View Full Version : Some questions on the road to becoming a pilot...

12th Oct 2010, 05:53
I've been interested in becoming a pilot for a long time now...and I don't really know where to start off. So I have some questions to ask.

-Since genetics didn't pass down and I don't have 20/20 vision, clearly I can't apply for the Canadian Air Force. So would enrolling in the Royal Military College of Canada still be a good choice?

-How hard is it to get accepted from Embry-Riddle university?

-Also, to get a CPL, I believe that you need a certain amount of flight time. If I lack the required hours, what are some ways/jobs of building hours with a PPL?

-What are the requirements for ATPL?

-I plan on earning a diploma from a recognized university, then attend a flight school - most likely Professional Flight Centre (ProIFR) to earn my PPL, CPL, and ATPL. After so, I'll try to get "real" jobs as a pilot, (maybe regional at first, then move on to major airlines.) Does this sound like an "OK" plan for my future, or is there anything else I should know about?

Thanks very much in advance.

12th Oct 2010, 06:44
Your military questions would be better asked of a recruiter. I doubt that many people outside Canada are familiar with current rules and needs.

Certainly a university degree is a good thing to have, especially when you find yourself unable to find work flying. You might be able to get your PPL while in school, and build up hours as you are able. A CPL and instructor rating might help that.

Start reading up on the Canadian flight regulations. That will help you with your PPL endeavor as well as answer your questions about various requirements.

15th Oct 2010, 08:59
The back pages of any flying magazine normally hold umpteen adverts for schools and traing. Ditto the internet. Ring a few and get initial info from them, remem bering they're in business and selling their services. Once you've got a rough handle on which way you want to go, PPL or zero to ATPL via a recognised and approved school, then get an appropiate medical. If you can't pass that hurdle, then all else is unfortunately wasted. Good luck.

15th Oct 2010, 09:21
Thanks guys for the tips. I'm currently considering between flight schools. I've heard both Pacific Flying Club and Pro IFR are superb. Your opinions on these schools?