View Full Version : Merbel Altiport

19th Apr 2001, 22:17
Anyone got any info on operating into Meribel (French Alps)? Many thanks.

19th Apr 2001, 22:41
Meribel is 400 metres long and slopes up 89 feet from one end to the other at gradients ranging from 4% to 11%.

Access to the field is restricted to holders of a current DGAC "Brevet Montagne" or those signed off by an approved instructor. The signoff becomes invalid after 6 months.

Is this the sort of thing you wanted?


19th Apr 2001, 23:05
Is Meribel used as a ski slope in the winter ?!!

19th Apr 2001, 23:30
Take a look at


for a reasonable (summer) picture


20th Apr 2001, 02:00
Many thanks for all the info. Could be fun.

20th Apr 2001, 11:17
No, Meribel Altiport continues throughout the winter. The aircraft put their skis on!

Hersham Boy
20th Apr 2001, 13:04
Take a look in last month's Flyer mag - there is a description by someone getting the rating required to fly in and out of Altiports (specifically, Meribel).

On a less relavent note, I ski frequently in Meribel and this is one scary looking strip, but the scenery is 2nd to none!

20th Apr 2001, 14:01
Was this the altiport featured on the BBC's Airshow programme, with someone landing a twin there? If so, can you get a Seneca in there?


172 driver
20th Apr 2001, 15:52
EricTheRed -

No, the altiport shown by the BBC was Courchevel. I'm not aware of any reason why a Seneca shouldn't fit in there.

20th Apr 2001, 16:17
You can certainly land a lightly loaded Baron 58 in there... and great fun it is too :)

A Seneca should not pose too many problems if handled with a little care.


20th Apr 2001, 16:27

There's a great picture of Courchevel at


Looks absolutely bl**dy mad....

21st Apr 2001, 02:56
Evo7 and 2Donkeys, thanks for the pics! Everyone else, thanks for the info!

This place looks fantastic - gotta go, gotta go! I seriously need to try it.

Think I'll call them up for more info!


Red Spitfire Driver
25th Apr 2001, 02:02
Tug - posted more info on the 'Biz jets & GA' Site for U.

Cheers :)