View Full Version : Bizjet into Kathmandu

31st Oct 2010, 11:00
Has anyone flown a small Bizjet into Kathmandu. Cant find any details on the approaches and special requirements.

Citation CJ3, Lear 45 class of aircraft.

31st Oct 2010, 11:43
Not a problem for bus jets as they do go in there but it is a cat C airport.

31st Oct 2010, 16:26
CAE DXB do a good sim session on the G5 G550.

If able do a sim session, and then be signed off for the airport.


31st Oct 2010, 16:43
Note that the sim session is required, but does not have to be done on type. We went into Kathmandu in a G5, but prior to that did our sim-ride in an Airbus sim in Switzerland.

3rd Nov 2010, 07:21
This is a link to an older Jeppesen VOR DME Rwy 02 approach plate but I have seen a newer Jepp version in colour:
Picture Frame (http://honeymooney.com/world/logbook/images/10-Kath_Approach.htm)

I have only flown this approach in a sim but the descent profile is not unlike throwing oneself off a cliff. The advice is to complete all landing checks before commencing descent from NOPEN.

BTW, on the newer plate, DHARKE 1C RWY 02 DEP (limit 5 DME) is preferred over DHARKE 1D RWY 02 DEP due to more demanding terrain avoidance requirements (at or above 7500') to the NW of the airport.

Hope this helps.

3rd Nov 2010, 18:10
In order to issue the landing permit, the local authority requires a proof of training. At least in AOC case.

14th Nov 2010, 06:19
We were asked to drop in there on a private op a year or so ago. Approval for operation would not be given without proof of sim training...