View Full Version : Spring/summer fly-ins

21st Jan 2001, 16:24
There are a couple of longer distance fly-ins planned for later in the year.

The first is to Ireland culminating in Galway on 1 April. So far the plans for this are a bit sketchy but as and when they develop they will be posted at
where you will also find a link to join a mailing list devoted to this fly-in.

The second is to Burgundy departing on 22 June. There are already 20 adults and 4 children registered for what promises to be a memorable weekend. We haven't got around to working out if there are any spare seats yet but if you check the URL mentioned above
I will advertise any that are offered.


[This message has been edited by Cahlibahn (edited 21 January 2001).]

21st Jan 2001, 16:40
Have you checked if Bourn hosts a Fly In? You might find out that all went there.
You can’t be too careful!