View Full Version : YouTube & GMAIL are giving me the cranky pants

25th Dec 2010, 08:46
I cannot sign on......I spent 45 mins, and then Mrs Fliegs spent an hour......I cannot sign on, it is the most amazingly frustrating thing ever, I mean hand me a Rubiks cube to calm my nerves I am seriously f*&king losing it over f%$king computers....even more so than cars!!!!

Has you tube and gmail been hijacked by a Xmas cyber terrorist??? He / She / They are causing a hell of a lot more angst for me than another alledgedy branded cyber terrorist.........:{:*

Actually I just created a new account and signed in (successfull), and then signed out and tried to sign in again exactly the same, I wrote it down in front of me here, no sorry your user name OR password are wrong (Which one you f*&king great bastard arse computer), and what if i typed in that obscure thingy wrong the one that may say Whjr78pty, but you're not sure because its all wavy and funny like..............:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::u gh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh

25th Dec 2010, 09:15
I have just signed out of my Gmail account and back in again without any problem. Probably not what you wanted to hear but that how it is!

25th Dec 2010, 09:56
I'm assuming that your computer is behaving well in all other aspects of its operation.

Are these the only two "sign on" accounts you have in cyberspace?

If there are others, are they OK?

Check for caps lock <on> (very easy to hit this by mistake when using the LH shift key if you have big paws like mine).

Ditto for Num Lock if you are using this for the numerals in your user name or password.

Some remote sites will lock you out for x minutes if a certain number of failed log-on attempts is exceeded. Have a beer - or several. Things may become more clear with a few minutes away from the wretched device.

Persist. I very much doubt that problem is at the remote computer. :suspect:

Loose rivets
25th Dec 2010, 15:49
That cheered me up.:} I got a replacement phone from the Tee Mob, have to say, it was on my doorstep a matter of hours after berating them about my . . . no, mustn't cuss on Christmas day. But it's a Motorola Cliq XT. It has driven me beyond my normal level of abnormality. They sent the bare essentials, and the hardware changeover went reasonably well, considering the sim housing and SD card mount were designed by monkeys. I'll take that back, monkeys would have made a better job of it.

Anyway, the problems started when it had booted up. 1.5 mins on a good day.

I was sure I was entering the correct data, but it said no. I pressed Forgot Password and checked my e's. Yep, there it is. Two boxes. Enter password and new password. Oh my!:ugh: Madness. I went through the whole thing again. Just the same. I kept uncharacteristically calm. I called 'er indoors.

I run the procedure again. 'What's wrong with that?' Says She. 'Enter NEW password.' and 'Enter NEW password.' just to confirm.

It had been there all the time, I'd just assumed it had offered a change password procedure. My assumption circuits made me see what I expected to see.

Egg on face...but nothing new there.

Happy Christmas. ;)

26th Dec 2010, 02:07
Glad it cheered you up LR., similarly, bought Jnr Fliegs a fancy E series Nokia phone for Xmas, does all sorts of stuff apparently, (I just use my phone to make calls on), anyway. it has a unique USB cable, that is not included in box...and the people at the shop didn't tell Mrs Fliegs that when she was there buying it...at least it gave Jnr Fliegs the opportunity to brave the boxing day sales crowds looking for a correct USB cable........bastards, technology can be such a pain in the ar$3.......and in case you were wondering I gave up on signing in again, wondered off and found a nice rum instead, and sipped it listening to the soft patter of relentless rain on the roof as we remain in the clutches of a rain depression..........

26th Dec 2010, 09:01
I reckon posts 1 & 5 indicate that fmong did NOT have a particularly good Christmas:)

To add to the misery, YT and G working normally here. Key Scrambler by chance?