View Full Version : Copy of Logbook....is it ok?

Rusty Cessna
16th Apr 2001, 19:56
Just a quick question,

I had recently acquired a lovely new logbook with a nice leather cover which I intend to keep very clean and tidy. My reason for getting it was because now I am soon to apply for my PPL my previous logbook is rather taty and tipex ridden. What I want to know is will the CAA accept my logbook, and not think that I have been telling porkies about the hours in it. All Stalls are signed for and everything else that needs to be is.


Puffin Killer
16th Apr 2001, 21:18

For your information when I sent my logbook in with my licence application it was more tipex than logbook on some pages mainly due to me not adding hours correctly.

I don’t know what the official line is from the CAA but my application was processed OK. I would assume that if concerned the CAA would contact your flying school and check it out with them.


16th Apr 2001, 21:37
Isn't the CFI supposed to rubber stamp the book and sign off "All entries correct" before it is sent away?
Also I always thought that the instructor as the Pilot in Command had to sign each PuT entry or is that "old hat" these days?

Don't forget to photocopy each page as it is completed and keep it in a safe place.
I don't carry mine with me but have a mini-log in my knee board which I transfer all nice and neatly without tippex in "filling in" sessions.


Genghis the Engineer
16th Apr 2001, 22:05
Copy it all into the new book, with a note in the margin saying where it's copied from.

Then send both logbooks.


16th Apr 2001, 22:10
It is your Log Book, do as you wish with it, you can keep it in a Woolworths exercise book if you wish. Provided the entries comply with ANO Art 28 then it is acceptable.

The log needs to be certified as correct for a course. There never has been any requirement for an instructor to sign for PU/T. An examiner will normally sign for a Test and must do if you claim P1S.