View Full Version : Age and the Malaysian PPL

3rd Nov 2010, 03:30
As a "mature" flier, I'm checking on the age limit/requirements for a Malaysian PPL holder.

It seems that limits may have changed recently since different documents e.g. from the DCA website, have different numbers. The 60 year limit has gone (replaced by 65?) but the medical requirements are not clear. The most recent document I can find puts a 6 month limit on medical certificates (BOTH Class I/II) after reaching 60. Yet ad hoc comments inform me that 12 month Class II certificates are still possible.

Can anyone shed some light on this please? I can see the need for extra caution with a Class I, but Class II ??


(reposted from S.E. Asia Forum)

3rd Nov 2010, 21:06
Why would there be an age limit for private pilots? If you can pass a Class 2 medical surely that is all that is required. The reference to 60 and 65 surely applies to piots engaged in Commercial Air Transport, not Private Pilots.

Sultan Ismail
4th Nov 2010, 06:11
The Malaysian CAR stipulates an age limit of 60 years, that's a fact. However they don't call it Bolehland for nothing.

Several years after I had passed that magic figure I was visited by the D-G DCA in Putrajaya and advised they could not renew my licence as I had passed the magic age. Nothing was said about the previous renewals. I offered to present a paper to the DCA proposing the separation of PPL and ATPL licences on age discrimination. The D-G was pleased to accept my offer and so a few days later I presented a paper based on UK CAA and South African DCA regulations.

The outcome was an email 2 months later stating the Minister of Transport had accepted my deposition and PPL licences could now be renewed subject to medical fitness without reference to age.

My Class II medical is valid for 12 months. Ten years ago I was only given a 6 month validity but after pointing out to the AME the validity of my South African medical he agreed that the correct interpretaion of Class II over 40 years is 12 months.

I am now in the 8th decade and going strong however at the last medical the AME stated that I may have to hang up my headset at 75. Well I better get those papers out again.

Good luck with your application.

4th Nov 2010, 09:23

Thank you for the detailed description (and your efforts on behalf of the local G.A. community). I've P.M.'d you with a follow up question.

Good luck with the continued access to the skies !
