View Full Version : Operating on the N Reg

12th Apr 2001, 23:59
I have tried to find some sensible info on this but get contradictory responses. Can anyone tell me; I am looking to aquire a factory built a/c, currently operating in Europe on the N reg, experimental catagory. Is it possible to operate this in the UK on a UK PPL or do I need an US ticket? Can I ferry it into the UK thro European airspace on a UK PPL. Are there any other major issues I need to consider. I would propose to leave in on the N Reg using a trust, rather than get a G number if poss, but if it does go on the G reg, presumably it will need an American export Cof A rather than one from its current country of residence.

Lots of Q's I know, but any info greatly apprecaiated.

13th Apr 2001, 20:28
You can fly an ‘N’ reg. using your CAA licence as long as you fly day VFR in UK airspace only! You are NOT aloud to ferry it into the UK without a FAA licence.
You need to register the a/c to a FAA approved trust (min 350 p.a), a radio licence for the a/c and one for yourself ($50). You are correct to say that if you want to put it on the ‘G’ reg you need an export CoA (~£800?). Survey the a/c and make sure that all AD’s are complied with, some can be very expansive! If you put it on the ‘G’ reg you probably want to use the PFA, so why not give them a call and ask the questions about the transition? Than you can make a better decision, a PFA route might be cheaper than ‘N’ reg.
Good luck

14th Apr 2001, 17:48

Thanks for the info, I think I'll get the vendor to deliver it here with an export Cof A.