View Full Version : Aircraft wreckage removal

8th Feb 2001, 08:21
If a light aircraft was to crash into an area of outstanding natural beauty or a national park for example, who would be responsible for removing the wreckage and making good damage to the ground.
If the airforce do it do they claim costs from the pilots insurance?

8th Feb 2001, 08:56
In OZ the owner.

Shaggy Sheep Driver
8th Feb 2001, 16:37
It's the owner's responsibility, though it may well be covered under the insurance claim. In UK at least, you can't leave wreckage anywhere - you have to remove it. A friend of mine in a C150 years ago got caught in lee-wave sink downwind of Kinder Scout in the Peak District at night. He and the student inpacted the hill, and both got out OK. He was told in no uncertain terms that he couldn't leave any bits of wreckage on the hill.

Doesn't seem to apply to the military - at least not in the past - judging by the many old aircraft remains on UK hills.


8th Feb 2001, 20:52
It has to be removed. If the a/c is a write-off it belongs to the insurance company. If not, then the cost is covered by the emergency expenses extension (usually 10%) on the hull value.

That's OK Boo-Boo

11th Feb 2001, 23:49

Flew a lot as a helicopter crew in Scotland and can tell you I have seen a few aircraft wrecks that have not been shifted.

Notably one guy who was flying to Glasgow in a C152 and must have somehow entered cloud and crashed into the paps of Jura in Isle of Jura, such a tragic accident as these 2 hills are 3300ft agl and hills which are near that height are probably about 20nm in all directions but to this day their is bits of wreckage still at the top and down the side of the hill, but there are more up here.

monkey boy
12th Feb 2001, 01:57
hills 3300 ft agl. shurely shome mishtake