View Full Version : Redhill Warning

New Bloke
9th Apr 2001, 00:03
I have (for the first time ever) cross posted this. I feel it needs the widest audience of South East Aviators

I was going to post this only in the Private Pilots section but please read on, if the idiots that tried to do this to a private A/C move four miles south, the consequences could be disastrous.

I was approaching Redhill from the east today and the aircraft in front of me was abeam Edenbridge when he advised Redhill tower he had been fired upon by a red flare. Redhill asked him to repeat what he had told them, (he obviously also couldn’t believe his ears). That is right, someone on the ground near Edenbridge fired what sounds like a very pistol or Maroon at a light Aircraft.

What is this world coming to?

Beware, the world is full of pratts.

9th Apr 2001, 00:18
I too am shocked at this action and feel that this should be publicised nationally without fail.

Also if you would like me to escort you with some underwing "stores" I would be more than happy to oblige,


Tricky Woo
9th Apr 2001, 12:37
What on earth is going on?

There are various reports of prattish imitations of ATC; more reports of lasers being idiotically aimed at aircraft; and now we have flares coming at us.


Aussie Andy
9th Apr 2001, 14:25
You can't legislate against Ar$eh*les I'm afraid...

9th Apr 2001, 16:37
These nutters deserve to be found, and a flare shot at their 'undercarriage' !!

Hersham Boy
9th Apr 2001, 18:08
I fly out of Redhill and find this sort of thing a tad worrying. I would certainly hope that either the pilot or Redhill tower informed the police? (OK - I'm realistic about the potential response, but it seems like the sensible thing to do).

Also, should any other local flyers or PPrune readers know the owners of the two horses - that wrecked my day's flying on Saturday by wandering round on the airfield causing it to close - please ask them to keep them tied-up better and their fences in good repair!

"Hersham Boys, Hersham Boys - lace-up boots and corduroys"

10th Apr 2001, 16:29
I saw a red flare, fired near Frimley Green (Surrey) as I picked my boy up from football.

There are the Ash Firing ranges nearby - Not sure if they we from there tho, but what are they used for - Weather, Warning of range activity. I thought it bizarre as the Farnboro Circuit passes directly overhead Frimley!


24th Apr 2001, 03:13
Re what are flares fired on ranges for. Soldiers who may have to use flares have to be trained to use them and must also do refresher training. This training often takes place on ranges or military training grounds.

Mr moto
27th Apr 2001, 00:18
Thought this topic was going to be about the ATCO's at Redhill.
They used to be the biggest hazard.
Are they any better now?