had written in ur earlier post that Let June Start..

And what abt the rated guys who have given the exam of 2014.When is result going to be declared?.After getting selected their training would also be in-house?

11th Jun 2015, 06:10
That is why the training will be in-house now onwards.

Does Jet Airways has the infrastructure,trainers,examiners to do in-house training?

This way company can get rid of unnecessary additional training like OCC.

Could you explain what is OCC? As far as i am aware Jet charges all the cost of training to the candidates.

11th Jun 2015, 06:37
jockey69 : U r absolutely correct.It depends upon requirement..but Requirement is there my friend...and its going to rise in the coming months..Ask anyone in Jet they will say yes there is a requirement..Why they are going so slow god knows..Might b possible they might b facing problems as Capt Capt said..

Sky Blade : U r absolutely correct..whether they have enough examiners..Its a million dollar question..Even i also dnt think so that they have enough thats why i wrote that the training would becme slow if they opt for an in house training with so many candidates waiting for training..

11th Jun 2015, 07:14
The in-house training will be slow but the candidate's will only be trained when required. That way the training will be continuous without any breaks.

Few of the candidates have been calling Jet HR department time to time. In may they said the next batch will go for training to CTC in June. But now that the plan has changed, they will first induct the remaining 18 rated candidates.

Here rated pilots will advocate for rated induction and ab-initios for themselves.

We will eventually come to know the truth.

Meanwhile I wish good luck to all of us. Be patient and Be positive!

11th Jun 2015, 07:27
OCC stands for Operator conversion course. It's required if you have done your rating from an external training organization. OCC is Dgca's requirement.

All the candidates who are trained from CTC Southampton are undergoing OCC now.

Candidates are not paying anything extra for OCC. But the company looses time and money as the simulator sessions take place at Bengaluru. Company has to provide 5 star food and accommodation to each candidate.

12th Jun 2015, 18:03
@Capt capt : Can u tell us that how long(months) will it take these 24 candidates to complete their OCC training..

13th Jun 2015, 06:57
@Capt capt : Can u tell us that how long(months) will it take these 24 candidates to complete their OCC training..

It takes about 10 days per Candidate.

17th Jun 2015, 04:09
Finally 6 more guys inducted yesterday. 12 more remaining. Good wishes to all.

17th Jun 2015, 05:34
U r absolutely correct sagoobadi..6 more going to b inducted on 19th June..
u were right my capt capt by saying - Let June start..:ok::D

17th Jun 2015, 06:53
Finally 6 more guys inducted yesterday. 12 more remaining. Good wishes to all.

Indeed its a good news. When do you think next 12 would inducted?

18th Jun 2015, 05:10
Anybody's guess, but in my opinion next 4 should be called within the next 10-15 days.

18th Jun 2015, 14:01
next 4? not 6?

24th Jun 2015, 13:05
any news????

24th Jun 2015, 17:14
Soon very soon. Wait for some time

25th Jun 2015, 06:52
My friend who is a part of the 6th batch which got deferred in the month of November 2014 informed me that the entire batch received a phone call from jet office informing them that the training for their batch is going to begin soon , and asking them to keep everything ready.. ( licenses and medicals)..
The 6th batch was suppose to comprise of 10 people at first, but due to unavailablity of slots only 8 have been contacted by jet airways..

25th Jun 2015, 11:19

but one thing i would like to say tmrw if rated candidates(2014) are put on a fast track then HAVE THE BLOODY GUTS TO COME AND WRITE ON THIS THREAD THAT YES PKBOEING U WERE RIGHT IN CAPITAL LETTERS...

Well pkboeing, you WEREN'T right. Calls have been made to 8 people of the 6th batch, inquiring about the validity or their licenses and medicals. Emails will be sent out very soon calling them up for their type rating. Do you finally accept that you were wrong? Or do you still prefer to live in denial? Where are your written exam results by the way? Oh that's right, they're still not out yet :E "Expedited"? I think not!

What about the other over ambitious person, sandeep737? Any comments?

25th Jun 2015, 12:39
@aroumika... They will still join before us buddy... U just wait and watch...;);)

25th Jun 2015, 13:26

Lol yep, that's his favorite dialogue. "You just wait and watch". I'm afraid they'll have to wait and watch for a very long time :E

Deepak Bhardwaj
25th Jun 2015, 13:44
How many batches are there in 2011? I mean now we are talking about training for 6th batch how many more are there and I guess there are lot of guys who have joined other airlines, please share details if any one has some numbers. I am from 2013 batch when can we expect to get medical calls?

Deepak Bhardwaj
25th Jun 2015, 14:00
Hello guys,, how many batches are there in 2011 TFO? I mean we have been talking about 6th batch training from 2011 how many more batches are there? I am from 2013 TFO, any idea when to expect medicals? And after huge hiring by Indigo can we expect the numbers to cut short significantly?

25th Jun 2015, 14:50
Hey I think you didn't read my comment carefully . OK in that case let me tell you once again , for me it doesn't matter as I said unlike you I will not waste another 2 or 3 years of mine waiting for jet. I have given my Cass with indigo and in another 15 days I will be called for the GDPI once I will pass my interview (with gods grace n my hard work ) , I will be sent for my type within a month.I'm happy for you guys as you are getting your chance. So best of luck for your induction....

25th Jun 2015, 17:21
@Deepak yes the numbers have reduced significantly and hopefully it will be quick :O

@Sandeep aren't you 737 rated?

26th Jun 2015, 03:13
Yes I'm type rated on the 737 but that doesn't mean that I will wait for jet for years , whatever comes first my way I will take it

Regarding the word over ambitious I would like to tell you that I'm not the person who is claiming that yes we will get our results n will be inducted before anyone's else but I'm a person who is hoping that something will work out for us in jet where as you are the one who claims that now we will be called first n you guys have to wait for a long time. Did u get any mail for your training till now ?? No I guess .So speak out when you are ready to go for your training n I really wish that should happen soon!!! Best of luck..:ok::ok:

26th Jun 2015, 04:40
Sandeep737 when did you give your cass? I'm waiting for result.

26th Jun 2015, 05:23
I gave my Cass on this Tuesday and there is no result in Cass , I think everyone will be called for gdpi , may be after a month the reason I said 15 days for me because now GDPI I'd happening twice a week so that will increase the speed n we will be called fast, when did u give ur Cass?!!

26th Jun 2015, 06:42
@Sandeep737 mine was last week Friday. Between the 2nd batch of gdpi is of the type rated guys. So it's still 10 guys a week. Correct me if I'm wrong.

26th Jun 2015, 12:34
Guys I just want to conform , does anyone has any idea about the internal recruitment that happened recently in jet. Is it true or just a rumour?!?!

27th Jun 2015, 02:37
Previously there used to be a separate selection process for zero hours type rated pilots, which is not the case anymore. This clearly indicates that there is no red carpet for the type rated candidates.

If company needs TFOs there are 42 ready from 2011 Batch. Congratulations to the pilots from first batch who have been released now.

28th Jun 2015, 03:07
Indian aviation is a victim of not having a proper eligibility criteria to become a pilot. There's always a debate about who deserves to be an airline pilot. People with low grades during their schooling and their parents having lots of money think aviation is a glamorous field; Lets try this as there are no hurdles to get in. No entrance exams and no merit lists. Somehow they get through and get a pilots licence.
Real tests start after getting the CPL. When they struggle to clear Airlines entrance exams, they again look for the easy way out. Then comes the type rating. With parents minting money they will go to some beautiful country and get the type rating. Again no hurdles to get a TR.
Again comes the airline entrance. Now if they cannot qualify; a thought may come across their minds that having some sort of influential connections will take them to the airliner cockpit.

My point is that all the filters should be applied right at the beginning of the flight training. So that the money and time can be saved.

P.S. - I am not referring to anybody in person. It's a general thought.

28th Jun 2015, 04:06
Guys I conformed it from few friends working in jet that jet is conducting internal recruitment for cpl yesterday was the last day to apply, just wondering where will they put these candidates for training....??!!!

28th Jun 2015, 04:58
@sandeep 737 : only for CPL and not for 737 or ATR rated?

28th Jun 2015, 05:25
It was for cpl , there are very few people who is working in jet and has rating on any aircraft , so they came up wid the recruitment for cpl , but just wondering y internal recruitment wen they have so many candidates waiting to go for training.

30th Jun 2015, 13:00
These Pilots(internal Vacancy) Will get called after 2013 batch gets inducted. Management made it clear for them at the very start.

It's a genuine recruitment and not some jugaad of the people who have contacts.

Previously, 41 gave this exam and no one cleared. So this time around again they are conducting it for the internal candidates.

30th Jun 2015, 13:12
@Mickey you always come with good news, cheers :ok:

1st Jul 2015, 13:52
Some update guys..
A few minutes ago the remaining 12 candidates got called for induction into jet airways and jet lite..
The induction of all the type rated candidates from the 2011 batch is now over, no more backlog..
They join on the 13th of July...

1st Jul 2015, 16:06
@Virus90 Great News Bro, What you think how many guys from 2011 are left & how many have joined Indigo.

1st Jul 2015, 17:15
Buddy I honestly have no idea but I assume there are about 50-60 more.. Again not sure..
As far as indigo is concerned I don't think many people would've joined as the airline is still conducting cass, Gd, pi etc for the candidates..
So technically no one is employed..
A couple of batches have been sent by indigo for their type rating. That's all I have heard..
Correct me if I am wrong..
Cheers and all the best to all

1st Jul 2015, 17:44
@Virus90 Thanks for the info, one step closer :D

2nd Jul 2015, 07:56
The entire 6th batch which has 8 people got called to join ... They are called tomorrow at Siroya, 10am...
It's for the ATRs..
Some rumors going around that all the batches from this one for some time will be on ATR family..
Cheers to all joining...

Deepak Bhardwaj
2nd Jul 2015, 10:21
@Virus90 Thanks for the great news, I hope than the training of 2011 guys should get pace as few batches can be sent for ATR's and few for 737.

2nd Jul 2015, 13:53
Congratulations to those joining on ATR.
30 Jet ATR pilots are leaving. Most of these will join Indigo. This will slow down the induction process at both the ends. Interviews of ongoing JFO batch at Indigo are pushed back to October. Emails already sent out. Jet will be looking to fill the ATR vacancies. No immediate requirement of pilots on 737 fleet.

2nd Jul 2015, 16:25
@capt capt : for 737 fleet - what abt those pilots who r leaving jet lite(arnd 60) and they r serving their notice period.
Correct me if i am wrong

2nd Jul 2015, 16:46
A lot of atr guys are inducted on to 737 fleet, hence creating a void for atr fos, plus jet sometime back inducted fos from spice q 400s too,

True Emirates had assessment, but 15 -20 seems unrealistic as of now

2nd Jul 2015, 17:11
To All

OK guys its time to clear rumours , I spoke to someone in jet who is someone big n got to know that jet will hire as per sequence n they will not declare the results of 2014 in the near future n they dnt need type rated pilots as of now. So yes 2011 guys will be inducted first n I wish them luck cheers!!!

2nd Jul 2015, 19:56
@sandeep so as per your source its 2011 n then 2013 then 2014 right ?

3rd Jul 2015, 04:00
Yes that's right!!!

4th Jul 2015, 06:35

I guess the sequence is pretty obvious by now, but thank you for clearing that up for us. Hopefully that brings an end to the debate about the type rated candidates of 2014 being "expedited" / "on a fast track" as some people suggest :ok:

9th Jul 2015, 09:47
Any news people. Now that 6th batch moves forward what lies ahead for the rest of 2011

14th Jul 2015, 16:12
13 more ppl from 2011 batch got e-mails for joining in Aug/Sept. (Don't know which fleet they will be put on though)

20th Jul 2015, 21:08
Any thing after that Email....

30th Jul 2015, 12:22

30th Jul 2015, 14:06
1 more batch has been mailed to be ready 2011 batch is almost Done. :D

31st Jul 2015, 06:04
great news ikarus!!

31st Jul 2015, 09:37
1 more batch has been mailed to be ready 2011 batch is almost Done. :D

You hear that PKBOEING? The entire 2011 batch is "ALMOST DONE". And the first round written exam result of your 2014 process still hasn't been announced yet, let alone the type rated candidates being "expedited".

Time to own up and admit that you were wrong all along :E

31st Jul 2015, 13:40
dude have you received the mail? and what does it say.

5th Aug 2015, 13:31
There are some rumours about Emails being sent for training starting in November, Can anyone authenticate.

7th Aug 2015, 04:33
Congratulation to 2011 batch for getting calls at a faster rate , can anyone tell me how many are done and how many are left in 2011 batch and on which aircraft are they going?!!!

9th Aug 2015, 03:50
Mails hv come for Joining in October/november and to send Documents for verification...
58 ppl are done... How many are left is not known

18th Aug 2015, 11:51
for 2014 Batch any news??

18th Aug 2015, 12:18
even if they declare the results and if anyone gets through u think they'll be able to fly before minimum 2 years ??? i think 2014 batch should just forget that they have given an exam.
I am from 2014 batch as well.

30th Aug 2015, 05:18

3rd Sep 2015, 16:53
has anyone received an email stating to fill up a questionnaire?

4th Sep 2015, 14:25
Ya most of us got but it isn't working.

7th Sep 2015, 14:04
Any news on how many are left in the 2011 batch?

9th Sep 2015, 09:51
Is the link in the mail sent by Jet Airways working for anyone at all ? I dont even find the attachment on it.
Sent a mail to the mail ids given in it. No reply. If anyone has completed the questionnaire properly, please let us know how.

9th Sep 2015, 15:07
It worked initially with first few.

Deepak Bhardwaj
18th Sep 2015, 14:45
8 more from 2011 got mails for joining on 17th Oct. ATR

21st Sep 2015, 04:47
Great news Deepak. The people joining on 17 oct are on Boeing 737 or ATR?

Deepak Bhardwaj
23rd Sep 2015, 09:00
Last batch was called for ATR. Good news is that 2 days back another batch of 8 has been called for B737 for training starting in October.

24th Sep 2015, 05:11
Can any one confirm, how many yet to be called from 2011?

29th Sep 2015, 04:09
74 are done:D. really don't have a clue how many are left now. but believe should not be more than a few.

Medical call can come any day i guess.


29th Sep 2015, 13:24
Good news :ok:

9th Oct 2015, 12:49
:} Weeee. Finally some action

Deepak Bhardwaj
11th Oct 2015, 06:39
2011 batch is over. Only re attempt guys left. Shouldn't be more than 15-16.

13th Oct 2015, 05:29
Great news. Thanks a ton for the continued updates deepak :ok:

16th Oct 2015, 08:21
2011 batch is not over yet , candidates have got tentative joining in the month of Dec and Jan.

After this comes the Re-ipt and Re-gd guys from 2011 , who are some where around 30 candidates.

So I guess it will take more than six-eight months for the 2013 batch to start , this will happen if things goes as per the current rate.

30th Oct 2015, 10:00
It should be very obvious even to a blind person that sitting at the operational and HR head are a bunch of crooks with no sense of moral responsibility or professional ethics.

How they can withhold publication of a paid exam for over a year is beyond me.

5th Nov 2015, 18:17
Has anyone got an email from TFORecruitment asking to reply with updated details of their pilot licence? :suspect:

6th Nov 2015, 08:00
@Antimatter - yes we all have received email asking for details about currency.

:ok: IK

6th Nov 2015, 08:12
"WE"?!! haha looks like im out of that loop here.
Can someone please either post or PM if there is any sort of reply to that email.

6th Nov 2015, 18:17
are you from 2013 Batch ??

7th Nov 2015, 09:43
Yes I am Ikarus. Why?

19th Nov 2015, 15:46
Any goodnews for 2014 batch

20th Nov 2015, 12:35
Funny that nobody's talking about the recent developments with the 2013 batch. So I guess I'll start off :P quite a few people have got mails for their medicals in December

21st Nov 2015, 10:50
Hi guys.
can anyone from the 2013 batch verify this? I'd sent in my details in response to the recent mail from HR.

21st Nov 2015, 20:44
First 50 candidates, as per IPT dates have received email for medicals and another set of emails is expected next week.

23rd Nov 2015, 04:23
Gloria claims around 200 are in the 2013 batch. Roughly the first 60 people have been called, since they expected around 10 to have dropped out and opted for indigo, which turned out to be correct.

23rd Nov 2015, 16:31
how many actually have the money to pay for type rating?

23rd Nov 2015, 17:06
how many actually have the money to pay for type rating?

Everyone. Otherwise they wouldn't have chosen this profession.

23rd Nov 2015, 17:58
thats being oblivious.not many got in thinking they would have to pay for tr one day

25th Nov 2015, 04:07
I think more than 60 have been called for different dates in December in the mails sent out on 24th.:D
It would be helpful if anyone who has cleared the medicals could tell what is to be expected. Thanks in advance.:ok:

2nd Dec 2015, 09:47
stryker_jsph (http://www.pprune.org/members/399030-stryker_jsph)
sridhar.kalai (http://www.pprune.org/members/442271-sridhar-kalai)

Any news on when the next batch of emails for the medicals will be broadcast?

Please post if anyone has any info.

3rd Dec 2015, 07:06
Of course Sridhar,
seeing as your location is Chennai... wishing that alls well with friends and family.

8th Dec 2015, 08:29
All are safe:) Appreciate your concern ! Not sure about next batch of mails for medicals. But they have asked for license copies and a personal details form to be filled up. Looks like things will get expedited in the coming months !:ok:

9th Dec 2015, 21:10
Thanks Sridhar. Glad to know all is ok.
I was asking because I had my medical scheduled on 7th Dec. but I am in the UK so i emailed if it was possible to change my date (yea not the best move on my part i know). However, I got no reply to my email and when I called I was told that my date had been allotted to someone else. I was also told i'd get a date in Jan.

Is anyone else in the same boat as me?
And have those who have completed the medicals got further news/schedules for induction?
Any info would be great.

11th Dec 2015, 14:02
2014 batch? its pending or scraped?

11th Dec 2015, 16:14
2014 batch? its pending or scraped?

Time to scrap Jet Airways. They have the worst possible HR team of any airline in the world. Holding on to a paid exam result for over a year. This has gone beyond a joke.

12th Dec 2015, 03:23
there's some movements for 2014 and specially for the people appeared as type rated

14th Dec 2015, 15:17
737 type are interviewed and shortly medicals mumbai finished yesterday and today delhi JACKPOT

15th Dec 2015, 13:39
Any updates on the 2013 batch?
Are new medical dates being sent out/have people who have completed their medicals received further news?

17th Dec 2015, 08:44
Sorry to be off track...I have foreign PPL and I since we cannot get jobs outside India, I am thinking to join IGRUA or NFTI and get campus or contract of Air India/Indigo respectively. Both the institutes said I have to start from scratch and get my Indian PPL and then CPL and go on with the course from day 1 just like everyone else. From rules perspective it seems right but from money and experience perspective I am at the loosing end. I have few options/questions, I would like to know if they are feasible?-

1) Should I study on my own from one of the Indian flying clubs and save money and try through open market with self sponsored type rating?
2) If IGRUA/NFTI then can i at least maintain my own log book so that I can start with Indian PPL afresh but don't loose my hours from old PPL? Is it even possible/legit/legal to keep foreign license details and again get a new one afresh? Or conversion is compulsary?
3) Would I loose all those PPL hours completely if institutes disagree to maintain my own logbook?
4) It will surely create hassles while creating computer number for theory papers. Since it asks for flying exp hours and license details till today, I am confused what to put.
5) I recently got my Indian class 2 medical done. If you get into any of these institutes what would be the ideal period to get your class 1 done so as not to waste any months of class 1 validity while preparing for theory.

hohtel wiskey
1st Jan 2016, 09:40
Any movement for 2014 batch? Or is it time to believe that the exam is scrapped further!!

1st Jan 2016, 13:19
@HW...Given Jet's track record of only recently inducting 2011 batch, with later years batches still in the pipeline, it guess it would be less stressful to believe that 2014 is on hold for a very very long time, i. e, practically for ever. 2014 hopefuls will hear from them when they hear from them.
But I do miss the exchanges between aroumika and pkboeing on these pages!

1st Jan 2016, 14:33
What's the deal with Jet calling Tr candidates for straight interview? Have those who finished the interview and medicals been given joining letter?

2nd Jan 2016, 14:01

Glad to know that my posts have been missed. As a 2011 candidate, it has been a couple of months since I've joined Jet. Training has been busy so I haven't kept track of this thread as often as I used to. As for the 2011 batch, I believe almost everyone has been inducted by now.

And as for the posts by pkboeing, he clearly appeared to be a 2014 type rated candidate who was always wrongly under the impression that he would get called up before anyone else, including the 2011 batch who have been waiting 3 years more than him. Needless to say that time proved he was wrong. The entire 2011 batch is done and his 2014 results aren't even declared yet. A very misguided soul with very misguided sources indeed....

2nd Jan 2016, 15:29
Congratulations @aroumika! Very glad to know that finally the loooooong wait has been fruitful. I hope you are enjoying the training. Hope to fly with you someday!
As for pkboeing, I guess most young pilots would be like him,frustrated with the endless waiting. I sincerely hope he makes it too, the sooner the better.
All the best and hope to see you both around on these pages sometimes.

hohtel wiskey
6th Jan 2016, 02:55
Congratulations to 2011 batch!! its good to hear that they are clearing backlogs to say the least!! any news on what 2013 batch is upto?

7th Jan 2016, 16:06
Is there anyone or know anyone who is still waiting for his IPT for Jet 2013 batch ?

We are a group of 4 people and are trying to push jet airways to take our ipt as soon as possible . If anyone else is there , please post here .

P.S. : We are from RE RE batch

9th Jan 2016, 11:10
I too am from the 2013 RE RE batch n awaiting a call for the IPT .

25th Jan 2016, 12:10
Hello Guys,

I hope everyone in the Jet pipeline has received the email about the psychometric test to be held soon. As i know Jet has conducted same test for type rated candidates in the Dec 2015 . So far i have this info :

576 questions in 2 hours, omr sheet. Answer to be marked in yes or no.

Does anyone know which type of questions came and how to go about it or prepare for it ?

29th Jan 2016, 10:11
Congratulations to everyone who has passed the 2014TFO written exam..
I just learnt that the results are out..
All the best for the future ...

29th Jan 2016, 12:43
so what happens now? GD. IPT and Interview?

29th Jan 2016, 12:58
Finally.... some reprieve.

Let's hope SG will put us out of our misery too very soon.

29th Jan 2016, 13:44
Considering it took 2011 batch nearly 5 years, I must say this is remarkably quick for the 2014 batch.
Congratulations to those who made it and best wishes!

30th Jan 2016, 07:34
Can someone provide some information on the psychometric tests? what type of questions do they ask?

4th Feb 2016, 07:33
Hi there,
I met someone from Jet airways,he said the pass percentage of 2014 TFO exams is 10%, so congratulations to all those who qualified the written exam.

5th Feb 2016, 11:47
@avicon thanks for the information. Well explained. I did my research as well. Hopefully it wont be too difficult.

Any one got dates for Psycho?

6th Feb 2016, 03:45
@astroplane : buddy.. The psychometric exam is happening today, I am not sure if it is for the entire 2013 batch or for a selected few...
I am confident about this news as my friend is appearing..
It is at kaledonia.. 10 to 12...

11th Feb 2016, 05:09
Anyone who appeared for psychometric test plz put some update about the test structure. TIA

17th Feb 2016, 08:33
My psychometric is scheduled... Good luck everyone else.

20th Feb 2016, 13:07
My psychometric is scheduled... Good luck everyone else.

Are you of the 2013 or the 2014 lot ?

24th Feb 2016, 07:29
2013. 2014 has a long way to go.

4th Mar 2016, 16:48
My psychometric is scheduled... Good luck everyone else.

Hey,Are you done with psychometric test.If so then what was it like.Pattern or any example.

4th Mar 2016, 17:11
What is current status on 9W recruitment. As per latest information the TFO 13 batch is finishing their psychometric test. 2nd batch of Type rated 737 is awaiting their joining and TFO-14 guys disparately waiting. Any idea when this all recruitment will get over.

9th Mar 2016, 06:35
Just received call for 12th of march. They keep you guessing and then bamm! Hardly 2 days of warning, however I am glad altleast the process is moving forward for Tfo 2014, nothing to complain!

Will group discussion round still happen, now that psychometry is happening in the second round itself?

9th Mar 2016, 12:00
As far as i have info , there will be no GD this time . Psycho result will come within 15 days and post that they can call you for pi , ipt & medical on short notice.

You shall hear the same on your day of pyscho. Wish you luck :)

11th Mar 2016, 10:00
Did everyone got call for psychometry or selected few from TFO-14 batch

11th Mar 2016, 10:18
Among TFO 2014 batch Jet called the first batch for psychometric test on Monday 7th March 2016 . The next batch has been called on Saturday 12th March 2016.

Jet has also started conducting the medical test for those candidates who gave the psychometric test on 7th March at Mumbai and New Delhi . They are doing this even before the psychometric test results are announced so as to expedite the process as they are short on pilots

12th Mar 2016, 15:13
Has anyone got interview date from 2013 / 2014 batch?

13th Mar 2016, 09:53
Are they done with all psychometric from 2014 TFO? I haven't got call yet.

13th Mar 2016, 14:31
Are they done with all psychometric from 2014 TFO? I haven't got call yet.

Same here. Awaiting...

13th Mar 2016, 17:59
Even I also didn't got call awaiting for same

22nd Mar 2016, 12:02
Is everyone who cleared Jet tfo (2014) written done with their psychometry test?

Also, what is the status of result for those who appeared on 7th March for psychometry test? As today marks the 15th day from the test and according to Jet Airways officials results were to be declared in approx 15 days.

24th Mar 2016, 12:22
Is everyone who cleared Jet tfo (2014) written done with their psychometry test?

No. Some still awaiting.

29th Mar 2016, 02:32
New testing introduced for new recruits in jet. Compass test for induction in jet.


Prateek Verma
29th Mar 2016, 10:02
So, should a compass test just like Spicejet be expected or something different?

12th Apr 2016, 07:49
Yes, Jetairways Compass test is same as Spicejet, only addition to it is 30 Atpl level questions. Also they have added a personality analysis round (this is not an elimination round) before interview in which jet will assess your personality and use it as basis for interview round.

12th Apr 2016, 20:43
Hi Any idea where can I practice for it ?

23rd Apr 2016, 18:04
Jet Airways has announced the next vacancy for Trainee First Officers. As usual the advertisement is on their website where you fill an online form and you get a reference number after application.

Last Date to apply is May 15th, 2016

Vacancies - at Jet Airways (http://www.jetairways.com/EN/IN/Careers/Vacancies.aspx#TraineeFirstOfficer)

*** You do not require a valid IR to apply or be eligible for the exam ***

*** Be careful when filling out the email ID as they only ask it once and dont confirm it twice to catch potential errors ***

*** After applying online Jet will display a reference number . Please note it down or take a screen shot . They wont send a confirmation email ***


26th Apr 2016, 14:33
Any weightage for type rated this time ?

28th Apr 2016, 12:17
I have been getting a few messages about the Jet exam. A lot info is given in this thread but I am guessing no one has time to sit and read.

Well this is how the written exam pattern has been for the past few exams since 2010 , 2011 , 2013 and 2014

You will have 5 papers on the day of the exam. All multiple choice OMR sheets.

Two Papers on Pilot Knowledge from the DGCA syllabus, Two papers on Non Verbal reasoning . One paper commonly called English test is actually a test of Critical Reasoning

* Paper 1 - Multiple Choice Test on the DGCA Technical General subject. If you want the oxford equivalent refer Principles of Flight , Power plant (both Piston and Jet Engines ), Airframes and Systems and Electrics ( yes Jet loves asking questions on Basic electricity like Ohms , Capacitors , Batteries etc )
Each correct answer will gain you one mark . Each answer you mark wrong you lose 1/4 or 0.25

* Paper 2 - The rest of the CPL Topics like Gen Nav , Radio Aids , Instrumentation , Flight Planning ,Mass and Balance, Air Regs , Meteorology etc. Just like Paper 1 each correct answer you will score 1 mark. Each wrong answer negative 0.25

*Paper 3 - Non Verbal Reasoning - This can be anything like Series , Paper Folding , Paper Cutting etc . You can practise this for free here
Non Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers (http://www.indiabix.com/non-verbal-reasoning/questions-and-answers/)
Each correct answer 1 mark, each wrong answer negative 0.25

* Paper 4 - Non Verbal reasoning - SPATIAL ORIENTATION - This is test of your spatial reasoning . You can practise it here Cubes and Dice - Non Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers (http://www.indiabix.com/non-verbal-reasoning/cubes-and-dice/)
*** While this is a multiple choice paper, multiple answers can be right , all answers can be right and none can be right ***
So you have to choose very carefully.
This is also the only paper that where each wrong answer will score you negative 1 mark . Even partially right answers ( For Eg you mark 2/3 right answers ) will be counted as a negative mark
This is the paper you have to be most careful about

* Paper 5 - Critical Reasoning ( English Test ) - This paper you have to read a paragraph and answer questions . This is the only paper without NEGATIVE marking . So make sure you mark everything

As as with all pilot exams Time will be a constraint so answer what you know first and tackle the difficult ones later

Jet Airways does not allow flight computers or scientific calculators . So no difficult or long numerical problems. You can however expect basic numericals which you have to solve manually.

P.S - The above pattern is what Jet Airways has been following all these years . There is absolutely no guarantee whatsoever that they will continue to follow the same .Especially since they removed the GD and IPT rounds and introduced Psychometric tests as the next few stages. They are very short on pilots and can introduce something totally knew that allows them to expedite the process. Be prepared to expect the unexpected

*** Using the information given above will be at your own risk ***

29th Apr 2016, 01:48
Hi guys
That's a lot of information Cyrilboy,thanks for your effort and time.
I would like to share one info regarding Jet's future recruitments- there is yet another big change in the selection process according to a top official in the training Dept,Jet.The entire selection process is going to be a one day process and they will declare the results on the same day. So they have scrapped the previous selection methods obviously, so no GD, no IPT, no separate psychometry, No interview. In my guess it's going to be one comprehensive online test which probably includes everything.
All the best guys

Torque Skylon
29th Apr 2016, 05:44
Thank you for the information cyrilroy21 (http://www.pprune.org/members/180855-cyrilroy21)

Hi all, I filled the form but I am getting error.
"System Processing Error!
Sorry Something seems to have gone wrong."
I tried it from chrome, firefox and internet explorer.
But same error.
Anyone facing this issue.

1st May 2016, 08:55
Thank you for the information cyrilroy21 (http://www.pprune.org/members/180855-cyrilroy21)

Hi all, I filled the form but I am getting error.
"System Processing Error!
Sorry Something seems to have gone wrong."
I tried it from chrome, firefox and internet explorer.
But same error.
Anyone facing this issue.
I'm experiencing the same issue . . It doesn't go through when all the fields are filled out.

2nd May 2016, 03:51
Hi friends,
Any clue about the date of examination for JET TFO 2016?

2nd May 2016, 04:17
Hey guys is it true that jet is now having compass test instead of verbal and non verbal reasoning

9th May 2016, 13:01
can anybody shed some light on jet airways comprehensive test .. please !!

9th May 2016, 13:04
Just as I guessed earlier Jet Airways has changed the entire process for TFO 2016

You now have to pass COMPREHENSIVE TESTING first followed by Psychometric assessment and Medical and Interview

This is what your email will look like

Dear Applicant,

This is with reference to your application for the position of Trainee First Officer.

You will be eligible to appear for the selection process, subject to you fulfilling the following criteria:

1. You are an Indian national or hold an OCI Card.
2. You are in possession of a valid Indian Commercial Pilots License (CPL) Or Have applied for conversion of foreign license to Indian CPL.
3. You are born on or after 15th May 1981.
4. Should hold a current Indian Passport.

As a part of the pilot selection process, you are requested to appear for a Comprehensive Test scheduled

Reporting time:

Venue : Jet Airways (India) Limited, HDIL, Kaledonia Building, 4th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Off Western Express Highway, Sahar-Andheri Station Road, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400 069.

You are advised to carry a Demand Draft for Rs. 15000/- (Fifteen Thousand Only) in favour of ‘Jet Airways (India) Limited’ towards the cost of the Comprehensive Test.

Candidates who successfully clear the comprehensive test, will be invited to appear for a Psychometric Test on Sunday, May 15, 2016. The date and time of the venue will be intimated to you separately.

The cost of the Psychometric Test will be Rs. 1500/-. You will be required to carry a Demand Draft/ Cheque or Pay Order for Rs. 1500/- (One Thousand Five Hundred Only) in favour of ‘Jet Airways (India) Limited’.

Please be informed that in the event of successful completion of all the above tests, successful candidates will have to undergo an interview and the pre-employment medical examination, details of which will be shared vide a separate email.

On completion of the selection process, you will receive a confirmation about your selection as Tr. First Officer.

Please be informed that your selection for the position of Tr. First Officer is subject to clearing all the tests approved by the Jet Airways Management. We would like to inform you that the selection of the candidates is being made for both our Boeing 737 and ATR fleets. The placement of the candidate to either of the above entry level fleet and to our wholly owned subsidiary will be decided by the interview panel based on the requirement of the organization and such decision will be final and binding.

Kindly come prepared for a week stay in Mumbai.

You are requested to carry all your original valid and current licenses, medical assessment, ratings documents on May 14, 2016.

You will have to make your own arrangements for travel, conveyance and accommodation.

Wish you success.

Yours sincerely,



9th May 2016, 13:10
Cyril i got the same email . have a few questions though
it says "You are requested to carry all your original valid and current licenses, medical assessment, ratings documents on May 14, 2016."
what rating documents??
and about the comprehensive any idea how it would be?

9th May 2016, 19:22

If you are type rated then bring that record as well

Since I have been getting a few messages regarding the COMPREHENSIVE TESTING here whats its going to consist of

For Jet airways you will face the following tests as part of the Comprehensive testing ( also known as COMPASS TEST which is used by SpiceJet as well )

1. Spatial Orientation
2. Mental Math
3. Multi Tasking
4. Short Term Memory
5. Pilot Knowledge test ( about 30 questions )

6. Advanced Flight Control Test

You can practice it here but you will need a to buy a one year subscription

Compass Test Preparation Software for Pilots-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/site/mypage/id/gamelist.html)

10th May 2016, 15:08
hello aviators,
any idea when will be the exams for the other centeres (chennai/bangalore), please share your views.

11th May 2016, 03:23
do we need current ir for jet tfo exam

11th May 2016, 16:01
i believe since jet is conducting comprehensive test/compass, it will be held in mumbai only at jets training facility in andheri

@pooja25 they have not specified anywhere that current ir is a must.

11th May 2016, 17:17
i believe since jet is conducting comprehensive test/compass, it will be held in mumbai only at jets training facility in andheri

@pooja25 they have not specified anywhere that current ir is a must.

Hey thanks for the prompt reply but they have mentioned in website that valid and current cpl,frtol,IR/LR.
So my query is do we need just IR rating on cpl or current ir.
Thanks in advance

12th May 2016, 16:04
Current IR isn't required.

13th May 2016, 12:48
thanks for your valuable feed back @flyboy86, eager to know what will be the time gap between one who finishes all formalities to the type rating ..basically how fast its going to be.AS i heard there is a huge Q ,


13th May 2016, 16:49
Good Luck guys.

14th May 2016, 10:39
Anybody who gave the exam today ?
Can you please share what was today's paper like ?

14th May 2016, 15:32
spatial awareness, multitasking, mental math, short term memory, basic cpl theory questions.
apart from all this there was verbal reasoning, and aviation english
and in the last advance flight control. stick n rudder and maintaining airspeed . that's it. hope this helps

14th May 2016, 16:32
thank you.. can you also share a few cpl questions ?

14th May 2016, 16:52
Is tech part of a CPL theory paper?

15th May 2016, 09:41
Jet does not need valid IR ( even though the ad says otherwise ) . The ad has been the exact same since 2011 and has no changes to it .

If you read this pprune thread from the beginning you can see that this has been discussed for TFO 2011 , 2013 and 2014. The ad always says valid IR but Jet has never required your IR to be valid ( no airline in India does unless maybe its a type rated vacancy )

15th May 2016, 17:26

You will need to download and install the Joybridge Air application . I believe you can download it here

Using Joystick-Latest Pilot Jobs (http://www.latestpilotjobs.com/site/mypage/id/aptitude-tests-free.html)

It might ask you to install Adobe AIR software

For everyone else , All rounds will take place in Mumbai itself irrespective of the location you chose for interview . The TFO application is an old one and the exact same they have been using for the last few years.

Ankit Kotecha
16th May 2016, 10:04
What is this joybridge Air application and how can I use my joystick for practicing the same? Is it going to be something like PABT test of the IAF ? The PABT test is actually very easy and I have passed it in 4AFSB Varanasi during my SSB. It checks your hand eye coordination and how quick your reflex is. The trick is that the sensitivity of the controls keeps varying all the time.

Can somebody please suggest that if you had a week of time to prepare for the TFO exam, what subjects and books would you focus on, related to CPL theory subjects ?

People have suggested Principles of flight, Airframes and Systems and Powerplant of Oxford. What else?


16th May 2016, 10:46
Can someone please confirm if there is any cool off period for applicants who failed Interview or any other stages in TFO 2014 Batch.
I've heard HR Confirmed there is no cool off period, one has to apply fresh.
But then I also heard, there were few people who were denied to appeared for the comprehensive test on the day of exam, saying there is a cool off period for 3 months.

17th May 2016, 07:53
@Flexi Flyer

Hi, is the rudder pedal set up necessary for practising the Compass test. ?

17th May 2016, 13:29
no need to practice with stick n rudder for the complex task control, instead pay attention on the compass test and cpl theory

18th May 2016, 09:49
Hi everyone. I don't understand what's going on. I had applied for the TFO vacancy (both online and by emailing my resume) as soon as it was out. Jet took an exam on 15th may and I din't get a call.
I want to know if Jet is calling only selective candidates?
Secondly it is mentioned that that last date to apply is 15th may. So how did they take an exam on that day itself?

Will appreciate if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks.

18th May 2016, 14:37
Hello guys, i have a few questions , it would be great if someone could answer them.
1. when is the next batch appearing for their exam?
2. What is the next expected exam date?
3. And how many days before is Jet sending out mails to the candidates for their exam?

19th May 2016, 05:20
Don't worry guys you will get to write the exam, next batch's comprehensive test starts this saturday followed by other tests.
70 odd were called for the exam last week, some type rated directly appeared for the interviews yesterday, heard that type rated ppl will also have to appear for the comprehensive & psychometric test once they clear their interviews.
they probably will b sending first batch for TR in june guess

19th May 2016, 06:44
One piece of advice....everyone will get a chance to take comprehensive test...concentrate on studies instead of trying to knw wat jet is doing n will do in future

19th May 2016, 09:22
hi guys ,
Any idea totally how many guys are going to appear ,
i heard because of huge Q (since only once in saturday) some candidates may get test next year according to application number..how far its true:sad:

21st May 2016, 13:46
did 120 people appear on a single day:?

21st May 2016, 15:11
Are they giving a practice session before the comprehension test this time?

21st May 2016, 17:09
candidates who appeared today will have an idea. unless no one wants to share

23rd May 2016, 01:30
:ooh:guys any idea how many guys appearing per week.
please shed some light on this.

23rd May 2016, 06:41
90 candidates are appearing per week...... they have made 3 batches, consisting 30 candidates in each batch

23rd May 2016, 06:51
gud info :ok:

23rd May 2016, 16:30
Hey Guys,
Has Jet put some cool off period clause for JET TFO 2014 batch.Heard it is 6 months.

24th May 2016, 04:29
Dear Applicant,

Kindly refer to the email appended below.

In case you have applied for the Jet Airways selection process (Ab-initio / Type Rated) and have not cleared any of the stages of the selection process, please note that you will not be eligible to participate in the current selection process.

Hence please refrain from attending the selection process if the above circumstances / situations are applicable to you.

We trust that you will appreciate this line of communication to you in advance.

Thanking you

24th May 2016, 07:26
If someone who has given the written exam for TFO2014 but not cleared is he/she eligible or not as the results were announced in Jan 2016 which is only 4 months back from now...

24th May 2016, 08:27
its all a rumor.

24th May 2016, 11:11
for 2014TFO..... only candidates who couldnt clear either Comprehensive, Psychometry, Interview or Medical will not be given other chance.....:=

If you didnt clear the written of 2014, then no worries,,,, u will be called:D

24th May 2016, 11:55
Thanks @Flexiflyer for the info

24th May 2016, 14:27
Thanks for your reply which brings confidence to prepare jet 2016, just wanted to confirm how many ppl appearing totally, as my reference number to my friends ref no(who applied very beginning) is approx 6k,any idea these ref no are according to the base selected or totally applied..plzz share ur thoughts..thanks in advance

24th May 2016, 15:14
hey guys,

If anyone who has already appeared for the comprehensive test, post the cpl theory questions.
It'll be of great help


25th May 2016, 05:27

No idea about the series in which they are calling.... some are saying that its Ref no. wise and some are saying that its random..... :confused:

25th May 2016, 06:26

Any idea on jet exam format? which all are included in Comprehensive test?

26th May 2016, 08:17
refer to the previous posts on this thread.

30th May 2016, 16:30
An Ac. Flies downwind at 400mph for 2hrs. Its returns within 2.5hrs in nil wind. What is wind speed?

31st May 2016, 04:39

An Ac. Flies downwind at 400mph for 2hrs. Its returns within 2.5hrs in nil wind. What is wind speed?

400 X 2 Hrs = 800 Miles

320 X 2.5 Hrs = 800 Miles

So the difference is 80 MPH

Therefore wind speed is 80

Correct me if i am wrong

31st May 2016, 13:09
No, your answer is wrong.
Correct answer: 100

1st Jun 2016, 06:21
Let say in nil wind condition the A/c speed is 400 MPH

so in 2.5 Hrs it will travel 1000 Miles under nil wind condition

In Downwind the wind speed should be 100 MPH to cover the same distance in 2 hrs

Hope its clear now

2nd Jun 2016, 08:48
Can someone please confirm that the Pilot Knowledge test ( about 30 questions ) that is in the Comprehensive test , is it Basic CPL questions or ATPL.

cause somebody posted earlier that it is ATPL questions.
Can somebody clear the doubt.

If possible what all in CPL should be refereed.?

6th Jun 2016, 14:46
wind speed..? i see u have mentioned nil winds so wondering what speed had they asked..!cobracommander.

7th Jun 2016, 13:32
hello guys... can someone please share pilot knowledge questions.. and any other tests questions...

did any one clear all rounds??


9th Jun 2016, 08:11
What is the difference between net height and gross height ? And why do we use net height ? Can anyone answer ?

20th Jun 2016, 13:16
Did anyone take the test recently? would appreciate help with the questions and pattern.
Anyone getting ready to take the test in June?

26th Jun 2016, 06:49
Hey guys! Does anyone know what kind of lettr or documents is jet airways give after selection to candidates so one can apply for a loan? I heard they are not giving anything in written which says that you will be entitled to this much salary after the training or something like that.


28th Jun 2016, 10:50
any idea about what reference no is going on now... Mine is 280***

28th Jun 2016, 13:29
They haven't called anyone who applied via email on the first day the ad was out :ugh:

2nd Jul 2016, 05:23
Anyone attending jet interview this week..

3rd Jul 2016, 05:37
Next batch is on 9th....people applied on 26th April received mails for 16th.....Ref no around:3766**
this is second hand info...feel free to update

26th Jul 2016, 11:37
yes people hve received calls for 6th aug....:ok:

9th Aug 2016, 07:28
Hi guys mails are out for Sept 21st ??

5th Jan 2017, 04:07
Anyone recently given the exam can please update on what all was there in compass test and how was the cpl theory and psychometric?

shooting stars
15th Feb 2017, 11:55
The page seems to be dead.

BTW Any news on 2014 candidates who were not called for 2016 TFO induction?
Will they be called anytime?

24th Apr 2017, 07:33
No not been called as yet. they seem to have a back log as well.

17th May 2017, 16:27
No not been called as yet. they seem to have a back log as well.
Any one who got selected after February 2017 interview rececived an email from jet saying the recruitment has been delayed?

22nd May 2017, 04:37
any inputs on the recruitment guys? whats the status on the 2014 batch that failed comprehensive or interviews, did anyone get a call back? I think its quite unfair that we were not given a chance in the 2016 recruitment. any updated will be appreciated.

25th May 2017, 19:23
any inputs on the recruitment guys? whats the status on the 2014 batch that failed comprehensive or interviews, did anyone get a call back? I think its quite unfair that we were not given a chance in the 2016 recruitment. any updated will be appreciated.

Hi, have you cleared all rounds in 2014 ?

7th Jun 2017, 07:37
I:sad: have got my uncle who has placed a few as pilot and his son himself is from the captain seat of Jet Air.
Do I still need to do some other course than BSc aviation so as to be secure when my uncle is willing to help me become a pilot?
I am good at studies but not at all handsome (sounds dumb, right?). Do I go ahead?

29th Jun 2017, 15:08
hi guys any news about tfo 2017 induction those who have cleared the interview on feb 2017,will appreciate any information....thanks

2nd Mar 2018, 06:55
What are your reviews on their cadet program ?

4th Mar 2018, 00:30
What are your reviews on their cadet program ?

If you like wasting 4 times the money and don't feel that you're smart enough to compete with others once you get your licence then it's good.

If you're actually smart then no it's not worth it.

4th Mar 2018, 06:08
If you like wasting 4 times the money and don't feel that you're smart enough to compete with others once you get your licence then it's good.

If you're actually smart then no it's not worth it.
But I've seen all my friends sitting at home for 1-5 years after getting CPL.

4th Mar 2018, 06:51
If you like wasting 4 times the money and don't feel that you're smart enough to compete with others once you get your licence then it's good.

If you're actually smart then no it's not worth it.

Plus Indigo has almost stopped hiring Rated pilots for A320 and Jet will also stop for 737 when they will start receiving trained cadets.

4th Mar 2018, 14:06
But I've seen all my friends sitting at home for 1-5 years after getting CPL.

See the original point, then they aren't smart. Everyone I've seen who is actually knowledgeable and didn't just memorize items to pass tests have been hired within the first 6 months at spicejet, indigo, air asia, and vistara.

The one's who have been waiting more than a year are usually the less than average ones and they're the one's always complaining that there aren't enough openings.

4th Mar 2018, 14:46
See guys, @Bored_Aviator and @hitansh; I can hopefully clarify your doubts regarding this topic.

I have been researching for almost 2 years on the same question. Let me start by giving you 3 suggestions.

1) Nothing is guaranteed in the aviation industry.

2) Flying is an expensive profession.

3) Money spent on education isn't money wasted (atleast in the usual situations).

Long answer short, I've learned, "The cadet pilot programs are the easiest way to become a pilot in India"

1) Yes, they set you back around 90-95 lakhs whereas a traditional CPL+ MEIR + Type Rating + miscellaneous would cost you around 70 lakhs. But you will have to, after your training sit and compete with 1000's aspiring pilots like yourself for the vacancy of only a few 100's of positions (optimistically)

2) Airlines monitor the flight training institute and your flight training during cadet pilot programs so that you meet their standards and have a constant filtering process to only allow the best pilots to reach them. In a cadet pilot program averagely around 200-300 candidates apply for a batch of 20-25 cadets. I mean to say it is smarter to compete with 200-300 ab-initio pilots than 1000’s of CPL holders

3) Flying needs to be recent, Type rating needs to be current etc. (which obviously cost more money) are some of the risks to be remembered before opting for that path. Whereas the LOI (Letter of Intent) states that if you clear all your exams you will be full-time employed with your airline as a First Officer which is quite fair.

4) It is smarter to get paid for 6 months rather than be unemployed (with the stress of repaying your training costs). I feel so.

So if you can afford to, I would without any doubt suggest you to opt for a Cadet Pilot Program

P.S It is ethically wrong to refer to unemployed pilots as stupid.

6th Mar 2018, 07:12
See the original point, then they aren't smart. Everyone I've seen who is actually knowledgeable and didn't just memorize items to pass tests have been hired within the first 6 months at spicejet, indigo, air asia, and vistara.

The one's who have been waiting more than a year are usually the less than average ones and they're the one's always complaining that there aren't enough openings.

I beg to differ, they all were equally good.

6th Mar 2018, 07:16
See guys, @Bored_Aviator and @hitansh; I can hopefully clarify your doubts regarding this topic.

I have been researching for almost 2 years on the same question. Let me start by giving you 3 suggestions.

1) Nothing is guaranteed in the aviation industry.

2) Flying is an expensive profession.

3) Money spent on education isn't money wasted (atleast in the usual situations).

Long answer short, I've learned, "The cadet pilot programs are the easiest way to become a pilot in India"

1) Yes, they set you back around 90-95 lakhs whereas a traditional CPL+ MEIR + Type Rating + miscellaneous would cost you around 70 lakhs. But you will have to, after your training sit and compete with 1000's aspiring pilots like yourself for the vacancy of only a few 100's of positions (optimistically)

2) Airlines monitor the flight training institute and your flight training during cadet pilot programs so that you meet their standards and have a constant filtering process to only allow the best pilots to reach them. In a cadet pilot program averagely around 200-300 candidates apply for a batch of 20-25 cadets. I mean to say it is smarter to compete with 200-300 ab-initio pilots than 1000’s of CPL holders

3) Flying needs to be recent, Type rating needs to be current etc. (which obviously cost more money) are some of the risks to be remembered before opting for that path. Whereas the LOI (Letter of Intent) states that if you clear all your exams you will be full-time employed with your airline as a First Officer which is quite fair.

4) It is smarter to get paid for 6 months rather than be unemployed (with the stress of repaying your training costs). I feel so.

So if you can afford to, I would without any doubt suggest you to opt for a Cadet Pilot Program

P.S It is ethically wrong to refer to unemployed pilots as stupid.

He is a bored aviator, so he is just time passing...

6th Mar 2018, 07:18
If you like wasting 4 times the money and don't feel that you're smart enough to compete with others once you get your licence then it's good.

If you're actually smart then no it's not worth it.

It is around 1.5 times the money for traditional path.