View Full Version : PTC PR gone too far?

29th Nov 2010, 17:06
How far will the PTC PR machine go?
This made me cringe when i saw it on tv.
That guidance counsellor is possibly the worst on the planet if he is advising people to train at the moment. He fails to mention that all the new aircraft will be going to Asia, fails to mention any kind of employment stats from the school, fails to mention how many of the schools graduates are unemployed and fails to mention how many experienced pilots are unemployed.
This is muck, do TV3 do any research at all before they air this?
And PTC are sinking too new lows.:yuk:

See for yourselves:
TV3 - Video - Ireland AM, X Factor hair (http://www.tv3.ie/videos.php?video=29834&locID=1.65.74&page=1)

30th Nov 2010, 10:57
Complain to the Local equilivant of the ASA here in UK

Myself and another here did the same for a gash advert in Loop and we won. They were forced to recall the ad and never use it again.

Do the same in the country where you saw the ad, and get it removed. There is a thead on this same board about what we did in may entitled Ad in Loop may edidtion or something like that.

It was surprisingly easy to complain, and they could not back anything up.


30th Nov 2010, 12:08
Shame on that guidance councillor, I would imagine he is just some second rate school guidance councillor who knows nothing about aviation and didnt bother to take the time to do any research about the real job conditions and the success rate of PTC students in finding a job. Just spouting off whatever bull**** he was fed by PTC....really should take more time to study the facts when he is prepared to go on national tv to encourage people to spend upwards of 80 grand in a second rate flying school.

30th Nov 2010, 12:18
haha that jackass said he wants to be a long haul training captain in 10 years... what a tit

30th Nov 2010, 13:40
god they had charisma!

Torque Tonight
30th Nov 2010, 14:31
Does that lad remind anyone else of Father Dougal?
"So you're going to be a long haul training Captain?"
"Yes, Ted..."

Agaricus bisporus
30th Nov 2010, 14:58
I'd be more inclined to complain at the offensively intrusive "advertising" cack that precedes the clip, and which prevented me from watching it. :ugh:

30th Nov 2010, 15:35
It would be funny if it wasn't so bloody serious.

30th Nov 2010, 15:36
The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland :: Welcome (http://www.asai.ie/) is the Irish advertising standards agency.

10 years a long haul captain? I think they're bonded for 7 so likely he'll still be at FlyBe. :cool:

30th Nov 2010, 15:51
Come on Irish pilots we did it in Britain, you need to stop this marketing Pish.

To be honest with the program being on the web and also the British report it will be extremely easy to complain about this one.

2nd Dec 2010, 16:18
So have any of the Irish Brotherhood stood up to this drivel?

You dont have to be a working pilot, I am a student and the ASA upheld my complaint against them.

2nd Dec 2010, 16:54
'there is a cost factor involved...but...when you see somebody like chris come out the end...'

...who's earning 25 grand when he starts rising to the heady heights of, what, just shy of 40 grand in Flybe, while paying back a good few hundred quid of loan per month?

Cretin. This is a very dangerous piece of television.

3rd Dec 2010, 06:41
ASA - ASA Adjudication on The Pilot Training College (http://www.asa.org.uk/Complaints-and-ASA-action/Adjudications/2010/10/The-Pilot-Training-College/TF_ADJ_49147.aspx)

They've been reported before.

3rd Dec 2010, 07:31
Yes and the people who reported them are on this thread.

And its quite telling that even though they have been ruled to have breached 3.1 (Substantiation) and 7.1 (Truthfulness) before they still continue to spout the same ****e.

And the ruling only covers them in the UK for that particular advert.

3rd Dec 2010, 11:23
You may not have a leg to stand on.

Is the guidance councillor employed by PTC? If not, PTC will be able to say that they are not responsible for what he said and it was a television interview, not an advert for PTC.

Similarly with the silly student. PTC can say that he was spouting off on his own.

Unless PTC actually paid for this interview to go out it is not "advertising" - it is just the personal opinions of two delusional people.

3rd Dec 2010, 11:28
Will someone in Ireland please complain to the ASA as Madjock and myself did here in the UK!!

It is all done via email, you dont have to go and see anyone, or be interviewed. All very easy and simple to do.

No point complaining about it and not complaining to the right people, otherwise they will continue to sell sh*ite to dulluded youngsters.

Again please can someone in Ireland complain to ASA.

Nearly There
4th Dec 2010, 09:35
Its fair enough having a pop at PTC, but the young lad dripping in gold has been sold a dream and bought into it, bit unfair having a go at him on here. Experience and exposure to the real aviaition world will open his eyes soon enough....and in 5 years time he will look back at his 15 mins and squirm, but wil also have 5 years of flying behind him.

4th Dec 2010, 12:46
Just a career changer here looking at flight training options in US and Europe.. stumbled on to this post/ thread...Just a couple of things..half a million pilots needed according to Boeing over next twenty years ?? Is this projection actually one Boeing made recently?.

5th Dec 2010, 13:49
LOL bless. Not the young guys fault really, but just one question did he say all this in his FLYBE interview and do they know someone they are part sponsoring is intending to leave them, join a long haul operation and be in it long enough to become a Capt. and get involved in their training department?? All within ten years???


6th Dec 2010, 01:25
Thats an interesting point Todders, hope he has his place assured in writing at flybe already. Nigel there has according to nearly every flight school on the plant been an imminent pilot shortage since at least 1970.

6th Dec 2010, 16:44
ASA does work.

They do have power over the internet. The Ad that was in loop was disguised as an interview, and it was ruled as drivel.

They h ave been stung here in UK and maybe that has worked, we need one of the Irish crew to do the same in Eire and ping off a complaint.

It took me all of 10 mins work to fill out the forms, all online, didnt even need to buy a stamp or speak to anyone on the phone.


6th Dec 2010, 17:51
BBC News - Demand for pilots is 'set to soar' as plane travel grows (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11328092)
Sorry Paidworker, just came accross this news link... is this airline projection above not to be trusted?, this is where the career guidance guy prob got his stat from and I cant see any business rationale for inflating this figure?, BBC tend to be quite a reliable news source...

6th Dec 2010, 20:31
Forgot to say, for those of you that are willing to stand up make sure you inform ASA Eire of the Uk complaint they lost. Will help the cause and maybe incur a stiffer punishment.

7th Dec 2010, 00:10
UAV689, hey, is PPS (NINO equivalent) enough? :-D I'd do it. Is living in the UK a problem? Had a look at the vid, total pish-take.

Yeah, noticed those epaulets. :ugh: Only dirty, lowly sport or helicopter pilots may think of having Nomex (or similar) overalls or at least cotton long sleeve.

7th Dec 2010, 00:51
Oh my... Can you imagine spending ten hours a day in a cockpit with this guy?!

Come on paddy, crack a smile!!

p.s. Did anybody notice how openly he bloats of his ambitions of becoming a training captain with a long haul carrier? Wonder if any of the FlyBE guys and gals who recruited him will watch this!

7th Dec 2010, 16:07
I don't know why people have to have a go at this poor chap!

So what if he's wearing a uniform with three epaulets etc - the bottom line is he's got a job and he hasn't paid for a type rating like others have probably done on this forum!

Ok maybe he shouldn't have mentioned about his career aspirations, but hey Flybe can't be that disillusioned in thinking their airline is nothing but a stepping stone to bigger and better things!

I think some people on here have the touch of the green eyed monster !

7th Dec 2010, 23:16
he hasn't got a job until he gets signed off on the line. And even then he maybe on probation.

And he will be paying for it every penny or cent depending on your bank account.

Dr Jones I am a line training Captain who payed 35K UKP total for all my training and never payed for a type rating. I really don't have a green eyed thing going on.

The ****e he is talking about is in planet zanussi.

He reminds me of a couple of fuds from OAt that I had the missfortune to have to operate with. Zero clue about what the job is and unfortunmately locked into a debt curve they can't get out of.

8th Dec 2010, 08:51
Madjock, do you mean - Oxford Aviation Training?
Any recommendations other than these FTO's, What about FTE, CTC or maybe one closer to you which you have direct experience from??
Would you advise, just not training at all at the current time?

Emirates plans to recruit 700 new pilots by end-2011 - UAE - ArabianBusiness.com (http://www.arabianbusiness.com/emirates-plans-recruit-700-new-pilots-by-end-2011-272142.html)
Seems to be opportunities in the Far East and Middle East if willing to travel?
As for the personal attacks on the grad, :=..seem harsh!
A conditional offer of employment is as a good as a job in this climate and thats accross all industries!...As for the cost, I spent 5 years in UNI and it probably cost in the region of 40k, I came out with a primary degree which was dime a dozen at a time, didnt guarantee me a job! This you will find is a commonplace thing in the UK...

8th Dec 2010, 13:13
Nigel32. The difference between a student loan and a loan for intergrated fATPL training is that the student loan will only be paid back when you are earning x amount of money, it will come out of your wages just like tax and NI does, and if you leave the country you dont have to pay it back! You also certaintly dont need to secure your student loans by putting down yours/your parents house as collateral. :=

9th Dec 2010, 15:47
PPrune does have its uses but somtimes these threads get seriously out of hand, if all the people/pilots on this thread are so unhappy and bitter in their carreers do something differrent

I have been flying for ten years and like any job it has its good days and bad probably more bad than good!, give that young chap a break we all had dreams and asspirations when we started out, let him find out for himself without listening to the comments of such people

@Madjock if you are a training captin, u have a serious chip on your shoulder, i would'nt like to be a graduate in your care

9th Dec 2010, 16:21
Don't worry mate I doudt very much if you would even consider yourself worthy of flying the auld ****e heaps I pole around the sky :D. Anyway you have been flying longer than me :D.

And yep I do have a chip on my shoulder about flying schools shafting unsuspecting young kids into putting there total family assets on the line.

Do I have a chip on my shoulder about flying and training, nope. Still instruct at a ppl level which is why also I can see the fundemental flaws in the training that some of these highly expensive courses produce.

For gods sake some don't even know what a trimmer does, they think it something to do with maitaining altitude.

10th Dec 2010, 17:51
Mad_jock - I echo your sentiment in regards to your previous post - the point I was making was I think it's a little unfair people having a pop at this guy (the former student) when the title of the thread is "PTC PR gone too far?".

17th Dec 2010, 10:41
:) I know this guy!
He graduated from PTC about the same time I did!

go around flaps15
17th Dec 2010, 11:55
This is absolutely disgraceful. An 85 billion bailout for the country. The next two generations have been shackled with this debt. And this Lamboon is advising people to put forward in excess of 85 thousand euros towards something that might never come off. How many unemployed airmen are out there at the moment.? A lot.

The skills acquired are perishable. He never mentions that if guys dont get jobs, renewals must be completed at MORE cost.
How many guys have actually gone to Flybe from PTC?
How many guys have actually gone to Qatar from PTC?
How many guys have gone to FR? Quite a few but that was sod all to do with PTC.
That was down individuals applying themselves and SSTR.

This is just a new low from this marketing machine.:ugh:

18th Dec 2010, 18:49
Hope your all complaining to asa.

Will never stop otherwise.

clear prop!!!
18th Dec 2010, 21:41
Just forget all this Advertising Standards stuff.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the ASA, ...in any shape or form.

This was nothing more than a piece of journalistic misinformed nonsense on a light news day, fed by PTC's PR department and,... it worked for them!

There is nothing whatsoever which comes under the remit of the ASA, so don't bother with the letters.

If you feel compelled to write to someone write to the broadcaster, but I can't imagine that they are going to admit to appalling research!

That said, I agree, this is a shocking piece of dangerous journalism.

19th Dec 2010, 03:29
I don't see what the problem is ... it's just the nature of advertising.

You never see a car ad that says "This car won't make you more attractive to the opposite sex", do you?

Or, "Most likely you won't be driving this car along an open ocean road with the top down in the sunset".

19th Dec 2010, 17:34
The complaint they lost previously was an ad disguised as a interview, no reason why this one would not lose as well.

clear prop!!!
19th Dec 2010, 21:55
The best the ASA can do is stop an adverting campaign continuing to run on conventional advertising media.

This is NOT an advertising campaign so, even if the ASA were to get involved...(and they will not), in what way could PTC 'lose'???

The only culpable parties here are the broadcasters for publishing false information.

Just face it ...the PTC publicity machine works...caveat emptor.

9th Feb 2011, 13:37
Is the guidance councillor employed by PTC? If not, PTC will be able to say that they are not responsible for what he said and it was a television interview, not an advert for PTC.

Similarly with the silly student. PTC can say that he was spouting off on his own.

Unless PTC actually paid for this interview to go out it is not "advertising" - it is just the personal opinions of two delusional people.

Chris Gallagher, the pilot interviewed, works for PTC as UK Sales Advisor.
