View Full Version : Hrs extension

8th Feb 2001, 23:52
Could somebody tell me what is the allowable hours extension period for a public cat single engine A/C. I know it used to be 10% (so +5 hours on a 50 Hr check) but I believe this may have changed.


[This message has been edited by Tiny (edited 09 February 2001).]

Southern Cross
9th Feb 2001, 14:36
I believe that the extension is up to 5 hours ie 10% but there may also be a time limit which, for the old 62 day check regime was, I think, 5 days. Not sure if this also applies to 50 hour checks. You would need to check that. Sorry I cannot be more precise, but your engineer should know this inside out. The extension needs to be authorised by the engineer in any event.

A and C
9th Feb 2001, 22:16
Under CAA/LAMS/FW/1999 issue 1 it is now a 50HR/ 6 month check for private and public transport aircraft.
If the aircraft only flys 1 hour and the 6 months is up it must have the 50HR/6M check i know some people are forgetting this and flying the aircraft to the next annual with out a check , this INVALIDATES THE C of A and should some thing go wrong you can be sure the insurance will not pay out.

To answer the question the 50HR/6M check can be extended by a licenced engineer for 5 hours FROM THE TIME at which the extention was made (so if the aircraft had flown 48 hours the extention runs to 53 hours) or ONE month which ever is the most limiting.

10th Feb 2001, 18:53
Thanks to you both, that answers my question.