View Full Version : Autogyro fuel requirments

10th Apr 2001, 17:51
Anyone know the minimum fuel requirments for autogyros. Reason is I watched one crash in the circuit at the weekend returning from a cross country. Pilot tryed to shift the blame on bad comms and not being cleared to land straight in. (It was a unlicenced private strip)He did 2 short circuits and run out of fuel on base leg on the 3rd.

Squawk 8888
15th Apr 2001, 23:27
Bad comms is right! If he doesn't realize that no "clearance" is required at an uncontrolled field he has no business being anywhere but on the ground or in the back seat. Even if there was a tower, has nobody taught him the meaning of the RT phrases "minimum fuel" and "low fuel" and how ATC responds to same?

Nuke the rainforest- it's more efficient than logging.

16th Apr 2001, 01:52
Also found out this weekend the guy has got about 1000 hrs in them and training for his
CPL (H). I can see the headlines now.

Norfolk and airspeed
16th Apr 2001, 14:28
If I was that low on motion-lotion, I wouldn't bother saying "minimum fuel" or "low fuel".

I'd be saying "PAN PAN PAN" or "Mayday mayday mayday".

[This message has been edited by Norfolk and airspeed (edited 16 April 2001).]